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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Return of the Clone Hunter
Return of the Clone Hunter
2008-12-18, 2:54 PM #1
Hello everyone! This is what i like to call, "Revenge of the Clone Hunter" or something like that. And yes, like my other threads, this has to do with modding, but not modding help. No. Pretty much every single person who left a reply to my threads ridiculed me and said that i wasnt serious (yah im talking to you Echoman and, um, whatever the one guy with Knight in his name was.). After that i had a VERY LONG absence from Massassi forums. Whered i go? I went over to Why? Cuase the forum users there are much more friendly and helpful, and they are still very much active recieving tons of JK3 and JK2 Mods almost every second, and adding them to the sight everyday. Everyday there is a new download, and they actually UPDATE there Picture of the Day(PotD).

And for all of you who thought i was not the least bit serious, i hev already submitted a succesful skin to that site, and have submitted several more which should be added in a few days. Each skin is finished and works quite well. And there tutorials and user forum people were much more, um... Were much more clear then that one here. Here are some screenshots of some clone trooper skins i made:

Clone Commander Appo

Clone Commander Gree

So as you can see, i was very much serious about skinning and JK2 modding. The top guy should be able to download at jedifiles soon, and ill try to submit gree here if i can. So HA!! I WAS SERIOUS!! I just proved you all wrong that i wasnt serious, but that i really am.
2008-12-18, 2:59 PM #2
Ok... you can stop pretending to be me now...
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 3:03 PM #3
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Ok... you can stop pretending to be me now...

2008-12-18, 3:03 PM #4
At least he made em.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2008-12-18, 3:05 PM #5
Originally posted by petmc20:
At least he made em.

I don't want to sound offensive, but I sleep better at nights knowing that I've made better things.... also these just look like reskins.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 3:10 PM #6
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I don't want to sound offensive, but I sleep better at nights knowing that I've made better things.... also these just look like reskins.

Oh my god, did you not read the opener? THESE ARE RESKINS!!:carl:
2008-12-18, 3:11 PM #7
Originally posted by Clone Hunter:
Oh my god, did you not read the opener? THESE ARE RESKINS!!:carl:

You said SKINS... not RESKINS... as if you MADE the SKINS.

EDIT: They are terrible reskins btw.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 3:11 PM #8

EDIT: Besides, whats the difference?
2008-12-18, 3:14 PM #9
Originally posted by Clone Hunter:

EDIT: Besides, whats the difference?

When I say I made these skins... it means that I made the whole mesh geometry, rigged it and what not.

When I say I made a reskin... just took the texture of a skin and modified it... not the same thing.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 3:17 PM #10
2008-12-18, 3:23 PM #11
Clone Hunter, your skins are awful.

Gold, you're just plain wrong. A skin is the texture. Skinning is making the texture - the skin. You made new models. Good for you. But they were awful.
2008-12-18, 3:34 PM #12
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2008-12-18, 3:38 PM #13
Originally posted by Clone Hunter:
And for all of you who thought i was not the least bit serious ... I just proved you all wrong that i wasnt serious, but that i really am.

What'd you think would convince us most, the typos, the insults, or the laughably bad skins?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-12-18, 3:38 PM #14
2008-12-18, 3:38 PM #15
2008-12-18, 3:39 PM #16
2008-12-18, 3:39 PM #17
Originally posted by JM:
Clone Hunter, your skins are awful.

Gold, you're just plain wrong. A skin is the texture. Skinning is making the texture - the skin. You made new models. Good for you. But they were awful.

I don't do skins or organics. I work on weapons, buildings, levels, and most of what you might say is "horrible" was probably placeholder work for other project. Like right now, I'm writing a simple airplane game example (blitz basic comes with one, but personally its the worst airplane game example I have ever seen) and I'm using place holder content. I'm using a crappy terrain and a crappy plane. Its not even animated.

Later on I plan on using a higher quality plane model, and a good heightmap for the terrain. For now, I'm only interested in the game play, the graphics can come later.


Personally I don't think my models were bad for the time they were made in. Also take into account most of the are/were wip, not finished.


Of course, these are only the highlights of my work, I know I have VERY crappy models, and they are online, but seeing as I instead got into scripting/programming, I've made modeling a second priority.

Maybe you have FAR superior work, but my models aren't bad. They just were never finished.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 3:54 PM #18
oh man this thread is destined to be awesome
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-12-18, 4:00 PM #19
i like your sword
2008-12-18, 4:01 PM #20
Originally posted by mb:
oh man this thread is destined to be awesome

*grabs a bag of popcorn and sits in the front row*
2008-12-18, 4:53 PM #21
oh man this thread is destined to be awesome

I'm happy to oblige.

Gold; I've created more impressive things on accident.
2008-12-18, 5:04 PM #22
2008-12-18, 5:22 PM #23
nice clone hunter, i think you can impress your 10 year old friends for about 5 seconds with those model screens.
2008-12-18, 5:28 PM #24
Attachment: 20781/where_is_this_thread_going.jpg (61,153 bytes)
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2008-12-18, 5:50 PM #25
Well I'm impressed, I mean I couldn't do that if I didn't have any hands. Wait, you have hands? Nevermind then.
2008-12-18, 7:11 PM #26
I thought Clone Hunter's skins were pretty bad until I saw that crap gold posted. Clone Hunter looks like a damned idiot savant now. Seriously, though, is that bottom stormtrooper wearing sneakers?

Originally posted by Clone Hunter:
Hello everyone! This is what i like to call, "Revenge of the Clone Hunter" or something like that. And yes, like my other threads, this has to do with modding, but not modding help. No. Pretty much every single person who left a reply to my threads ridiculed me and said that i wasnt serious (yah im talking to you Echoman and, um, whatever the one guy with Knight in his name was.). After that i had a VERY LONG absence from Massassi forums. Whered i go? I went over to Why? Cuase the forum users there are much more friendly and helpful, and they are still very much active recieving tons of JK3 and JK2 Mods almost every second, and adding them to the sight everyday. Everyday there is a new download, and they actually UPDATE there Picture of the Day(PotD).

Look, pal, it's my job to ridicule the site and staff here. You will probably be happier with the other friendlier and more helpful nerds at the other site.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2008-12-18, 9:43 PM #27
Two questions:

1. Who the hell are you?

2. Did you do those skins in paint?
2008-12-18, 9:46 PM #28
Gold, why the **** did you hijack this thread?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2008-12-18, 9:54 PM #29
Obviously so he can complete the colorful spectrum of failure that is so predominate in this thread.

Beautiful, delicious failure.
2008-12-18, 9:59 PM #30
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Obviously so he can complete the colorful spectrum of failure that is so predominate in this thread.

Beautiful, delicious failure.

Its an art.

Now... let us go into bible discussion... Armageddon anyone?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-18, 10:59 PM #31
Just an attention whoring troll I guess
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2008-12-18, 11:08 PM #32
hey sf gold i like your style
2008-12-18, 11:12 PM #33
Originally posted by JediKirby:
What'd you think would convince us most, the typos, the insults, or the laughably bad skins?

He had me at "I WAS SERIOUS." :XD:

Originally posted by Wookie06:
I thought Clone Hunter's skins were pretty bad until I saw that crap gold posted. Clone Hunter looks like a damned idiot savant now.

Alright, I'll give credit where credit is due. I laughed pretty hard.

but those models still are totally worth 20 bucks
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2008-12-18, 11:44 PM #34
Yay! I think I'll make a model and post it.... give me a couple days, its the weekend and I have serious business to settle with Mr. Corona, Mr. Modelo Light, and Mr. Jimador.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-19, 12:53 AM #35

So how bout Bush and the shoe, amirite?
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-12-19, 1:17 AM #36
Oh god not again...

Also I used to review campaigns for SWGB (And my style of reviewing is still used despite the fact I may or may not have been bannated from heavengames for er... well... )

I'm gonna dig up a copy of SWGB and see what your levels are like.

Not expecting much.
2008-12-19, 1:23 AM #37
Originally posted by The_Reafis:
Oh god not again...

Oh yes... this thread has invoked the wrath of GOLD !
Thread status now entering hell.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-19, 1:29 AM #38
Actually that was aimed at the OP. Your just quaintly amusing and nostalgic
2008-12-19, 2:04 AM #39
I made similar posts like the OP back in my day, when I was the center of attention! I shall not concede!
Nothing to see here, move along.
2008-12-19, 3:25 AM #40
That's just sad
You can't judge a book by it's file size

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