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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Why isn't this here yet?! Kucinich introduces Articles of Impeachment on Bush
Why isn't this here yet?! Kucinich introduces Articles of Impeachment on Bush
2008-06-10, 7:05 PM #81
Article I
Creating a Secret Propaganda Campaign to Manufacture a False Case for War Against Iraq.
Article II
Falsely, Systematically, and with Criminal Intent Conflating the Attacks of September 11, 2001, With
Misrepresentation of Iraq as a Security Threat as Part of Fraudulent Justification for a War of
Article III
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Possessed Weapons of
Mass Destruction, to Manufacture a False Case for War.
Article IV
Misleading the American People and Members of Congress to Believe Iraq Posed an Imminent Threat
to the United States.
Article V
Illegally Misspending Funds to Secretly Begin a War of Aggression.
Article VI
Invading Iraq in Violation of the Requirements of HJRes114.
Article VII
Invading Iraq Absent a Declaration of War.
Article VIII
Invading Iraq, A Sovereign Nation, in Violation of the UN Charter.
Article IX
Failing to Provide Troops With Body Armor and Vehicle Armor
Article X
Falsifying Accounts of US Troop Deaths and Injuries for Political Purposes
Article XI
Establishment of Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq
Article XII
Initiating a War Against Iraq for Control of That Nation's Natural Resources
Article XIIII
Creating a Secret Task Force to Develop Energy and Military Policies With Respect to Iraq and Other
Article XIV
Misprision of a Felony, Misuse and Exposure of Classified Information And Obstruction of Justice in
the Matter of Valerie Plame Wilson, Clandestine Agent of the Central Intelligence Agency
Article XV
Providing Immunity from Prosecution for Criminal Contractors in Iraq
Article XVI
Reckless Misspending and Waste of U.S. Tax Dollars in Connection With Iraq and US Contractors
Article XVII
Illegal Detention: Detaining Indefinitely And Without Charge Persons Both U.S. Citizens and Foreign
Article XVIII
Torture: Secretly Authorizing, and Encouraging the Use of Torture Against Captives in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and Other Places, as a Matter of Official Policy
Article XIX
Rendition: Kidnapping People and Taking Them Against Their Will to "Black Sites" Located in Other
Nations, Including Nations Known to Practice Torture
Article XX
Imprisoning Children
Article XXI
Misleading Congress and the American People About Threats from Iran, and Supporting Terrorist
Organizations Within Iran, With the Goal of Overthrowing the Iranian Government
Article XXII
Creating Secret Laws
Article XXIII
Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act
Article XXIV
Spying on American Citizens, Without a Court-Ordered Warrant, in Violation of the Law and the
Fourth Amendment
Article XXV
Directing Telecommunications Companies to Create an Illegal and Unconstitutional Database of the
Private Telephone Numbers and Emails of American Citizens
Article XXVI
Announcing the Intent to Violate Laws with Signing Statements
Article XXVII
Failing to Comply with Congressional Subpoenas and Instructing Former Employees Not to Comply
Article XXVIII
Tampering with Free and Fair Elections, Corruption of the Administration of Justice
Article XXIX
Conspiracy to Violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Article XXX
Misleading Congress and the American People in an Attempt to Destroy Medicare
Article XXXI
Katrina: Failure to Plan for the Predicted Disaster of Hurricane Katrina, Failure to Respond to a Civil
Article XXXII
Misleading Congress and the American People, Systematically Undermining Efforts to Address Global
Climate Change
Article XXXIII
Repeatedly Ignored and Failed to Respond to High Level Intelligence Warnings of Planned Terrorist
Attacks in the US, Prior to 911.
Article XXXIV
Obstruction of the Investigation into the Attacks of September 11, 2001
Article XXXV
Endangering the Health of 911 First Responders

Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-10, 7:51 PM #82
Originally posted by Pommy:
Actually, dessert/desert (if you were referring to them) aren't homophones either because they aren't pronounced the same.

Unless it was desert as in to abandon, not desert as in big barren sandy place. (Those two are homonyms)

Well, there isn't a word that succinctly covers the situation. Why don't we just call them "gayonyms".
2008-06-10, 7:58 PM #83
You guys know that Saddam purposefully made it look like he had WMD so that Iran wouldn't invade, right?

I mean. You did read his debriefing, didn't you?
2008-06-10, 8:25 PM #84
Originally posted by lassev:
I think Bush should be left in peace. The man has a few billions worth of blood money to spend, and how can he enjoy spending them at leisure if he needs to worry about silly things like trials?

hah, so instead of trying to take action against a war criminal we should say "nah, he'll just feel bad about it and that will be enough"? Interesting
2008-06-10, 8:59 PM #85
I'm fairly certain he was being sarcastic.
2008-06-10, 9:10 PM #86
Originally posted by Pommy:
Actually, dessert/desert (if you were referring to them) aren't homophones either because they aren't pronounced the same.

Sadly in many places in this country they are.
2008-06-10, 9:20 PM #87
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-06-10, 9:24 PM #88
Originally posted by Rob:
Sadly in many places in this country they are.

I don't mean this in a sarcastic manner, but it will sound like I do:

Where, exactly, is that?
2008-06-10, 11:04 PM #89
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
I don't mean this in a sarcastic manner, but it will sound like I do:

Where, exactly, is that?

somewhere around wisconsin... :ninja:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-10, 11:29 PM #90
Originally posted by JediGandalf:

This man is on to something.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-06-10, 11:56 PM #91
Originally posted by JediGandalf:

my interests are in favor of this course of action

conviction too
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-11, 12:33 AM #92
Originally posted by ORJ_JoS:

I'm assuming, by 'Belgium' you mean Brussels? As in, the capital of the European Union? Because the (EU) International Court for War Crimes is actually in The Hague. So that means he would be handed over to the Netherlands. :hist101:

Nope. I meant the state of Belgium. Refer to this: (Wiki)

Although now that I actually read the article, it seems they've backed off on the universal scope of that law, now applying it only to cases in which Belgium would normally have jurisdiction under international law.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-06-11, 6:13 AM #93
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
This man is on to something.

the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2008-06-11, 2:00 PM #94
moving right along
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2008-06-11, 6:28 PM #95
zanardi you say that wiretapping doesn't affect you. But the the thing is, it's still illegal. Spying on American citizens is illegal. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it shouldn't be prosecuted.
2008-06-11, 7:12 PM #96
A much better solution to impeachment would be to bring Bush and Cheney up on criminal charges once they leave office.
2008-06-11, 7:34 PM #97
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
zanardi you say that wiretapping doesn't affect you.

It does affect him, he's just an idiot.


"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."
-Martin Niemöller
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-11, 7:43 PM #98
Emon, Rob, why do you feel it's necessary to insult me.. I mean do you really think calling me an "idiot" bothers me.. in fact it just makes me loose respect for you because obviously you have none for me.

"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-06-11, 8:02 PM #99
Well, you're making pretty ignorant claims because you want to sound different... I don't know. I wouldn't call you an idiot because you're usually pretty smart, but this is kind of a stupid argument. I know a lot of people are quick to hate Bush, but a majority of us in this thread are not anti bush: We're anti stupid. Wiretapping, illegal wars, and disregard for the law that the man has sworn to uphold don't bode well with most people. You are pretty intrinsically (and short-shortsightedly) thinking if you aren't worried about wiretapping, random wars, and disregard for the law.

Also, are you going to toss out their perfectly good arguments because they called you an idiot? If I have to, I'll copy and paste what they've said into a new post and call you pretty if it gets you to realize why Bush is a terrible person, and you should be afraid if your neighbor is getting arrested for idly threatening his wife. Or if your neighbor is getting arrested for using a mod chip on his xbox. Or if your neighbor is getting arrested because faulty intelligence links him to terrorism, but because of the laws they don't have to double check.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
A much better solution to impeachment would be to bring Bush and Cheney up on criminal charges once they leave office.

That's what I said earlier!
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-11, 8:15 PM #100
I appreciate your reply kirby, about the wiretapping. I would just hope that our government would use it wisely. I have faith that they would and not waste their time with petty stuff. So if my neighbor was suspected to have relations with terrorists, then (hopefully) they would have enough solid evidence to support it. And if he was arrested I would support that.

Fortunately my neighbor is a redneck. And despite anything illegal he may or may not do I highly doubt the government will be knocking on his door anytime soon.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-06-11, 8:19 PM #101
... you have very narrow minded views, and far too much faith in your government. Have you ever been oppressed because of your race, age, gender, income, or religion? Laws that restrict the government are there to protect us from a manipulative government that benefits its own members.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-11, 8:19 PM #102
Originally posted by Z@NARDI:
Emon, Rob, why do you feel it's necessary to insult me.. I mean do you really think calling me an "idiot" bothers me.. in fact it just makes me loose respect for you because obviously you have none for me.


Don't worry, I got infraction points for calling you out on it. :saddowns:
2008-06-11, 8:25 PM #103
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Laws that restrict the government are there to protect us from a manipulative government that benefits its own members.

Yes and I agree but I don't see any benefits to the government by wiretapping. Besides I thought they had some heavy restrictions on the wiretapping. I guess I'll have to look it up.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-06-11, 9:34 PM #104
That the point, they lifted those restrictions without legally doing it.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-06-12, 5:56 AM #105
I guess none of you did read it. Oh well.
2008-06-12, 11:29 AM #106
Originally posted by JM:
You guys know that Saddam purposefully made it look like he had WMD so that Iran wouldn't invade, right?

Saddam Hussein is to blame! He tricked the Bush administration into invading!
2008-06-12, 1:25 PM #107
No, he apparently didn't think we actually would ever invade. I mean. When you really think about it, invading doesn't make a bit of sense no matter what he had.
2008-06-13, 10:25 AM #108
Originally posted by JM:
No, he apparently didn't think we actually would ever invade. I mean. When you really think about it, invading doesn't make a bit of sense no matter what he had.

as ive said before, there were a number of reasons to take out Saddam even if he did not have wmd's. the way this war has been managed (or mismanaged) up to this point has no bearing on weather we should have gone in, in the first place.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-06-13, 10:37 AM #109
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
as ive said before, there were a number of reasons to take out Saddam even if he did not have wmd's. the way this war has been managed (or mismanaged) up to this point has no bearing on weather we should have gone in, in the first place.

It's true that whether it's been managed well or not isn't 100% relevant to the justification of us going in. That doesn't take away from the fact that going in was also one of the worst mistakes the US has ever made, the second worst may have been messing it up so bad.
2008-06-13, 12:26 PM #110
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
as ive said before, there were a number of reasons to take out Saddam even if he did not have wmd's.

You're going to have to name the reasons.
2008-06-13, 1:12 PM #111
Defiance of UN resolutions? That's shaky ground upon which to claim jurisdiction though.
If Saddam being an arsehole tyrant was enough for the rest of the world to play world police then Zimbabwe, Turkmenistan (at the time of Niyazov), North Korea, Burma and Belarus would all have UN troops wandering around in them right now.

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