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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Old Toys
Old Toys
2008-04-02, 8:12 AM #1
I came across an old Creepy Crawlers commercial on youtube that spawned a series of memories about toys from my childhood.. post images of some of your favorite childhood playthings!




Mmmm, the days of Pogs are surely missed.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-04-02, 8:25 AM #2
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-04-02, 8:32 AM #3
The Jurassic Park Compound, along with our extensive dinosaur collection....

"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-04-02, 8:37 AM #4
Originally posted by KOP_AoEJedi:

The only good thing to come out of that series; huge-assed robots that make even bigger robots.

Also, I had pogs. Was in southern CA at the time, everyone had pogs.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2008-04-02, 8:38 AM #5
Lego, Micro Machines, and Matchbox cars were my favourites.

Also Voltron. I had to share with by brother to form Voltron, but boy was it worth it.
Attachment: 18980/Lego pirate ship.JPG (48,561 bytes)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2008-04-02, 8:51 AM #6
Oh man yeah Hot Wheels and Micro Machines, forgot about those!
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-04-02, 9:25 AM #7
My mate Tom had Voltron. Good, but it wasn't OPTIMUS PRIME.

That and I have buttloads of Lego, Transformers and so much Starcom.
Attachment: 18981/Starcomupdate09232006004.jpg (32,684 bytes)
2008-04-02, 9:27 AM #8
Attachment: 18982/technodrome.jpg (58,178 bytes)
Attachment: 18983/pizzathrower.jpg (46,238 bytes)
2008-04-02, 9:29 AM #9
Originally posted by KOP_AoEJedi:
I came across an old Creepy Crawlers commercial on youtube that spawned a series of memories about toys from my childhood.. post images of some of your favorite childhood playthings!




Mmmm, the days of Pogs are surely missed.

All of the above + Star Wars Action Figures (which are now all but melted or destroyed, and passed down to my sister.)
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2008-04-02, 9:35 AM #10
call me soulless, but i don't really get anything out of childhood nostalgia threads
2008-04-02, 9:37 AM #11
Originally posted by Spork:
(pic of Black Seas Barracuda)

I always wanted this set, but I never did actually get it.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-04-02, 9:57 AM #12
Mighty Max, Lego, Lego Technik, Transformers, Micro machines.

Mighty Max was ace. I still think the Magus model was one of the most amazingly compact, innovative toys I ever saw: One giant scary lava/rock action figure thing that opened out into several vehicles, machines, spring-loaded launchers, more smaller monster figures and mighty max himself with a couple of side-kicks. I used to play with it all day.
2008-04-02, 10:08 AM #13
this thread brings back good old memories
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-04-02, 10:18 AM #14
Originally posted by Aglar:

DITTO. And...
Attachment: 18985/SewerPlaysetMIB1b.jpg (79,091 bytes)
2008-04-02, 10:34 AM #15
LEGO. The old, really good ones.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-04-02, 10:36 AM #16
Originally posted by Gilgamesh85:
DITTO. And...

Yes! I had the van pictured on the box there, too.
2008-04-02, 11:14 AM #17
Man I was a HUGE fan of Transformers: Beast Wars.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-04-02, 11:37 AM #18
I got rid of most of my toys a while ago... I still have a few things though....
Attachment: 18986/pokemon.jpg (56,890 bytes)
2008-04-02, 12:35 PM #19
Oh man... I grew out of toys right around the pokemon card era. I had some of the first ones (actually I think that book I had of the original 150 cards is still buried in the closet at my moms house). I think I had 148 of all 150. Meh...
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-04-02, 12:46 PM #20
I had all those TNMT sets. The giant sphere. The sewers. I remember the mat used to come off the bed. :psyduck:
2008-04-02, 1:44 PM #21
Oh, the fun to be had with the Turtles pizza throwing machine. It always jammed up after a few shots, though.
Besides this and the sewers I also had a parachute, that was nice. It was an art, folding it correctly.
Sorry for the lousy German
2008-04-02, 2:01 PM #22
My favorite toys growing up were always legos and erector sets. I still wish I had a huge erector set, I'd make so much cool stuff.
2008-04-02, 2:09 PM #23
I was a 90's child.
Interesting back story, when we got this game (I was 6) i was in special reading classes simply because i didn't give an *** about reading. A year after getting this game i had read 6 Star Wars novels. The game got me interested in books, Star Wars, Computers, Video Games, Modding, and basicly made me the nerd i am today.

2008-04-02, 2:10 PM #24
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
I was a 90's child.
Interesting back story, when we got this game (I was 6) i was in special reading classes simply because i didn't give an *** about reading. A year after getting this game i had read 6 Star Wars novels. The game got me interested in books, Star Wars, Computers, Video Games, Modding, and basicly made me the nerd i am today.

Inspiring to say the least.
2008-04-02, 2:10 PM #25
If pc games are part of your childhood memories I feel sorry for you.

Wait, no I don't.

2008-04-02, 2:16 PM #26
Pc games are part of mine...ignoring some of the old dos games we had on 5" floppy disks (actually floppy. FUN.) I remember later we had a Pentium 1 which I would play Nascar Racing and Jetfighter II on all the time. Good times!
2008-04-02, 2:26 PM #27
Originally posted by Aglar:

YES! I had both of those. The pizza thrower was awesome because, well, it's a pizza thrower. The Technodrome enjoyed a lot of time with non-turtles toys, from Star Wars to dinosaurs.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2008-04-02, 2:28 PM #28
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I always wanted this set, but I never did actually get it.

It's awesome! I've still got it, the plan is to hand it on to my kids. The best part are the spring-loaded cannons, they fire little leggo bricks a surprisingly long way :ninja:
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2008-04-02, 2:31 PM #29
Anyone else remember MANTA FORCE?


I loved that toy.
2008-04-02, 2:42 PM #30
Pizza launcher wins!
2008-04-02, 2:43 PM #31
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
i was in special reading classes simply because i didn't give an *** about reading.

Uhhh huh, sure.
2008-04-02, 2:59 PM #32
All the above TMNT toys + the Blimp.

GI Joe was the toy of choice otherwise.
I have rubbermaid bins full of the figures, the Headquarters, The Marauder Chopper, A Jet (that had like a joystick grip underneath that made rocket sounds!), A Jeep that was practically indestructible (it went down the stairs on a regular basis), a tank that seated like 10 figures and shot the big nerf missiles...

Oh and Lego.
2008-04-02, 3:02 PM #33
I hads load of Manta Force stuff.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2008-04-02, 3:04 PM #34
I collected pokemon cards when it first came out and watched animaniacs.
Back again
2008-04-02, 5:15 PM #35
I had all of the above mentioned TMNT toys including the Car with the wheels that turned sideway. Also had probably most of the original action figures.
2008-04-02, 8:54 PM #36
The only thing that really stands out in my memory is LEGO. I remember when I first got a Mindstorms kit, I was ecstatic!
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-04-02, 10:18 PM #37
Star Wars. Anything from toys to video games.

Oh yeah, and Windows 3.11.
2008-04-03, 12:30 AM #38
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
My favorite toys growing up were always legos and erector sets. I still wish I had a huge erector set, I'd make so much cool stuff.

I have a huge erector.

Sorry for the lousy German
2008-04-03, 5:16 AM #39
hah! I was wondering if I was the only one who found his 'huge erector set' to be funny.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2008-04-03, 5:34 AM #40
ghost busters was my thing. i had the firehouse and ekto-1 a couplea proton packs, a trap....lots of fun.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM

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