It is because of this that I find it hard to believe you even play TF2. You get a basically "free" ubercharge during setup time, did you not know this? The entire rush relies on these, and if you followed what I had said, everything you touched on was already taken care of:
A. Red Ubers? Handled by Uber Pyro.
B. Sentries? Handled by Uber Demo.
C. Other players? Handled by a well placed pyro/demo/heavy/etc
D. It doesn't really matter how dispersed they are killed because you don't even need to kill all of their team to push into their spawn.
The critical thing you keep forgetting is that it only takes 2 players to win that second point, in literally almost-instantaneous manner.
The final point on Dustbowl is hard to win regardless of spawn times. If anything I find it easier to cap with fast respawn if anything because it keeps Red from being able to just push Blue right back to spawn.
There are no assumptions in what I am saying... it's simple fact... I mean, seriously. I'm telling it like it is here, not making conjecture.
So... who cares about those? You pretty much just supported my side with those statistics based on that.
No, it's more balanced because of it.
That's not balancing, that's unbalancing. Removing teleport delay makes it into exactly what you hate, a spamfest. Walking time is what keeps instant respawn viable.

It's not like it's that complicated to start with. And no, if you do as I actually said then no, the defending team can't really do the same.
The problem is BLU already has an "advantage" by fast respawn. An advantage that makes it more even overall (as typically RED has the advantage).
Any instant-respawn server that turns into a spamfest is an instant-respawn server where no one wins.
On instant respawn, if you "spam", you will not win. You must be strategic.