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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The best multiplayer FPS ever?
The best multiplayer FPS ever?
2008-03-12, 3:26 PM #41
Perfect Dark owns Goldeneye so hard it hurts.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-12, 3:32 PM #42
Quake 2 got me into FPS games.

Half-Life is a great singleplayer experience, and while I did originally buy and play it for its multiplayer (I thought trip mines were the bestest), HL's multiplayer by itself isn't particularly unique. It's mods, particularly TFC, are an exception.

007 and Perfect Dark were my favorite console FPS games.

Of course, Jedi Knight climbs on top, mostly because I clump its mod community with the game itself, unlike HL's TFC and the like. Also, I really like saber fights.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-03-12, 3:36 PM #43
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Because they're Nancy boys that hate new things. There might be a few minor tweaks, but the same gameplay is intact.

No. I like CS:S better, but CS 1.6 requires a LOT more skill at the medium level (approx the same at Cal IM+ because most of that isn't skill, it's just good teamwork) and CS:S is very different. Grenades, box sizes, the fact that you can actually awp mid in CS:S with ease on both sides (yeah B was ****ing popular for planting in 1.6...a couple people with an awp could ruin a CT team's day if they tried going b), bunnyhopping is VERY different (not insanely impossible), also the physics in Source causes some interesting, but overall detrimental glitches that can give people huge advantages (ever seen someone jump off of a thrown grenade?)

Overall CS:S does require less skill, but it's a hell of a lot more fun.
2008-03-12, 3:41 PM #44
Not voting :colbert:
2008-03-12, 3:47 PM #45
I played CS:S quite a bit and came to the conclusion that the Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games are far superior.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-12, 3:55 PM #46
The perfect dark games should not be combined in this way. The original perfect dark is more accurately grouped with Goldeneye. Perfect dark is essentially the exact same game except with slightly better graphics and gameplay tweaked to perfection. Remember, goldeneye is the game that invented the control scheme all shooters on the console use today. The new perfect dark is just a big pile of ****. It does not belong on this poll.
2008-03-12, 4:16 PM #47
I didn't like Perfect Dark as much as Goldeneye.

It felt too bloated - primary fire and secondary fire, customizing characters, hard to see character models, sims/bots, all sorts of things. The colors used in the levels made it awkard to see what was going on. The screen was too "busy" with all the colors and HUD elements.

I thought that Goldeneye was a much cleaner, easier MP.
2008-03-12, 4:28 PM #48
I'll try to explain why I prefer the 1.6 mechanics. Let's say you have two players - an expert, and an average player. As a result of far more practice/gaming, the expert makes next to no mistakes when he plays. The average players makes numerous mistake - significantly more than the expert. In 1.6, the expert has a large advantage because the game engine is not forgiving of these mistakes. The smaller hitboxes cause the average player to miss more often, whereas if the game was CS:S, he may have made the shots due to having a larger target. However, when the expert plays CS:S, he makes almost the same amount of mistakes; while the expert is making the same amount of mistakes, the average player is making less. The playing field is more level.

1.6 allows a very large gap between the beginner and the expert player. It's absolutely personal opinion as to whether this is a good thing or not. Obviously I think it is. Most 1.6 fanatics agree. I feel that this doesn't really need to be debated - both opinions are respectable and have plenty of benefits. It's up to the person which type of game they like IMO.

That's some seriously broken logic. If the hitboxes are larger, it only makes sense that experts would have an easier time landing headshots just as a newbie would.
2008-03-12, 5:17 PM #49
The point is, the expert doesn't miss either way. The beginner hits only in the "easier" version of the game.
2008-03-12, 6:00 PM #50
Also, in CS:S the hitboxes kind of "drag", so shooting where someone WAS can net in a kill. Depending on the latency. In 1.6 latency is almost never an issue unless you're going overseas (most servers I go into I get 10-15 ping).
2008-03-12, 6:16 PM #51
Yoshi, that's in there on purpose. It's supposed to be for bullet delay or something, but it doesn't scale properly with distance. Valve failed hardcore on that one. It's not lag since it happens with bots.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-12, 6:21 PM #52
I'll say Wake Island on BF1942.
2008-03-12, 6:28 PM #53
One of the greatest things to do in CS:S is be alone on one team and have the other team filled with bots only armed with knives. It's alot harder than it sounds and you get swamped easily.
2008-03-12, 6:45 PM #54
Originally posted by Tracer:
I'll say Wake Island on BF1942.

I'll see your wake and raise you 64 man Omaha.
2008-03-12, 6:48 PM #55
Originally posted by Emon:
Yoshi, that's in there on purpose. It's supposed to be for bullet delay or something, but it doesn't scale properly with distance. Valve failed hardcore on that one. It's not lag since it happens with bots.

Actually it IS--there's a command to see the "real time" position but it's outlawed in a lot of servers/CAL/CPL, pretty much any league actually. cl_interpolate 1 is "lag" on, cl_interpolate 0 is "lag" off. But it's useless to anyone who wants to REALLY get good at CS, just like playing with ****ed rates is useless unless you're just messing around. And that's the reason bots shoot for "lag".
2008-03-12, 7:00 PM #56
I meant the hitboxes on bots are delayed.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-03-12, 8:19 PM #57
Originally posted by Emon:
I meant the hitboxes on bots are delayed.

I've never experienced this phenomenon, but I don't play with bots. But try playing with interpolate set to 0 sometime--you'll notice you can't hit **** at first.
2008-03-12, 10:42 PM #58
JK and MotS will always be my favorite...

I enjoy Perfect Dark and Goldeneye a lot, but lack of jump and N64 controllers make it lose points in my book :(
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2008-03-13, 1:47 AM #59
hehe, NF sabz in JK was all about "degenerate strategy"
2008-03-13, 3:45 AM #60
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Also, in CS:S the hitboxes kind of "drag", so shooting where someone WAS can net in a kill. Depending on the latency. In 1.6 latency is almost never an issue unless you're going overseas (most servers I go into I get 10-15 ping).

You mean the bug that Valve fixed 6 months after it was released?

And I laugh at the "experts don't miss". Total crap. Even the best CAL players on the planet miss sometimes.
2008-03-13, 4:33 AM #61
UT hands-down.
2008-03-13, 4:49 AM #62
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
You mean the bug that Valve fixed 6 months after it was released?

And I laugh at the "experts don't miss". Total crap. Even the best CAL players on the planet miss sometimes.

Um, watch some Team 3D videos. No, they really don't. And no, it wasn't a bug, and it hasn't been fixed yet. There was another issue with dragging hitboxes that was fixed though yes.
2008-03-13, 4:51 AM #63
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Um, watch some Team 3D videos. No, they really don't. And no, it wasn't a bug, and it hasn't been fixed yet. There was another issue with dragging hitboxes that was fixed though yes.


If they never miss then no one would ever lose.


And yes, the issue you were describing was fixed.
2008-03-13, 5:55 AM #64
You could never miss and always lose by just not firing a single shot.
Sorry for the lousy German
2008-03-13, 6:08 AM #65
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I'd imagine you're writing a poll right now, and if it doesn't have Timesplitters you've already failed.

This. Or Perfect Dark. I'm talking in terms of playing with other people in the same room, not online.
2008-03-13, 6:19 AM #66
Originally posted by Cool Matty:

If they never miss then no one would ever lose.


And yes, the issue you were describing was fixed.

No, actually, it mostly comes down to teamwork in the end. After a certain level, all the players have mastered the fragging aspect of the game.
2008-03-13, 6:30 AM #67
Originally posted by Anovis:
This. Or Perfect Dark. I'm talking in terms of playing with other people in the same room, not online.

You should, multiplayer with your mates in the same room is far superior to online crap.

2008-03-13, 7:44 AM #68
Originally posted by ragna:
hehe, NF sabz in JK was all about "degenerate strategy"

Haha, especially in the early days with dial up, secondary swing, step forward, step backward, let opponent walk into your swing 1.3 seconds later... WINNARZ
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-03-13, 7:58 AM #69
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
You mean the bug that Valve fixed 6 months after it was released?

And I laugh at the "experts don't miss". Total crap. Even the best CAL players on the planet miss sometimes.

I laugh at the experts part.

What a bunch of ****ing tools. People like this ruin video games.
2008-03-13, 8:07 AM #70
I don't see why anyone would want to be called an 'expert videogame player'... Unless you're a professional tester or someone else in the biz, then saying that makes you a huge failure in life.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-03-13, 8:22 AM #71
How are you to judge?
2008-03-13, 8:56 AM #72
Originally posted by Impi:
You could never miss and always lose by just not firing a single shot.

If both teams do not miss, then wouldn't it be based upon reaction time?
2008-03-13, 9:05 AM #73
Originally posted by Steven:
Goldeneye:007 (N64) [/SIZE]

Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2008-03-13, 10:10 AM #74
Originally posted by ragna:
hehe, NF sabz in JK was all about "degenerate strategy"

So true.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-13, 11:19 AM #75
I sometimes hear that compared to modern games Goldeneye has little going for it. I tried playing it again with a couple of friends on a big screen some time ago, and not only did I feel a rush of nostalgia, after I got comfortable with the crudeness of the visuals (which I remembered to be prettier) it was also still immensely fun. They just did something right with that game.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-03-13, 12:09 PM #76
You also have to consider that the good players turn down down all visual effects, simplify geometry as much as the game config will allow and intentionally use low res textures and simple sprites. It's amazing how much better you play when you see what the game really comes down to.

You don't usually know that the good players turn the settings down because they turn them back on before converting their recorded demos into videos.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2008-03-13, 12:17 PM #77
^^^ Truth.

Goldeneye is almost hard to play at first now. The controls are crude and unresponsive, but once you get reaquainted(sp?) with it, its good 90's fun all over again.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-03-13, 12:52 PM #78
1.2 Solitaire was the best control style.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-03-13, 2:18 PM #79
Goldeneye and PD64 go without saying. I had a strange addictive affinity for The World Is Not Enough on the N64 though (the only Bond FPS "sequel" to Goldeneye, since Tomorrow Never Dies was in that weird 3rd person mode).

On the computer, Quake 3 was what got me fascinated in shooters because I had never played a Multiplayer game that wasn't split-screen before and it was the coolest thing ever that I could have my own computer and run around on my own screen and shoot people.

Most fun / hours logged would be UT, JK (though not even as a FPS anymore but just ****ing around w/ mods and doing Chaos Eternal Coop Missions), AA, ET.
2008-03-13, 2:21 PM #80
I'm going to amend my vote. I still argue that Goldeneye is the best FPS ever, though Unreal Tournament is the best PC shooter ever. I wasted a lot of time playing "Facing Worlds" when I was in high school.

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