It would be improved if there was shadowing that shows true features to the surface of the face. I don't care if it's a stillborn; it was suppose to look like a "normal baby" I'm guessing. Babies have distinctive qualities of the face that make them look puffy and soft, not complete flatness.
Secondly, the eyes of a baby should be further back into the head. Look at a normal baby face. A normal infant's eye sockets are very defined with some serious depth, not eyeballs literally protruding out of the head like that. I mean seriously, view a photo of a baby.
Third, with that much light, you would think the pupil wouldn't look so dilated. This may seem like nit-picking, yet you have to admit there is something really "alien" about those eyes. Eyes singlehandedly add much character to the portraits, and surely someone must admit there is something very off with those eyes.
Fourth, why is the philtrum so pronounced. I'm not saying there shouldn't be a philtrum seen, but, compared to the rest of the face, it's incredibly defined. Why. It would seem appropriate if there were fat baby cheeks to accompany it, but alone, it is strikingly distracting.
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