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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Politics: Obama/Hillary ticket? (If you don't like it, don't click on it)
Politics: Obama/Hillary ticket? (If you don't like it, don't click on it)
2008-06-09, 3:21 PM #41
Originally posted by Rob:
Drug use doesn't kill brain cells :downs:

Responsible drug use doesn't. Nice try though.
2008-06-09, 5:18 PM #42
Originally posted by Spook:
If he does I will be pissed. Obama is the perfect Jesus for America.

He's black, he smokes cigarettes, he really wants to say "***** please!" all the time, you can see it in his face, and most importantly...

The man can ball.

That was amusing. I just imagined him at some big debate involving a very serious topic then all of a sudden he says to his opponent, "****** please!"
2008-06-09, 5:26 PM #43
McCain's like "I just don't think Obama is ready to lead this nation."

Obama turns his head and frowns at McCain "***** please, I'm about to do this ****"
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2008-06-09, 7:28 PM #44
Originally posted by Rob:
Drug use doesn't kill brain cells :downs:

It depends on which drugs and how often. Marijuana doesn't kill brain cells.

And, in fact, killing brain cells doesn't matter that much. The human brain is extremely plastic, it's kind of a myth that you can drink yourself stupid.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-09, 7:29 PM #45
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Keyes would be all up in Obama?

stop talking to the americans and get back to your capers and haggis

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2008-06-09, 7:32 PM #46
Originally posted by Emon:
It depends on which drugs and how often. Marijuana doesn't kill brain cells.

And, in fact, killing brain cells doesn't matter that much. The human brain is extremely plastic, it's kind of a myth that you can drink yourself stupid.

Well, to an extent. The thing is, drinking, coke, and meth all adversely effect your frontal lobe if abused heavily.

Serotonin receptors are extremely fragile, that's why extended and heavy use of ecstasy can give lasting bouts of depression/borderline syndrome via chemical imbalance. However, dopamine receptors are extremely elastic.

Also, marijuana is one of the few things out there that promotes growth of new brain and nerve cells. Interestingly enough :v:
2008-06-09, 8:42 PM #47
It is a brain expanding drug.
2008-06-09, 8:44 PM #48
Originally posted by Emon:
It depends on which drugs and how often. Marijuana doesn't kill brain cells.

And, in fact, killing brain cells doesn't matter that much. The human brain is extremely plastic, it's kind of a myth that you can drink yourself stupid.

Have you ever met an acoholic?

If you want you can come talk to my dad for a little bit. He's pretty burned out.
2008-06-09, 9:00 PM #49
Originally posted by Rob:
Have you ever met an acoholic?

If you want you can come talk to my dad for a little bit. He's pretty burned out.

Alcoholism != drug use. That's blatant drug ABuse. Humongous difference.

So your attempt at burning me still fails.

But that's what generally happens when you try to burn people so meh.
2008-06-09, 9:19 PM #50
as much as i do not particularly want obama to win, i would really hope he does not offer Hillary the vice presidency.

1. he doesnt need her.
2. i have a feeling that, as has already been said, she would probably try to over shadow his presidency.
3. ooooohhhhh... that horrible horrible laugh!!!

its not that i don't like obama or that "Hes a black guy!" i really don't care. while having a black president, i believe, would be a huge landmark in American history, if i don't agree with his policies i still don't want him as president.

but anyways back to the topic, no he should not offer Hillary the vp position. he won the democrat nomination, and he should pick the person who he feels is going to be best suited to be his vp.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-09, 9:24 PM #51
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
as much as i do not particularly want obama to win, i would really hope he does not offer Hillary the vice presidency.

1. he doesnt need her.
2. i have a feeling that, as has already been said, she would probably try to over shadow his presidency.
3. ooooohhhhh... that horrible horrible laugh!!!

its not that i don't like obama or that "Hes a black guy!" i really don't care. while having a black president, i believe, would be a huge landmark in American history, if i don't agree with his policies i still don't want him as president.

but anyways back to the topic, no he should not offer Hillary the vp position. he won the democrat nomination, and he should pick the person who he feels is going to be best suited to be his vp.

2008-06-09, 9:26 PM #52
Obama is half-white!

2008-06-09, 9:27 PM #53
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:

Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-09, 10:23 PM #54
"i don't like obama IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE'S BLACK and i disagree with his NOT BLACK policies BLACK"

the fact that you put so much emphasis on race probably isn't a good sign for your not-racist disclaimer.
2008-06-09, 10:25 PM #55
I think Darth Arlan once went on a huge tirade against mexicans.
2008-06-09, 10:34 PM #56
Originally posted by Rob:
I think Darth Arlan once went on a huge tirade against mexicans.

but thats okay, because mexicans are dirty and lazy. there's nothing objectionable about a black man unless he's wearing colors
2008-06-09, 11:21 PM #57
Originally posted by Jon`C:
but thats okay, because mexicans are dirty and lazy.

that and im married to one :downs:

seriously, i only included the 'its not because hes black', bit because that usually the accusation that i always get, "oh its because hes/she's black"
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-09, 11:28 PM #58
omg hes only (SMALL)% black anyway hes really a ayrab!

But seriously, while I don't consider Obama's policy positions to be ideal, he's better than the Libertarian candidate and that's good enough for me.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-06-10, 2:19 AM #59
I still don't understand, and still haven't heard anyone argue either of the above people's points. What policies don't you like? Can you specifically name one? I'd like to pull it out of the dark shroud of "I just don't think he's a good presidential candidate" and lay it on the table.
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2008-06-10, 9:15 AM #60
I don't like his "no death to midgets" policy.

2008-06-10, 9:57 AM #61
ok from what i've heard of him, it just sounds like a lot of empty EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE! promises. he's constantly saying CHANGE and NEW DIRECTION! but i've rarely if EVER heard what this new direction is going to be or how he plans on getting us there, and who is going to pay for it. the issues that i have heard him go into detail about it seems his plan it to throw money at problems and they will go away. i don't agree with his attitude about the middle east and Israel... as far as i can tell... and while the guy is an amazing speaker his speeches all seem rather ambiguous and full of... not that much. :confused:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-10, 10:16 AM #62
and the under-30 crowd that are fawning over him don't realize it
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-10, 10:47 AM #63
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
...who is going to pay for it.

While your other questions are answered on an issue-by-issue basis, this link should answer this question.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-06-10, 11:45 AM #64
Obama has a surprisingly conservative expense cutting plan, as listed above. He has nearly all of the specifics for most of your questions on his website. He's also admitted that the things he says are grandiose, but that through working with congress, we can come to middle grounds and try to solve these problems with forward thinking plans.

Not to mention, little sentences like "More proficient with technology" make me really excited. I've seen how large government run organizations could save thousands and thousands of dollars if they just knew how to use technology more efficiently.
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2008-06-10, 12:36 PM #65
Eh. All the candidates suck.

I don't need to know Obama's stance on issues to not vote for him. I won't be voting for a democrat ever. And don't get all tizzy over it, I won't vote for a republican either. My objection is to the entire two-party system.

I would have voted for Ron Paul, though. He was our last hope to save the constitution. :(
2008-06-10, 12:38 PM #66
So you don't want to vote for a party member, but you would've voted for a party member, because he's different. So something good CAN happen in the two party system? So Obama COULD be a decent candidate, but you're too stubborn to even check it out.

Right. Logical.
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2008-06-10, 12:45 PM #67
Originally posted by JM:
I would have voted for Ron Paul, though. He was our last hope to save the constitution. :(

2008-06-10, 2:21 PM #68
2008-06-10, 3:27 PM #69
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2008-06-10, 3:49 PM #70
oh no I am a minority.

What is so wrong with hillary?
2008-06-10, 3:58 PM #71
Originally posted by Uberslug:
oh no I am a minority.

What is so wrong with hillary?

Hillary Clinton is an opportunistic imperious back-stabber with an entitlement complex. If she won the presidency she would have been a western version of Benazir Bhutto, and I'm not talking about the fact that she's a woman.
2008-06-10, 4:18 PM #72
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Hillary Clinton is an opportunistic imperious back-stabber with an entitlement complex. If she won the presidency she would have been a western version of Benazir Bhutto, and I'm not talking about the fact that she's a woman.

Okay then
2008-06-11, 4:21 PM #73
Also, marijuana is one of the few things out there that promotes growth of new brain and nerve cells. Interestingly enough

Originally posted by JM:
It is a brain expanding drug.

A study says otherwise

Oh and that Pokemon battle with Obama and McCain was amusing.
2008-06-11, 5:25 PM #74
Originally posted by Cloud:

Maybe because "The men had smoked at least five marijuana cigarettes daily for on average 20 years." D:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-11, 5:26 PM #75
Originally posted by Rob:
Have you ever met an acoholic?

I didn't mean alcoholics. They are obviously drug abusers. I should have been more clear, I'm talking about the average guy who drinks or even gets drunk on the weekends. Like a college student.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-11, 5:53 PM #76
I'm mildly disturbed about the whole smoking thing. I don't see why a president's smoking habits are any of our business. Does he drink too? I don't want anyone in office who has a sip of alcohol in them! It's unhealthy! Imagine what they'll do to the America if they do that to their own body!
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2008-06-11, 6:35 PM #77
Originally posted by Cloud:
A study says otherwise

Oh and that Pokemon battle with Obama and McCain was amusing.

Seen that report, but there's little to no scientific data to prove their point. They "smoked weed".

Okay? What were the growing conditions. What were the qualities/exact quantities smoked. ****, for that matter, HOW was it smoked? You're telling me they never smoked bowls, just "marijuana cigarettes"? What if they smoked out of tinfoil (which is retarded and increases the chances for early onset alzheimers by quite a large margin), what if they smoked out of PVC (which releases toxic chemicals which can cause brain damage), what...

You see where I'm going?

If they wanted to do a legit study, they'd throw 50-100 guys who smoke already (after prelim tests) a vaporizer, pay them a good amount to smoke only out of a vaporizer and not take ANY OTHER DRUGS, and then take a control group of people who don't/have never done ANY drugs and then compare the two.

But it's more about the spin than the research to the governments. Gotta fight the "war on drugs" buddy!
2008-06-11, 7:44 PM #78
Originally posted by Emon:
Maybe because "The men had smoked at least five marijuana cigarettes daily for on average 20 years." D:

Wow. That's a lot of pot.

Also if you tried to abuse alcohol that madly, you probably wouldn't make it for more that a few weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if that level of caffeine usage cause more pronounced effects.
2008-06-11, 7:59 PM #79
... do paper joints do anything bad to you, Yoshi? Should I sterilize the clippy? I mean, you know, if I were to start smoking? You kind of freaked me out there.
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2008-06-11, 8:28 PM #80
Originally posted by JediKirby:
... do paper joints do anything bad to you, Yoshi? Should I sterilize the clippy? I mean, you know, if I were to start smoking? You kind of freaked me out there.

Hemostats? You should be fine.

Honestly my preferred methodology is blunts--cigar papers (treated tobacco leaves) wrapping the innards, but the truth is the only SAFE way to smoke is vaporizing. All other forms involve inhaling burning ****, which is never good for your lungs on any level. You can find portable vaporizers along with the plugin, household usage models.

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