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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Enterprise intro is the best of any Star Trek
The Enterprise intro is the best of any Star Trek
2008-03-24, 10:58 PM #41
Originally posted by Emon:
The best Star Trek episodes have nothing to do with science fiction and are all about the human condition.

That's actually what I'd say about all science fiction. or all literature in general.

And the DS9 intro is clearly the best. Although Voyager's isn't too bad, either. Of course, it's not a fair comparison to make, because if I were to allow Patrick Stewart to count as part of the TNG intro, there'd be no competition.

basically I'm a big star trek loser. :awesomelon:
2008-03-25, 12:27 AM #42
I've never seen this 'Enterprise' show.. I like the beginning intro but I think the music is a poor selection
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-03-25, 12:52 AM #43
Originally posted by JediKirby:
And I don't buy the clean space ship

Watch some DS9. Everything's grungy and things are always breaking down.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-03-25, 1:36 AM #44
Voyager was amusing and didn't take itself so seriously like the rest of them.
Which is why it's my favorite.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-25, 2:40 AM #45
Originally posted by Emon:
It was probably easier to hang the model that way. :P

It's actually up-side-down on a table. I remember seeing that on Reading Rainbow as a little kid. But don't take my word for it...
Attachment: 18900/readingrainbow_lavar.jpg (46,401 bytes)
omnia mea mecum porto
2008-03-25, 5:30 AM #46
and trasnporters are glitter in water tubes!
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-03-25, 6:35 AM #47
Enterprise sank because Berman fumbled the first two seasons really really badly.

For the first two years they dropped Star Trek from the title. They wanted to prove they were doing something different and new and wanted to appeal to all of the viewers who thought that Star Trek was for dorks. They lost brand recognition, they lost casual viewers, and they alienated existing fans.

For the first two years, as I mentioned, they wanted to do something different and new. They didn't. It was the same show, only with more fan service and even less internal consistency. They wanted to make the ship all low-tech and keep technology from becoming a deus ex machina, so in order to accomplish this goal Berman decided to give his new crew more primitive things like "teleportation pads" and "phase pistols" and "photonic torpedoes" and "energized hull plating" and "particle force fields" that are all completely different from the silly and dorky technobabble science crap that made the other series bad!

For the first two years, the series revolved around a "temporal cold war" that nobody cared about. None of the writers could figure out how to give their primary antagonists things like objectives and motivations and even deliberately left the actual identity of the opponent unclear in some attempt to mask the massive plot holes with having a time shifting enemy not just sending more agents back in time an extra 5 minutes earlier with an inexplicably huge amount of viewer apathy.

I liked season 3, but they took it so far in the opposite direction that the only thing identifying it as a Star Trek series is the fact that they re-adopted the Star Trek title.

Season 4 was good, but it was also the reason the series finally failed because they switched over to a 2-3 episode arc model and many of the episodes were pre-empted or aired out of order.

All-in-all the series wasn't too bad - especially once Berman ceded creative control - but the damage was done really early on.

Rick Berman, by the way, was responsible for TNG's downswing (especially those dreadful Worf-centric episodes), personally hated DS9 (some say it's because he didn't create it, others say it's because the series was actually good and entertaining TV burns him like holy water does), thought Voyager was the pinnacle of television, and has more recently resigned from his creative control of Star Trek which is really executive speak for being fired. He and Braga almost killed the series and I'm really glad they're gone, but the new Star Trek movie is going to have to be a damn good reboot to make up for what they've done.
2008-03-25, 6:45 AM #48
Originally posted by Roach:
It's actually up-side-down on a table. I remember seeing that on Reading Rainbow as a little kid. But don't take my word for it...

yea, upside down on a table and they just flip the image. and the camera is on a track, ship models stay still
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-03-25, 8:03 AM #49
Do you really want an Inspirational (bordering on Christian) soft rock ballad as intro music for a Star Trek series?
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2008-03-25, 8:07 AM #50
no all sci fi needs an intro with chanting and galloping drumbeats
2008-03-25, 8:11 AM #51
Originally posted by West Wind:
Do you really want an Inspirational (bordering on Christian) soft rock ballad as intro music for a Star Trek series?

The newer intro was more upbeat. The ballad for seasons 1 and 2 simply blew.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2008-03-25, 8:24 AM #52
Originally posted by Deadman:
Voyager was amusing and didn't take itself so seriously like the rest of them.
Which is why it's my favorite.

So true.
2008-03-25, 10:24 AM #53
Enterprise would have been better had they not tried to make the only starfleet ship a roaming police ship...

Xindi thing was a blatant Death Star rip off...

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