uhh, maybe its because other countries have closer supplies of copper, and dont want to spend a fortune on delivery costs. Also, I point out that if you loose a trading partner, you will loose quite a bit of money, as it takes time to make new deals with other nations.
And to vinny, the problem is that while they are almost certainly not able to deal with losing the US as a trading partner (as i have said, and the damage that causes would have a domino effect, as it is impossible for a nation that large with that many trading partners not to have domino effects when major things happen), I almost garentee that many US buisnesses (especialy some of the bigger ones) would ALSO be unable to cope with said loss.
Thinking only about the short term when it comes to international trade, and not thinking about the further effects of major decisions is an extremely stupid idea.
Think about it, wal-mart is the company in the US that has the most trade with China. If they were to suddenly be unable to use chinese labor (as they actualy have manufacturing facilities there) until china improoves (which would take a while, seriously, have you learned nothing from every single intervention that the united states has ever done, in which if improovement did happen, it took ages), they would have some incredible financial difficulties. This would quite likely lead to AMERICAN job losses, the exact thing that you DO NOT WANT.
So, in short, anything that you do to try and punish china economicaly will almost certainly also have effects elseware as well, effects that may make the situation even worse.
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