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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What's your career choice?
What's your career choice?
2004-08-06, 9:48 PM #41
Well, after this upcoming semester off (and trust me, I really need it at this point), I planning on going for an Associate of Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts. I know that I might be able to live with being a chef. This is quite the change from my previous career goals of becoming A.) a lawyer or B.) a teacher.

The odd thing is I still know what my dream job would be, and I am going to try my best to continue towards that goal of going into stand-up comedy. I figure I'll be happy if I can manage to maybe get a semi steady gig at the two local comedy places, and maybe try to book a set in Chicago ~5 times a year. That would be my ideal life.

"I like my women how I like my coffee, in a plastic cup." - Eddie Izzard
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2004-08-06, 10:06 PM #42

I'm interested in architecture and such... it's not a 'choice' at this point though.

Saberopus: omfq musical genuis j00 >mozart
Thrawn42689: Mozart = n00b
2004-08-06, 10:07 PM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Martyn:
After reading the Bourne Trilogy when I was 11 I always wanted to be an assassin. Now I'm in my final year of uni studying Civil Engineering.

Civil Engineer (with special consideration for software)


aaah.... "Civil Engineer", gotcha []

Saberopus: omfq musical genuis j00 >mozart
Thrawn42689: Mozart = n00b
2004-08-07, 12:34 AM #44
I'll major in philosophy, hopefully will be able to go all the way to a doctor's degree, maybe write a couple of books then teach philosophy and psychology in unis.

This means BTW that I will be EXTREMELY poor until I'm about 40 or 50 years old (which is only 5-10 years before my death).

Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
2004-08-07, 7:24 AM #45

Superstition brings bad luck.
-Raymond Smullyan, 5000B.C.
2004-08-07, 7:37 AM #46
aerospace engineer

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-08-07, 8:35 AM #47
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Morpheus:
I'll major in philosophy, hopefully will be able to go all the way to a doctor's degree, maybe write a couple of books then teach philosophy and psychology in unis.

This means BTW that I will be EXTREMELY poor until I'm about 40 or 50 years old (which is only 5-10 years before my death).


Not exactly, move to Rhode Island, Montana, New Jersey, New York, or Connecticut.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Hey Cloud and HCF_Duke do you live in Pa. I live in State College and didn't know that there were any others from pa.</font>

All I'm going to say is southeastern PA.

[This message has been edited by Cloud (edited August 07, 2004).]
2004-08-07, 9:39 AM #48
Your collective father.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-08-07, 9:53 AM #49
Management cause I am mediocre.

I can't think of anything to put here right now.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2004-08-07, 10:08 AM #50
Who hates Millitary officers? Except hippies, but they hate all the millitary.
2004-08-07, 11:10 AM #51
Mechanical Engineering


"Bantha's are filthy animals.......I don't eat filthy animals."

"Laugh it up Fuzzball!"
-Han Solo
2004-08-07, 11:40 AM #52
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by stat:


I don't get it.

For a healty meal, eat mashed potatoes, peas, and catloaf.
Massassi's cuttin' into my free time, man.
Valuable Life Lesson: Frog + Potato Gun = Blindness
Worship Examples - Christians' love for God should be seen and heard, not merely talked about. It is through actions that one is determined to be Christian, not through words. Words (and thoughts, as well) deceive even one's own self, but the heart speaks truth.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-08-07, 11:48 AM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by kyle90:
aerospace engineer</font>

You seem like the type that would really excel and become successful in that field.

Me, personally, I'm thinking about graphics and game programming, perhaps design, but moreso programming.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-08-07, 12:15 PM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Who hates Millitary officers? Except hippies, but they hate all the millitary.</font>


Debating politics on the internet is about as useful and productive as shoving a broomstick up your *** .
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-08-07, 12:17 PM #55
I'm liek emon, but with the priorities the other way around. but we'll take the same paths, i'm sure.

2004-08-07, 12:38 PM #56
I'm gonna be a P-I-M-P!

Seriously, gonna finish uni and get by BA in Psychology, then I might try to get an air traffic control job with the DoD. Do that for awhile, saving up enough cash to pay my way through grad school.
2004-08-07, 4:34 PM #57
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
By the way, what is wrong with State Penn?</font>

The bars on the windows.

"Why aren't I'm using at these pictures?" - Cloud, 4/14/02
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2004-08-07, 4:37 PM #58
Anyway, career choice? Heck, that's what I'm going to college to find out. I move into my dorm room at Northwestern in a little over a month, and I still have nothing more than a vague idea that I might like to major in political science.

"Why aren't I'm using at these pictures?" - Cloud, 4/14/02
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2004-08-07, 11:17 PM #59
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by DogSRoOL:
I've got it...

I'll sell laptops on e-bay. After all, there's a lot of stupid people on e-bay. [] I've seen some p.o.s. laptops sell for rediculous prices. Throw in a phrase like "super fast" and the computer-illiterate people believe it, even if the next part says "400 MHz CPU".

Play on people's ignorance. That's where the money is.



It's like that guy who bought a Crystal XBox box thinking he was getting a crystal XBox... the blurb even made it CLEAR it was a box - he went ahead and coughed up in excess of £100 for it! owned!

Fire Pretty - Graz's Armoury - (That's my blog...)

The Soviet Bunker - (That's my forum...)

"Thou shalt not steal. (Because the government doesn't like competition!)"

[This message has been edited by Gee_4ce (edited August 08, 2004).]
A slightly more stripy Gee_4ce, and more than just Something British...

Visit the home of Corporal G on the Internets
2004-08-08, 1:08 AM #60
or even better, give the processor speed in hertz. []

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-08-08, 10:41 AM #61
After high school, I plan on enlisting in the US Army for two or four years and become an intelligence analyst. After or during I'm in the Army I plan on attending college at the Joint Military Intelligence Colledge in Washington DC. I then hope to get an internship at the CIA or some other intelligence agency. After I plan join the CIA or some other intelligence organization.

Long live the United States of America.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
2004-08-08, 11:16 AM #62
Professional Moocher.

2004-08-08, 12:54 PM #63
i'll try and scam a load of cash from music, if that doesn't work i'll do some education stuff and come up with some random moneymaking scheme.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-08-08, 1:10 PM #64
I have no idea. it'd be really cool to be on Broadway but I don't want to pay for a college education to spend the rest of my life waiting tables, and creative writing is about as secure a job as musical theatre. translation: I have no idea

Men and their wars!... I think that men raise flags when they can't get anything else up!
~from Pippin
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2004-08-08, 2:09 PM #65
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
The bars on the windows.


Are you serious?!
2004-08-08, 2:54 PM #66
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Emon:
You seem like the type that would really excel and become successful in that field.

I don't know if you are being sarcastic or giving me a compliment (it's hard to tell, sorry), but I am, in fact, going to the University of Toronto this fall for Engineering Science. After 2 years you choose to specialize in Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Manufacturing Systems, Nanoengineering, or Physics.

In any case, Aerospace engineering is what I've always wanted to do (well, I have actually always wanted to be an astronaut, but something to do with space anyways). So I'm really looking forward to September. :-)

Four dimensions, four fundamental forces... coincidence?
2004-08-08, 2:58 PM #67
I wanna be a ****ing rockstar, baby.

Check out my deviantART gallery.
2004-08-08, 3:07 PM #68
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
Are you serious?!</font>

He's joking, he's talking about the State Penitentiary.

Roach - Gyring and gimbling in the wabe...
0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto

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