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ForumsDiscussion Forum → General Political thread
General Political thread
2008-03-31, 6:58 PM #161
Why is that every last white, middle class Christian neoconservative always says **** like "I don't see color" or "race doesn't matter" and then affirm their opinion by spouting nonsense like "the black man can't get ahead because America is racist."

How demeaning. What was the justification for segregation? The black people were ignorant savages? What was the justification for disallowing them suffrage? Because they couldn't think for themselves?

And, hey! - when being a darkie just isn't enough, accuse them of being a filthy hajji too! That'll get the good ol' racism machine (which Wookie is definitely not a part of!) rolling.

You see, they can't solve their problems, but it's not their fault, it's America's fault for being racist! That makes it okay, right?
2008-03-31, 7:02 PM #162
Originally posted by Recusant:
WTF? It's possible to be a conservative on here without getting flamed. Jon`C is generally well respected here, backs up his arguments and self-identifies as a conservative.

He says he is a conservative but he is a Massassi insider and resident bully so of course he would be well respected here.

Originally posted by JediKirby:
Yeah, I'm failing to see how your point doesn't make sense the other way around, Avenger. Every single person that "bashes" wookie, at one point, gave him a chance to prove he's not drooling. He's only reinforced the notion that he is incapable of comprehending basic grade level arguments, and will, time and time again, retort with talking points he learned on Fox or Ann's new book. The identification with a racist alone should be enough for you to see why we don't back-slap and jostle around. He's a frightening person when it comes to politics; and it's not because he's a "conservative." It's because he's a soap-boxing ideologist that can vote.

People like you can't stop criticizing Fox News even though it is a mainstream news channel that gives fair coverages to both major political parties. I guess they can't really be fair and balanced since Keith Olbermann says so. To think of it, most of the people here that seem to have the biggest problems with me seem to spout rhetoric that sounds so similar to his. But you're all so smart.

You know, people here have such a limited memory. Before I was a Massassi regular, which was brought about due to the death of TACC, I was well known as a polite, thoughtful poster. I was routinely attacked by someone who became a friend of sorts simply for being conservative (Lord o'the Jedi). We were banned for a time due to the vicious flame wars and Ryan conceded to me that I wasn't banned for ever breaking any site rules but that the entire situation made for a bad environment. That was when I started posting at Massassi since many of the regulars posted on both sites. Our ban was lifted before my first deployment to Iraq.

When I first started posting regularly on this site I was polite and thoughtful. Simply holding conservative beliefs often made me a target of ignorant posts so since then, I devolved to a more of an Ann Coulter style of posting. Of course now that means I am an idiot.

Kirby, you probably don't remember but it seems to me you posted a bit at TACC in that annoying 3rd person style. Seems to me that you were attacked by some for it. You probably don't remember me telling people to leave you alone.

I'm one of the older regular members here, both literally and in terms of length of membership. Seems understandable that one might tire of lengthy debates on an obscure forum that doesn't accomplish anyting. I'm work long hours every day and have a two year old son that requires my attention more than a lengthy online discussion. I've travelled to parts of the world that some have only heard of. I've felt the pride of success and the bitterness of failure. The joys of raising children and the hardship of losing a parent.

What I have always found odd is how people online can make callous statements with no regard for people's feelings. You don't have to like your fellow forum members but, damn, everybody deserves to be treated with respect as a person. The golden rule, I wish more people knew it. But this place is what it is so forgive me if I don't care to post in a more "intelligent" manner.

It's just not that important.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-03-31, 7:02 PM #163
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
This. I was really talking about the state of the society, but I forgot to mention the intellectual forces behind the revolution as well.

I didn't even see your post above mine. You said it in much fewer words, but I figured people would need a clear explanation of ACTUAL foundations of liberty and our country, and how "our foundation" shouldn't be synonymous with "the way."
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-31, 7:04 PM #164
Originally posted by Wookie06:
He says he is a conservative but he is a Massassi insider and resident bully so of course he would be well respected here.

Hey, here's an idea:

Look back through my posting history, find all of the threads where I bash someone.

What do you think of the person I am bashing? Do you think they're mildly retarded? HEY! You're one of those people! Congrats.

p.s.: Vote Harper
2008-03-31, 7:21 PM #165
Originally posted by Wookie06:
People like you can't stop criticizing Fox News even though it is a mainstream news channel that gives fair coverages to both major political parties. I guess they can't really be fair and balanced since Keith Olbermann says so.

Actually Rupert Murdoch fell in love with the style of the British tabloid and brought the format to all of the news companies he owned. Fox News isn't fair or balanced: they spin stories to have the most polarizing effects on their viewers because people who feel personally connected to a story will be more likely to watch it. They're only "conservative" (for as little as the term means) because their market analysts have determined that people like you are an easily-accessible market.

Not that it matters. Only a true moron would think that any news corporation would be unbiased. Almost all American "news" companies think the pinnacle of television is to throw two suited monkeys in front of a camera, have them say the same thing but have the guy wearing the correct colored tie drool less.
2008-03-31, 7:23 PM #166
As I said.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
It's just not that important.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-03-31, 11:46 PM #167
No, I remember actually liking you a lot. I'm willing to bet we'd get along in person, and in real time. I even think we could figure out a few of our differences and agree to disagree. I might call you a drooling idiot, but I'm only talking about you as a politico. That said: I'm not going to let your age, your veteran status, your life experiences, your kids, or your lack of time justify ignorance, unsupported opinions, and borderline racism. I simply won't ignore any of that. While I might find more tactical ways to support my opinions, I've become disenchanted with your lack of true political discourse on an equal footing. You cast stones from an ivory tower made of glass houses. If you're going to make big claims, you'd better be able to back them up and defend them. Ignoring disagreements with your argument is elitism. You've basically assumed unshakable truth without justifying any of it. For the same reason I don't accept an ideological God that expects blind devotion in exchange for invisible gifts, I do not buy into your entitlement to unending political knowledge that you keep hidden behind the curtains, Mr. Oz.

If you are so enlightened, but you don't have time to take questions, you might as well know nothing. You should probably not post.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-31, 11:54 PM #168
Also: I apologize if I have personally offended you or disrespected you. I will try to stop using weak language to be frank. (Internet etc (for Rob))
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2008-04-03, 7:35 AM #169
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-04-03, 10:17 AM #170
Originally posted by JediKirby:
You cast stones from an ivory tower made of glass houses

mind = blown. :)
2008-04-03, 11:40 AM #171
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Why is that every last white, middle class Christian neoconservative always says **** like "I don't see color" or "race doesn't matter" and then affirm their opinion by spouting nonsense like "the black man can't get ahead because America is racist."

Actually I think liberals say that, in the US anyway. White, middle class Christian neoconservatives say it is because they've been coddled by anti-hate-crime and affirmative action legislation and become shiftless and good fer nuthin

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