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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How can Massassi still exist?
How can Massassi still exist?
2008-04-29, 6:47 AM #41
Originally posted by Brian:
I can't stop visiting. I deleted all my bookmarks and other shortcuts. I removed the icon from my link bar. But I can't stop myself from manually typing in the url. Someone please do something!!!!

It's like a drug, man.
2008-04-29, 6:54 AM #42
I'm guilty of having massassi open in more than one window.

i dont know how it happens. it just does
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-04-29, 7:02 AM #43
when work isn't going well, like today and when I'm the only one in my office, (90% of the time) it's very easy to start browsing through the forums.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2008-04-29, 11:08 AM #44
Hmm, could it be that Brian has lost controll of the soul chamber so that it sucked in his soul, too?
Sorry for the lousy German
2008-10-15, 4:14 PM #45

OK, I'm a terrible person. I post this thread and then in a semi-alcoholic memory lapse I disappear again, this is my first visit since the last post.

Thanks to all of you for your replies, and nice to see you all still on here.

Originally posted by Wookie06:
Other than that I'm just a little older and grumpier. Oh, you wouldn't know that I have a two year old son now.

Congratulations mate! Sorry for the delay, I suppose he's nearly three by now!

Originally posted by Anakin-Paul:
How do stranger - what consoles you playing?

The 360 is my current platform of choice. My gamertag is "ourmatetone" if anyone wants to add me.

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
" do you turn this bloody thing off..."

That was an ingenius bit of improv from Dan. I never asked him to say it, but he still delivered it and I laughed my [head] off in surprise when I heard it, I didn't have the heart to cut it out. I still stay in touch with him on Facebook. If I ever pick up the editing reigns again, I'd certainly be pestering him for more voice work!

Originally posted by FastGamerr:
You're probably referring to Al McDonald.

That man was always a mystery to me. He produced some excellent skins but never replied to emails or personal messages and you never, ever saw him on forums. I personally thanked him a few times for his work (I had to really!) and never heard a dickie bird from him.... a great body of work though and DCM was genius!
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2008-10-15, 4:35 PM #46
Speaking of DCM, I seem to remember the images that were DCM kind of stopped linking right for quite some time...but it appears to be functioning again...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2008-10-15, 6:07 PM #47
Since I missed it the first time around, the NeS is still going.

You should totally write for it. >.>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2008-10-15, 7:24 PM #48
Originally posted by AKPiggott:
OK, I'm a terrible person. I post this thread and then in a semi-alcoholic memory lapse I disappear again, this is my first visit since the last post.

Why not stick around?

You might be interested to know that there's a Dark Forces engine rewrite in progress. Check it out on It's actually coming along at a realistic pace. I think it'll really get done.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-10-15, 8:41 PM #49
OMG! Ant! Long time, no see (or hear)!

Just the other day I was thinking about you, Haggis, Ryan, Pate, and Chris H., wondering where life had taken you guys.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2008-10-15, 8:58 PM #50
The DCM site still exists? So why do I have it all archived then?
2008-10-15, 9:20 PM #51
Hi AK! You should stick around. The people here are the best. The IRC channel is hilarious too.
/me group hugs
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-10-16, 3:19 AM #52
Maybe I will stick around this time. :D

Confession: I did one rude lurky visit when the Force Unleashed came out, just to see what people thought of it.

Originally posted by Emon:
You might be interested to know that there's a Dark Forces engine rewrite in progress. Check it out on It's actually coming along at a realistic pace. I think it'll really get done.

Ooh, that sounds good! I'll check the site out later.

Originally posted by Gebohq:
Since I missed it the first time around, the NeS is still going.

You should totally write for it. >.>

Hehe, perhaps. Can't remember the last time I wrote for an Interactive Story (the Massassitrix, perhaps?).

Originally posted by Chewbubba:
OMG! Ant! Long time, no see (or hear)!

Just the other day I was thinking about you, Haggis, Ryan, Pate, and Chris H., wondering where life had taken you guys.

Hey Andy, great to see you on here. How are ya?
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217
2008-10-16, 5:55 AM #53
Its good to see you still about Ant, man its been a few years since the whole TC scene and its amazing whats been going on since then.
Glad to see you are keeping well.
Flying over there some were...
2008-10-16, 8:25 AM #54
Man, Its been a while since I've seen some of these faces. I'm getting too old for this:P
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-10-16, 8:35 AM #55
I really liked where your EP3 level was getting at.

Can't you release it anyhow like you did with Party Crasher?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-10-16, 11:13 AM #56
Wait, party crasher was released? I never knew that! Linkie? :)
2008-10-16, 11:24 AM #57
I have it on my Opera dial thing. I only really joined to answer a JK2 question or something in the editing forum. And the general discussion at the time was pretty witty and interesting.

Nowadays the site seems somewhat choked and sensible though. :(
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2008-10-16, 11:26 AM #58
Originally posted by Zell:
Wait, party crasher was released? I never knew that! Linkie? :)

Man, I never played through it since I got stuck and formatted HD not long afterwards... haven't installed JO ever since. Hm.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-10-16, 2:36 PM #59
I've been visiting Massassi for long than I can remember and I had all those different names... Funny enough I still play JK a bit often, but over the years, this community has rocked!

Its been worth it and still is. I seem to post of here everyday :).
Anyway nice to hear from you AK :)
Your projects rule!
2008-10-17, 8:24 AM #60
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
I really liked where your EP3 level was getting at.

Can't you release it anyhow like you did with Party Crasher?

I would do (it was like 85% finished) but I've got no idea where it is or if it still even exists. :(
Xbox Live/PlayStation Network/Steam: tone217

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