I've never seen anything like this, and so i decided to try this out. The rules are simple, and will be familiar to anyone who participates in 'Name that Game':
1. The first person (me) will post a riddle. whoever gets the correct answer first post the next riddle, and so on.
2. The riddles must actually be riddles. no 'What's in my pocket?' I will be the final word on whether a riddle is actually a riddle or not, since it is rather vauge, however these are basic guidelines: It must have several parts, only one answer, and require wit to solve. However, again, i will be the final word, as those a really vauge and may occationalyl be wrong.
3. The answer must be confirmed by the riddle giver in order for the winner to post thier riddle, no matter how sure they are of thier answer. However, i, and i alone, reserve the right to confirm an answer if i know it is correct, in order to keep the thread moving.
4. If there is no new riddle by a winner for one day, i will say the next riddle unless i choose to bestow this honor on someone else.
5. A riddle giver must remain with this thread for at least the duration of his riddle. If a giver does not post in this thread for a day, either positive or negative, unless there are extenuating circumstances, i will post the next riddle, unless i choose someone else.
6. A winner has the choice to pass thier turn to anouther, but only before they have posted their riddle. you can't stop a riddle in process to give it to someone else.
I think that be it. Have fun! And, oh yah. the first riddle. enjoy:
It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter or tears, with light long since shone. A moment to make, a lifetime to shed, valued when, lost when your dead.
"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited July 22, 2004).]
1. The first person (me) will post a riddle. whoever gets the correct answer first post the next riddle, and so on.
2. The riddles must actually be riddles. no 'What's in my pocket?' I will be the final word on whether a riddle is actually a riddle or not, since it is rather vauge, however these are basic guidelines: It must have several parts, only one answer, and require wit to solve. However, again, i will be the final word, as those a really vauge and may occationalyl be wrong.
3. The answer must be confirmed by the riddle giver in order for the winner to post thier riddle, no matter how sure they are of thier answer. However, i, and i alone, reserve the right to confirm an answer if i know it is correct, in order to keep the thread moving.
4. If there is no new riddle by a winner for one day, i will say the next riddle unless i choose to bestow this honor on someone else.
5. A riddle giver must remain with this thread for at least the duration of his riddle. If a giver does not post in this thread for a day, either positive or negative, unless there are extenuating circumstances, i will post the next riddle, unless i choose someone else.
6. A winner has the choice to pass thier turn to anouther, but only before they have posted their riddle. you can't stop a riddle in process to give it to someone else.
I think that be it. Have fun! And, oh yah. the first riddle. enjoy:
It brings back the lost as though never gone, shines laughter or tears, with light long since shone. A moment to make, a lifetime to shed, valued when, lost when your dead.
"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited July 22, 2004).]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis