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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Guy Behavior
Guy Behavior
2008-04-11, 8:10 PM #41
This person has problems.
2008-04-11, 8:12 PM #42
toy with him. then shut him down.
2008-04-11, 8:12 PM #43
Kill him.

Less people like him == better the human population.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-04-11, 8:14 PM #44
Originally posted by Mirthy:
Mild exhibitionism? Today he reached new level of freak when he asked if i wanted to see a pic... and now he's blocked.

good call..

Do you know this guy in-person or just online?
2008-04-11, 9:59 PM #45
in person. He was in the travel abroad program we went on this summer
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2008-04-11, 10:19 PM #46
Originally posted by Mirthy:
Aglar you're totally right...

Him: what are you up too?
Me: catching up on really late work. You?
Him: well.... do u want me to be honest or just say that i am doing nothing?
Me: terrible
Him: i aint got nothing else to do lol
Him: i doubt you will but would you like to see a pic
Me: behave!
Him: just askin
Him: figured i would try

See? Thats how I know he's horny...

Creepy. Seriously, this is how it starts. I'd stay away from him if I were you.
2008-04-11, 10:32 PM #47
he sounds like a reasonable guy to me, probably just lonely. you should talk to him, i bet he'd appreciate it
2008-04-11, 10:33 PM #48
Ok, perminatly block him. seriously.

Also, This " although girls generally aren't that difficult to figure out." is a complete lie.

You girls must learn that guys don't have a single f'ing clue. It's called trial and error, we can sometimes make educated guesses but we don't have a clue what's acctualy going on.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2008-04-12, 2:03 AM #49
Originally posted by djwguitarman:
Also, This " although girls generally aren't that difficult to figure out." is a complete lie.

Some are kinda nuts...not all, but definitely some..
2008-04-12, 2:05 AM #50
It's not even a nuts thing. It's a men want things explained to them clearly while women expect a man to know what it is she wants without telling him anything.
Pissed Off?
2008-04-12, 2:16 AM #51
Originally posted by Avenger:
It's not even a nuts thing. It's a men want things explained to them clearly while women expect a man to know what it is she wants without telling him anything.

That too.
2008-04-12, 5:24 AM #52
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Kill him.

Less people like him == better the human population.

That would be too easy. Get him to kill himself, such is the beauty of woman. ;)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-04-12, 8:21 AM #53
Yes but we do have super special powers like that. :) Thanks for the advice!

King James the 1st- “I will not give a turd for thy preaching”
2008-04-12, 10:09 AM #54
Originally posted by Mirthy:
Yes but we do have super special powers like that. :) Thanks for the advice!

They are called breasts and they do indeed have a super special power over men.

I routinely fall victim :(
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-04-12, 10:13 AM #55
Originally posted by JediGandalf:

I routinely fall victim :(

Hahaha impossible.

You never been shown any.

ahh...too easy. :saddowns:
2008-04-12, 10:18 AM #56
You know, you should just say you're going to send him a picture of what you're doing.

Then send the biggest turn-off you can find. Like an old person. Or a dead person.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2008-04-12, 11:56 AM #57
Originally posted by Oxyonagon:
You know, you should just say you're going to send him a picture of what you're doing.

Then send the biggest turn-off you can find. Like an old person. Or a dead person.

Maybe he finds those things turn ONS
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-04-12, 12:20 PM #58
See, another problem I have with women is that they cannot enforce things. I think this is a good case. My ex-girlfriend always had this one kid she knew that literally stalked her. She would say "my god this is really scary and creepy, he is pretty much stalking me!" The second she'd sign onto AIM or Facebook, she'd have like 6 messages waiting for her. He tried to send her gifts everything. She was seriously creeped out about this. So I said "Why don't you tell him to back the **** off". But nay, she would continue talking to him, answering his messages, etc.

So, my advice: Do not talk to this person, tell him teh back the **** off. When he says things like "would you like to see a pic", don't playfully say "Behave!", go 'seriously, that is ****ed up, stop talking to me or I'm calling the cops". That will get him to stop.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-04-12, 12:42 PM #59
I, too, have pictures.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-04-12, 12:51 PM #60
Originally posted by mscbuck:
See, another problem I have with women is that they cannot enforce things. I think this is a good case. My ex-girlfriend always had this one kid she knew that literally stalked her. She would say "my god this is really scary and creepy, he is pretty much stalking me!" The second she'd sign onto AIM or Facebook, she'd have like 6 messages waiting for her. He tried to send her gifts everything. She was seriously creeped out about this. So I said "Why don't you tell him to back the **** off". But nay, she would continue talking to him, answering his messages, etc.

So, my advice: Do not talk to this person, tell him teh back the **** off. When he says things like "would you like to see a pic", don't playfully say "Behave!", go 'seriously, that is ****ed up, stop talking to me or I'm calling the cops". That will get him to stop.

I was the same with with creepy guys...kept talking to them because I felt obligated, didn't want to say anything too mean, etc...and then finally I just stopped talking to them. Being nice, even with rejection, just seems to encourage them. Either being silent or just saying right out wtf will pretty much make them go away. Although...with the wtf approach, I've found they still seemed to linger for a bit...probably hoping it's just a phase you're going through.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2008-04-12, 2:03 PM #61
Originally posted by Oxyonagon:
You know, you should just say you're going to send him a picture of what you're doing.

Then send the biggest turn-off you can find. Like an old person. Or a dead person.

The lady of the tub would do nicely.
2008-04-12, 2:13 PM #62
So totally photoshopped.
It has to be.
It just can't... it can't....
I hate you.
2008-04-12, 2:49 PM #63
it would be funnier if he was running forward at her

2008-04-12, 3:30 PM #64
Massassi: Best* of Digg.

2008-04-14, 1:08 PM #65
2008-04-14, 1:24 PM #66
You should just advise him that with behavior such as his, masturbation is about all he has to look forward to in life.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"

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