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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I kind of want to move to Mexico
I kind of want to move to Mexico
2008-03-28, 1:51 PM #41
yeah this is some messed up stuff. while i personally do not like most emo kids, this was way out of line. you know, if someone really provokes it, then by all means the two of you go at it and then deal with the consequences. but this beating up emo kids simply because of the way they dress (and im sure the whole 'poor me' aspect does not help) is basically like beating someone for the color of their skin. (granted you can change your clothes... skin is a bit more tricky.)
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-03-28, 1:53 PM #42
Deep down inside these emos are very happy.

Because they now have something to blog and whine about for the next 12 years. They likes the attention.
2008-03-28, 2:09 PM #43
You know what rob, you're right!!!

Just dont go to mexico, you might get your *** beat since you wear socks on your arms and have an emo tattoo!!1!!

Seriously though, shut up. Your act is getting dumb (to which you will respond, "but mb this isnt an act! i really mean it!")
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-03-28, 2:17 PM #44
You whining about my supposed act is getting dumb.
2008-03-28, 2:19 PM #45
Oh man, got me there.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-03-28, 2:20 PM #46
2008-03-28, 2:21 PM #47
I wonder how fast you would get beaten up in Mexico if you wore a SUIT made of MONEY.

2008-03-28, 2:47 PM #48
Probably just as fast as anywhere else.
2008-03-28, 2:47 PM #49
*whacks rob with giant spoon*
2008-03-28, 2:59 PM #50
I wouldn't get beaten up in Mexico, because I'd never go there.
2008-03-28, 3:36 PM #51
The only reason someone would go to Mexico is because their government won't let them go to Cuba.
2008-03-28, 6:39 PM #52
Jon`C, like it or not, there is a parallel between emo-hating and racism.
It's called prejudice, hating someone because they are different to you.
And sure, you can argue that being racist is on a different level, which it is, but it's a slippery slope.
Some kid sitting in the corner being all depressed and wearing crappy make-up isn't hurting society. But when that kid is being beaten up because he's emo that's a sign of society gone wrong.

And by the way, I'm not a bleeding heart, I can just see the very obvious problems with this kind of prejudicism. So sit back and declare this argument 'retarded' all you like, it's only making yourself look stupid.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-28, 6:45 PM #53
Everyone has prejudice.
2008-03-28, 8:35 PM #54
Originally posted by Deadman:
So sit back and declare this argument 'retarded' all you like, it's only making yourself look stupid.

No it's not. You just don't get it. And if you're going to drop a slippery slope fallacy up in this piece you've got the slope pointed in the wrong bloody direction.

Allow me to illustrate: Let's say there were a subculture that revolved around buying puppies and torturing them to death. They aren't hurting society - in fact, by purchasing puppies they're actually helping the economy. What you are suggesting is that, if I objected to the conscious decision to be a member of this subculture, I am committing an act of prejudice just as though I were racist or sexist or any other sort of bigot.

This is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. What's next? Furry becoming a gender? God forbid that we would want to use our supposedly-functional brains to do something rash like cast a moral judgement, risking the slight chance that it might hurt some precious unique little butterfly's fragile feelings.

Goth is not a race, black makeup is not gay sex, lousy music is not a religion and apples are not goddamn oranges.
2008-03-28, 8:39 PM #55
People can't tell when I'm joking on the internet ever.

But really, I don't like anyone that maintains they have problems when they really don't. Or they're incredibly trivial. That's really irritating to me when someone has to be like that for the attention they so crave.

Not everyone can be special. Or the center of attention. If everyone was special, no one would be special. If everyone was the center of attention no one would pay attention.
2008-03-28, 8:41 PM #56
Originally posted by Echoman:
I wonder how fast you would get beaten up in Mexico if you wore a SUIT made of MONEY.


This is probably my new favorite post, regardless of context.
2008-03-28, 8:46 PM #57
It's more like jocks beating up nerds.

I'm having flashbacks. :psyduck: :(
2008-03-28, 8:53 PM #58
Whats fun is im about the nerdiest person i know and i have never been beaten up, infact being nerdy seems to be cool now.

However i have seen my share of emo beatings, sad thing.
2008-03-28, 8:55 PM #59
I think you're a cool guy.
2008-03-28, 9:08 PM #60
Jon`C, I love how you made the dumbest argument I ever heard then followed it up with "that's the dumbest argument I've ever heard"
Comparing depressed teens to puppy-drowners? please. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-28, 9:12 PM #61
Most of these kids aren't even really depressed. (anecdotal evidence)

It's just the cool thing to do.
2008-03-28, 9:14 PM #62
Originally posted by Deadman:
Jon`C, like it or not, there is a parallel between emo-hating and racism.
It's called prejudice, hating someone because they are different to you.
And sure, you can argue that being racist is on a different level, which it is, but it's a slippery slope.
Some kid sitting in the corner being all depressed and wearing crappy make-up isn't hurting society. But when that kid is being beaten up because he's emo that's a sign of society gone wrong.

And by the way, I'm not a bleeding heart, I can just see the very obvious problems with this kind of prejudicism. So sit back and declare this argument 'retarded' all you like, it's only making yourself look stupid.

To be fair, it's pretty stupid to say that the reason he hates emos is that they're different from him. It's obvious that he despises them for their attitude and warped perspective on life. That is not at all the same as hating someone because they are different.
2008-03-28, 9:16 PM #63
Originally posted by Deadman:
Comparing depressed teens to puppy-drowners? please. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.

This coming from the guy who equates selectively identifying with an obnoxious social sub-culture to something that actually exists like race and sexual orientation? No, you do not get to judge my intelligence.
2008-03-28, 9:21 PM #64
Jon`C, that's not what I'm doing, at all, which is exactly why I get to judge your intelligence, as it is severely lacking.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-28, 9:24 PM #65
Which is a pretentious way of saying, "NO, ur wrong because ur stupid!!"
2008-03-28, 9:26 PM #66
Read Obikwiet's post, Deadman.

Also: This all really falls on Hispanic macho-ism, in my opinion.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-03-28, 9:26 PM #67
Indeed, Obi.
Pissed Off?
2008-03-28, 9:27 PM #68
I'm not sure if you're accusing me of that, or Jon`C... but either way you're probably right.
This has devolved from a discussion to a very stupid argument.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-28, 9:27 PM #69
Uh oh guys, I just realized something.

By arguing against Deadman - which, by extension, is arguing against Deadman's chosen lifestyle of being a bleeding heart everybody is special ninny - I am being a racist. I am being racist against Deadman's bleeding heart ninnyness.

After all, it was Deadman's choice to be a bleeding heart ninny. Technically to call him a bleeding heart ninny it wouldn't be prejudice to make fun of him for it since he did consciously choose to adhere to that set of social norms - to become the stereotype, therefore making the stereotypical prejudice an actual aspect of his personality, but we shouldn't do it because it would be the same thing as racism for some strange and poorly articulated reason.
2008-03-28, 9:28 PM #70
Deadman just got owned.
Pissed Off?
2008-03-28, 9:30 PM #71
Wow Jon`C, a bleeding heart ninny... ouch.
I'm not gonna join in this thread anymore, but just point you to Obi's post.
Perhaps next time you could try actually seeing things from a different point of view instead of immediately jumping into insults? (seriously, from your very first response on it was nothing but that).
You have no idea what my point of view is, despite me trying to calmly tell you so. And now you have sucked me into a childish pseudo-intellectual flame war, well I'm done with it.
Call this a victory if you like, your kind always does
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-03-28, 9:34 PM #72
It's so ironic it hurts.
Pissed Off?
2008-03-28, 9:37 PM #73
Originally posted by Deadman:
I'm not gonna join in this thread anymore, but just point you to Obi's post.


If I said that "Black people like to shoot sideways and ride spinnahz in their tricked out escalades" I would be racist and prejudiced because the only uniform aspect about being a black person is being black.

If I said that "Goths listen to stupid, awful music, their subculture is based on whiny attention whoring, and all of the makeup and building a myspace angle into their haircut makes them all look like girls. They make me sick" I would not be prejudiced because this is the very definition of being a goth.

Furthermore, these people were not being singled out for being emo. At best it was the excuse the gangs used. The girl in the UK got beaten to death because she walked through chavland after dark, which is basically a death sentence for anybody who can afford actual metal adornments rather than gold-spraypainted plastic. And Mexican street thugs will beat up just about anybody, especially someone from the upper-middle class who can afford to buy crappy CDs and talk about their pain.

So basically no matter what way you cut it this argument is stupid and pointless. It's not the same damn thing. The beatings didn't happen for the same damn reason in this case or in any other. Their identities are artificial rather than an intrinsic aspect of their person like in the case of race and gender. Jesus Christ.
2008-03-29, 3:15 AM #74
Originally posted by Deadman:
I'm not gonna join in this thread anymore, but just point you to Obi's post.

this sounds suspiciously like a gold boy post...

seriously though. while beating emo kids in large numbers is not racist. you could argue that is is prejudice, possibly even bigoted. if your beating one emo in particular who you personally know is a douche bag, then that is one thing. however if your beating anyone who identifies themselves with a certain 'subculture' your pushing an ideal onto all of them that probably only really applies to a handful of them (except maybe in the case of emo kids, because well, they really are lame...) and committing violent acts based on your preconceived notion that, 'they identify themselves with "X" therefore they are all like this.'

that just doesn't sit well with me.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-03-29, 9:36 AM #75
I think Jon'C is getting too caught up in semantics. No, this isn't racism, or any other sort of prejudice serious enough to warrant its own label, but it is still prejudice. Unlike race, gender, or sexual orientation, dressing emo does give some indication of what a person might be like. If someone wants to use that to make a decision without knowing the person as to whether or not they would want to listen to music with them or even talk to them, that's fine. That's what it's for. But when any significant portion of society feels something as trivial as the music you listen to or the way you dress justifies acts of violence, there is something seriously wrong with society.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-03-29, 9:47 AM #76
This thread sucks, so
Attachment: 18948/jepharbl.jpg (68,144 bytes)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2008-03-29, 9:48 AM #77
do you choose to be a pedo?

post a thread about your house burnign down.

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