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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What OS are you running?
What OS are you running?
2008-06-20, 8:00 AM #41

i dont know what was on my laptop, i dont have a hard drive yet, it was missing when i got it.
The bunny sees all,
the bunny knows all,
the bunny is always watching.
2008-06-20, 2:03 PM #42
Still sporting XP Pro.

Amen. Its the only version of windows that hasn't caused me to rip my hair out completely. My sister's computer has Vista, and I intensely dislike it.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-06-20, 2:10 PM #43
Originally posted by Onimusha.:
Amen. Its the only version of windows that hasn't caused me to rip my hair out completely. My sister's computer has Vista, and I intensely dislike it.

People keep saying, "Oh it's been fixed, stop whining, you stupid whiners!" but the fact is, it is still broken. You can argue all you want, but it crashes, breaks and is more sluggish than XP. If anyone has managed to get lucky, then congratulations, but their experience has been far from universal.
2008-06-20, 2:22 PM #44
XP Pro on my laptop, Vista on my media center computer (which I use as a desktop). It came with Vista but I've grown to like it. It does crash more than my XP computer but is far faster and smoother (thanks mostly to my laptop having only 512MB ram and being a piece of ****). It mainly just crashes when it goes to sleep and tries to wake back up. And, the new wireless networking thing is retarded. The XP one was much better.
2008-06-20, 2:24 PM #45
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
People keep saying, "Oh it's been fixed, stop whining, you stupid whiners!" but the fact is, it is still broken. You can argue all you want, but it crashes, breaks and is more sluggish than XP. If anyone has managed to get lucky, then congratulations, but their experience has been far from universal.

I'm due up for a congrats. I have yet to experience any issues with Vista crash. Only issues I've had was hardware (dead RAM slot.)
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-06-20, 2:25 PM #46
I run Vista.

It's ok, but I still prefer Linux
2008-06-20, 3:05 PM #47
I deal with Vista at work, and it is a nightmare to work with. I got non-bootable bsod's after Microsoft Updates. (All options under F8 crash too) After looking it up, it's been an issue since release clients, so not much has been done on fixing it. :P

Don't get me started on printing issues. I mean, I understand that it's a third party driver issue, but when Canon says "This is our Vista driver," it shouldn't **** the print spooler up every time Vista even thinks about printing.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-06-20, 4:07 PM #48
i run beos
2008-06-20, 4:15 PM #49
2008-06-20, 4:31 PM #50
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
People keep saying, "Oh it's been fixed, stop whining, you stupid whiners!" but the fact is, it is still broken. You can argue all you want, but it crashes, breaks and is more sluggish than XP. If anyone has managed to get lucky, then congratulations, but their experience has been far from universal.

Er, how is "Oh it's been fixed, stop whining, you stupid whiners!" any less substantial than what you just said? You didn't back up anything you said at all.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-20, 5:57 PM #51
Except for the fact that I and many other people have had many problems with Vista that they don't have with XP. A good OS is not an OS that many people don't have problems with, a good OS is an OS that hardly anyone has problems with.

If you want me to break into Microsoft, steal their source code and point out exactly where they've done a poor job, you're in for a bitter disappointment.
2008-06-20, 6:11 PM #52
Nothing but anecdotes. I can cite just as many good stories about Vista. Bad stories get press because the public likes flinging **** at Microsoft.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-20, 6:13 PM #53
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
If you want me to break into Microsoft, steal their source code and point out exactly where they've done a poor job,

I don't think the org chart counts as source code, bucko.
2008-06-20, 6:38 PM #54
Here's the thing:

Stupid people will have problems with a good OS because the good OS will either protect itself from stupidity (UAC) or it will obey every last stupid command (Linux).

Stupid people use and rave about terrible operating systems because they fail silently to an inconsistent state and as a result the stupid people aren't forced to confront the fact that they have no idea what the hell they're doing. Also that they're ugly.

If you talk to anybody who uses Vista as an operating system rather than a toy, you'd figure out that real people spend less time complaining about bugs and a lot more time complaining about the useless schizophrenic GUI.
2008-06-20, 7:11 PM #55
Originally posted by Jon`C:


gbk is 50 probably

2008-06-20, 7:53 PM #56
Originally posted by NoESC:


2008-06-20, 8:11 PM #57
Hackintosh OSX 10.5.3 and Vista Business on Dell Vostro 1400
Vista Business on Desktop

oh and i have never had any problems ever with Vista. You guys are either running it on old hardware which is dumb, or you buy from manufacturers who suck which is also dumb.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2008-06-20, 9:07 PM #58
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Except for the fact that I and many other people have had many problems with Vista that they don't have with XP. A good OS is not an OS that many people don't have problems with, a good OS is an OS that hardly anyone has problems with.

If you want me to break into Microsoft, steal their source code and point out exactly where they've done a poor job, you're in for a bitter disappointment.

Yawn. I haven't had any problems with Vista that:

A. Aren't the fault of drivers
B. Aren't the fault of the software company
C. Didn't exist in XP
D. Aren't hardware issues.

Anecdotal evidence ftw.
2008-06-20, 9:19 PM #59
I've only had one problem with vista the entire time I've had it, and it was a driver that crashed the system on startup.

Vista fixed it on the next boot up.
2008-06-20, 9:26 PM #60
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.
2008-06-21, 12:01 AM #61
The thing about windows in general is that, if you really think about any good OS microsoft has developed, its taken a few years to really become "solid". I remember some 5+ years ago when XP was released and people were having all kinds of problems, and so the pattern continues with Vista. I personally just do not prefer Vista, but I'm sure in a year or two's time, we will all be able to agree that its performance is on par with XP since all of its kinks will be worked out through continual updates and support.

But maybe I'm just full of it, who knows, just my opinion anyway..
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-06-21, 1:54 AM #62
Originally posted by llibja:
Windows on my desktop, Mac on my laptop.

Pissed Off?
2008-06-21, 5:16 AM #63
Originally posted by Rob:
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.

Does the disco ball count as rigging?:P
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2008-06-21, 1:57 PM #64
Originally posted by Rob:
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.

You assume too much out of how some of my PCs have been built. They were hardly form factor, and often required the use of things such as duct tape. :awesome:
2008-06-21, 2:00 PM #65
all of them because i tickle balls with my tounge
2008-06-21, 2:03 PM #66
Originally posted by Rob:
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.

Rigging something up is just assembling something, so if they assembled it from bits then they are infact rigging it.

The noun, Rig, according to the dictionary is "apparatus for some purpose; equipment; outfit; gear".

Can you stop dumping on EVERYTHING now?
2008-06-21, 3:42 PM #67
Vista Home Premium, came with my PC. I like it.
2008-06-21, 5:51 PM #68
Originally posted by Rob:
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.

Yet only about a quarter of the PCs I have built have had no issues and didn't require considerable technical expertise to overcome. My current machine is pushed to the limit as far as overclock and upgrades. It's truly amazing that it even runs.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2008-06-21, 6:20 PM #69
Originally posted by Rob:
PS, please stop calling your PCs a "rig"

None of you are really "rigging" anything. You're inserting form factor components, that hardly qualifies as a rig.

And often running beyond stock specifications, and making non form factor mods to them.

Also "rig" is only three characters long and does not necessitate the use of the "SHIFT" key.

Words often evolve beyond their original meaning, especially on the internet. You fail at being "anti-trendy". Why don't you hang out at truck stops and gripe at large truckers for calling their stock semis "rigs".
2008-06-21, 7:17 PM #70
PC is two characters.

Rig is a dumb word for a PC. A very dumb word. Possibly as dumb as cutting a hole in the side of your case for a window and neon lights.
2008-06-21, 8:59 PM #71
Originally posted by Jon`C:

gbk is 50 probably

2008-06-21, 9:25 PM #72
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I don't think the org chart counts as source code, bucko.

What are you talking about?

Yawn. I haven't had any problems with Vista that:

A. Aren't the fault of drivers
B. Aren't the fault of the software company
C. Didn't exist in XP
D. Aren't hardware issues.

Anecdotal evidence ftw.

Problem 1: Fresh Vista install will not recognize flash drives, for no good reason at all. Happens after Vista finally stops booting after repeated blue screen from factory install that I didn't have time to trouble shoot. After talking to CECS grad students, I find out that this happens every once in a while and that it's less trouble to simply reinstall than to try to fix it.

Problem 2: Friend's install looses all options from drop down menu to select types of network to search for. Something important was messed up, probably by user error, or a combination of updates and craptacular required university software. Repair install fails due to the presence of SP1, but SP1 fails to install. Resolved issue by pirating SP1 .iso to fix legal installation.

Ok that was more than two problems, but the point is, the OS is simply not as good as XP. Where it does not in itself fail, it allows poorly written programs to cripple it, often in conjunction of Windows update. This is a main stream OS, not Linux. It should be able keep itself from breaking without required the user to be one step ahead of it. XP can, Vista cannot. This is an OS, part of it's job is protecting itself from the stupidity of other companies.
PC is two characters.

Rig is a dumb word for a PC. A very dumb word. Possibly as dumb as cutting a hole in the side of your case for a window and neon lights.

Actually PC requires shift to be held down during both strokes, so it does take slightly more effort to type. And you have failed to demonstrate that rig is a dumb word. You're just trying to pull the old, "Criticizing things because I can makes me cool" ploy.
2008-06-21, 9:38 PM #73
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:

Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Anecdotal evidence ftw.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-06-21, 9:43 PM #74
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Problem 1: Fresh Vista install will not recognize flash drives, for no good reason at all. Happens after Vista finally stops booting after repeated blue screen from factory install that I didn't have time to trouble shoot. After talking to CECS grad students, I find out that this happens every once in a while and that it's less trouble to simply reinstall than to try to fix it.

None of my Vista installations have ever done that. Ever. Sounds like a hardware issue to me.

Problem 2: Friend's install looses all options from drop down menu to select types of network to search for. Something important was messed up, probably by user error, or a combination of updates and craptacular required university software. Repair install fails due to the presence of SP1, but SP1 fails to install. Resolved issue by pirating SP1 .iso to fix legal installation.

XP has the same problem.

Ok that was more than two problems, but the point is, the OS is simply not as good as XP. Where it does not in itself fail, it allows poorly written programs to cripple it, often in conjunction of Windows update. This is a main stream OS, not Linux. It should be able keep itself from breaking without required the user to be one step ahead of it. XP can, Vista cannot. This is an OS, part of it's job is protecting itself from the stupidity of other companies.

Vista does a far better job of recovering from errors than XP ever did, in my opinion. The video driver recovery alone was a huge step forward (holy crap non-anecdotal factoid?!). XP didn't even attempt to protect from stupidity, so I don't see how you can berate Vista when it at least tries.

Actually PC requires shift to be held down during both strokes, so it does take slightly more effort to type. And you have failed to demonstrate that rig is a dumb word. You're just trying to pull the old, "Criticizing things because I can makes me cool" ploy.

And you're trying to pull the old "I am right because I can write up more anecdotal evidence than you!!!111oneone".
2008-06-21, 10:17 PM #75
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
None of my Vista installations have ever done that. Ever. Sounds like a hardware issue to me.

I've witnessed this problem on a fresh install of Vista, but all the Vista machines I've dealt with so far have been Dells. That might have a lot to do with my loathing. :(
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-06-21, 10:22 PM #76
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
so it does take slightly more effort to type.

Are you like missing a bunch of ****ing fingers or something?

It takes like ZERO effort to hold shift.

Why would I critisize something to be cool? That doesn't make sense. If I wanted to be cool on here I'd just start agreeing with everyone, throw out a couple of retarded memes, and start liking all that BS crap TV everyone else watches.
2008-06-21, 10:31 PM #77
Angry Rob is angry.

Am I cool naow? :3
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2008-06-21, 10:36 PM #78
:3 <------- I don't like that face because it looks like a rooster with no beak, or a ballsack.
2008-06-22, 8:06 AM #79
10.5/10.6 On my Mac Pro with Win2K server, and Windows XP via Parallels
and 10.5 on both laptops and on my mac mini which is my film storage and player, no more DVD's EVER :D
Flying over there some were...
2008-06-23, 9:06 AM #80
How's 10.6?
gbk is 50 probably


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