If moral relativism is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Posts: 4,192
Physics is easily the most fundamental science. Chemistry and biology are just specialised applications of Physics.
Mathematics is a much more complicated issue. What is mathematics? This is a very deep and difficult question, and I can only say that it is so much more than what any of you guys in this thread seem to think it is.
Mathematics is more than just a 'tool' occassionally used by scientists. You can't do any science whatsoever without mathematics, mathematics is something intrinsic to reality. 2+2 will always be 4, and it has always been 4. It is not something we 'observe', we do not have keep checking this by adding two things to two other things and making sure we still have four things, it is true because it must be true. It doesn't matter what symbol we use for '2', or '+', or '=', or '4', the statement expressed in '2+2=4' will always be true.
The same applies with Pythagoras theorem. We do not need to observe all right-angled triangles, we do not need to observe any right-angled triangles to prove Pythagoras' theorem and this is still true for all right-angled triangles that have ever existed and will ever exist. It is true because it must be. Mathematics is an expression of perfect truths; it is the only expression of perfect truths. The 'limitations' of any proof are explicit in the derivation, in the assumptions it makes (Pythagoras theorem assumes Euclidean geometry, and non-Euclidean geometries are constructed specifically to investigate geometries that do not satisfy this theorem).
Mathematics is not just a tool, or a language, or some human construct created for to serve a purpose. Mathematics exists outside of human construction, and mathematical truths are independent of any observer. Mathematics is reality. As science is the study of reality, it is necessarily inseparable from mathematics.
You write this as if you have some alternative to mathematics. How exactly are you going to 'measure the world' without mathematics?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935