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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Armenian Genocide Day
Armenian Genocide Day
2008-04-25, 9:32 AM #41
guys stop making fun of sajn hes very proud of his armenian heritage
2008-04-25, 9:35 AM #42
also i'm surprised that FGR didnt bring up the Legenian Genocide yet
2008-04-25, 10:18 AM #43
Originally posted by SAJN:
Wow, you have 100% NO IDEA what you're talking about. Way to look like a complete ***.

Research how UPS was founded, for the most painfuly obvious example if you don't believe me.

LIKE IT OR NOT. Your Armenian pal that uses you because you're cheap stupid free labor and you'll polish it any day of the week HAS BEEN KNOWN TO MAKE ANTISEMATIC REMARKS.

You know what else, I don't see you *****ing about Japan not admitting to the severity of THE RAPE OF NANKING. Infact, they don't even teach about it in their schools.

I was going to post pictures of piles of dead baby girls with sticks shoved up their hoohahs just so you'd know exactly how bad it was, but I realized I might get banned for it.

NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE. Just like no one cares about the rape of nanking.

I don't see you *****ing about the mongol's bloody conquest of china either. OOPS, guess that was too long ago.

The end.
2008-04-25, 12:26 PM #44
Originally posted by SAJN:
If Germany told us that we had to deny the holocaust or else they wouldn't let us use their land for a military base, there would be riots. Why should it be any different for the Turks and the Armenian Genocide?

There would be riots? Over-exaggerate much? Can you say "diplomatic relation differences between German and the U.S. vs Turkey and the U.S."?

And Rob, chill.
omnia mea mecum porto
2008-04-25, 2:08 PM #45
I know for a FACT he's never made any anti-semantic remarks. If only because I have just about every interview he's ever done since 1998 on my computer. You have your facts mixed up Rob, stop trying to start a fight. Not only is he not a jew-hater, he's one of the few peope today fighting for equality and peace.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-04-25, 2:09 PM #46
Originally posted by stat:
also i'm surprised that FGR didnt bring up the Legenian Genocide yet

I'm honestly astounded that you remember that.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-04-25, 3:35 PM #47
So I like how my perfectly valid and civilized points are completely ignored. It seems SAJN only reacts to whatever he considers an insult.

2008-04-25, 3:57 PM #48
I'm ignoring it because it's the same false rhetoric you keep saying over and over. It wasn't true when you said it first, it isn't true now.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-04-25, 4:06 PM #49
Originally posted by SAJN:
I know for a FACT he's never made any anti-semantic remarks. If only because I have just about every interview he's ever done since 1998 on my computer. You have your facts mixed up Rob, stop trying to start a fight. Not only is he not a jew-hater, he's one of the few peope today fighting for equality and peace.

Sorry, I can't understand you when you have his dick in your mouth.
2008-04-25, 4:08 PM #50
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
The only Armenians I know grew drugs in my neighborhood. But then I told my boyfriend, who works for the DEA, about them and he arrested them for me.

But later they killed him and I was upset.

That's... uhh...
2008-04-25, 4:12 PM #51
Originally posted by SAJN:
I'm ignoring it because it's the same false rhetoric you keep saying over and over. It wasn't true when you said it first, it isn't true now.

Very good qualitative argument.

Man, you should've taken debate in high school. No really, then you might actually be able to make a point.
2008-04-25, 4:14 PM #52
I wonder how many people died in Taiwan today...
2008-04-25, 5:24 PM #53
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
I wonder how many people died in Taiwan today...

2008-04-25, 5:30 PM #54
Originally posted by SAJN:
few peope today fighting for equality and peace.

So was hitler.

See a pattern?
2008-04-25, 5:53 PM #55
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
I wonder how many people died in Taiwan today...

....are you maybe thinking of Burma?
2008-04-25, 6:00 PM #56
Wherever that whole thing that got people making "Boycot Bejing" posters was.
2008-04-25, 6:12 PM #57
thats tibet smart guy
tofu sucks
2008-04-25, 6:17 PM #58
That is funny to me.
2008-04-25, 6:18 PM #59
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Wherever that whole thing that got people making "Boycot Bejing" posters was.

Supporting the Burma genocide.
Supporting the Darfur (Sudan) genocide.
Tibetan sovereignty.
Uyghur sovereignty.
Taiwanese independence acknowledgment.
Beijing mass displacement.
Rampant human rights violations.
Extreme pollution.

The list continues for several pages. China is run by very evil men.
2008-04-25, 6:21 PM #60
Haha, greasy tracksuits. Didn't know you knew any armos Stat.
Back again
2008-04-25, 8:16 PM #61
Originally posted by SAJN:
I know for a FACT he's never made any anti-semantic remarks. If only because I have just about every interview he's ever done since 1998 on my computer. You have your facts mixed up Rob, stop trying to start a fight. Not only is he not a jew-hater, he's one of the few peope today fighting for equality and peace.

Hahaha, holy ****! Hero worship much? Of all the things you could get worked up over, you choose one on the basis that it's important to your most favouritest rock star? It's cute but it's also rather dumb. On one hand you've got plenty of problems going on right now that you could put efforts into far more productively and on the other you've got an issue from a century ago, that is nowhere near as clear-cut as you'd like to claim.
Darfur, apartheid in Palestine, killings in Iraq, human rights in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Burma, China, much of Africa, central Asia etc; all important current events worth doing something about but no, your pop star's ancestors were wronged, let's ***** about that! Hell, Armenia itself has bigger problems than getting Turkey to say sorry. How about campaigning to end the human meatgrinder of sniping and mines along the Azeri-Armenian border and at Nagorno-Karabakh?
2008-04-26, 2:31 AM #62
Originally posted by Recusant:
Darfur, apartheid in Palestine, killings in Iraq, human rights in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Burma, China, much of Africa, central Asia etc;

but serj doesnt care about those things

Hell, Armenia itself has bigger problems than getting Turkey to say sorry. How about campaigning to end the human meatgrinder of sniping and mines along the Azeri-Armenian border and at Nagorno-Karabakh?

serj doesnt live in armenia, so that kind of thing doesnt concern him.

i think you're missing the big picture. if turkey apologizes, those current problems will all end. it'll be an example the rest of the world can follow and realize that killing is bad and stop doing that.
2008-04-26, 9:47 AM #63
Originally posted by stat:
but serj doesnt care about those things

serj doesnt live in armenia, so that kind of thing doesnt concern him.

i think you're missing the big picture. if turkey apologizes, those current problems will all end. it'll be an example the rest of the world can follow and realize that killing is bad and stop doing that.

Actually Serj cares about all those things. Thats why he and Tom Morello run The Axis of Justice at [url][/url] . It's a non profit organization that focuses on raising money and awareness to stop injustice all around the world. From Genocides to Hunger to whatever you can think of. He also works with many environmental groups, and he recently opened the website [url][/url]. As for problems facing America, he aims at those as well with [url][/url] . Aside from running these websites and speaking out on tour, he also goes to rallies, writes to senators, and visits congressmen on a regular basis to try and get them to pass bills that will help people.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-04-26, 1:01 PM #64
Originally posted by stat:
i think you're missing the big picture. if turkey apologizes, those current problems will all end. it'll be an example the rest of the world can follow and realize that killing armenians is bad and then we can all go back to killing the jews.

fixed for serj
2008-04-26, 1:43 PM #65
Originally posted by Rob:
LIKE IT OR NOT. Your Armenian pal that uses you because you're cheap stupid free labor and you'll polish it any day of the week HAS BEEN KNOWN TO MAKE ANTISEMATIC REMARKS.

Don't I know it
2008-04-26, 2:14 PM #66
That is my favorite signature.
2008-04-26, 2:16 PM #67
Originally posted by SAJN:
Actually Serj cares about all those things. Thats why he and Tom Morello run The Axis of Justice at [url][/url] . It's a non profit organization that focuses on raising money and awareness to stop injustice all around the world. From Genocides to Hunger to whatever you can think of. He also works with many environmental groups, and he recently opened the website [url][/url]. As for problems facing America, he aims at those as well with [url][/url] . Aside from running these websites and speaking out on tour, he also goes to rallies, writes to senators, and visits congressmen on a regular basis to try and get them to pass bills that will help people.

Oh so in other words Serj does about as much for peace as PETA does justice for animals.
2008-04-26, 2:18 PM #68
You my sir are a large bag of stupid.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-04-26, 2:30 PM #69
If I were going to be any kind of bag of stupid, it'd have to be a small one because I'm skinny.

You'd be the large bag.
2008-04-26, 2:34 PM #70
what's funny is that, if the armenian genocide were actually a genocide and if it were actually successful, none of us would care because we wouldn't have to listen anybody whining about it.
2008-04-26, 2:36 PM #71
is sajn an armenian? if so, he wouldn't have been born (this will be henceforth referred to as IDEAL CASE A). if not, system of a down would have never existed so sajn would have killed himself in his early teens for lack of anything to do (IDEAL CASE B). either way we all would have been spared a lot of misery.

those lazy turks.
2008-04-26, 3:01 PM #72
I am pretty sure SAJN is italian or something
2008-04-26, 4:15 PM #73
I think the word you're looking for is ugly.
2008-04-27, 3:44 AM #74
Ok, I'm tempted to ban someone...actually, two or three people. But, since it's basically 4th grade "nuh uh, you're mom's ugly!" I have a hard time caring. Congrats to SAJN and Rob, you both blatantly broke the rules in a way that it devastated my "give-a-****."

*Golf clap*
omnia mea mecum porto

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