So I've decided to build me a computer to play some new games instead of just WoW all the time.
However, since I've never done this before, I have a bit of nervousness when it comes to doing it. Patience isn't really a virtue of mine, so I don't want to be ordering parts and having to send them back because they aren't compatable :D.
So for the last couple of days I've been reading up on some stuff, so I made a Wish List on newegg of what I planned on doing.
Here's the basics of what I plan on doing
I'm really kind of worried about the PSU not being enough. This would probably be the thing I know the least about, and I read that the processor I plan on buying (from newegg customer reviews) that's it's quite the power hog. Also, not quite sure a mid tower is enough (although the motherboard dimensions suggest it would be).
I know I don't have any RAM listed but I can easily just go to Best Buy to purchase all that. And I know it's not the best video card on the market, but mainly what I'm trying to do right now is to pick out an excellent processor and motherboard that will allow me to upgrade for a decent period of time.
And suggestions folks?
However, since I've never done this before, I have a bit of nervousness when it comes to doing it. Patience isn't really a virtue of mine, so I don't want to be ordering parts and having to send them back because they aren't compatable :D.
So for the last couple of days I've been reading up on some stuff, so I made a Wish List on newegg of what I planned on doing.
Here's the basics of what I plan on doing
I'm really kind of worried about the PSU not being enough. This would probably be the thing I know the least about, and I read that the processor I plan on buying (from newegg customer reviews) that's it's quite the power hog. Also, not quite sure a mid tower is enough (although the motherboard dimensions suggest it would be).
I know I don't have any RAM listed but I can easily just go to Best Buy to purchase all that. And I know it's not the best video card on the market, but mainly what I'm trying to do right now is to pick out an excellent processor and motherboard that will allow me to upgrade for a decent period of time.
And suggestions folks?