Lol totally. Anyway, one word. Snipers.
Or to put it another way, you don't think a SEAL (or a teal of SEALs) is capable of killing or incapacitating before the target knows they're there? Stop and think about what you're saying. You're basically claiming that the MOST POWERFUL NAVAL FORCE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD is incapable of handling a hostage situation initiated by some (basically) third world pirates.
I'd go so far as to argue that we're already doing such a good job at it that most people (as evidenced by this thread) think of eye patches and peg legs when piracy is mentioned. They don't see it as a threat.
What's more likely; that pirates haven't really existed until now and are suddenly popping up and the Navy doesn't know how to deal with them, or that the Navy's done such an effective job of combating piracy that these events rarely happen and, since one "slipped through," the media's over-dramatizing it because they can make money on the interesting concept and public image of piracy?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.