Dude... Christ was put to death by his own people was he not?, so im a bit lost over your ramblings. I don't have idols in that sense, but I gave up on the concept of faith ages ago. But you believe in something, I cant really make too much of a deal about that.
Wookie06, you quoted me on the 'If God...'. I was not trying to say that there is a God, but there are people in this hallowed world who do believe he exists. But the problem with having a religiuos belief you've got to stick by it, but I've got a problem with the fact (particulay in the US), that religion has become the basis of politics and is being used to get people into line.
Its like having a modern version of having Holy Roman Empire that based its laws on religious teachings. Personally I don't like that concept too much. I have become cynical of some faiths largely as there is so much hypocrasy. For example I think some genocide that happend around 250-200 years ago when Russian monarch know Ivan the Terrible decided to kill 100,000 people in Kazan because they weren't Christians, and claimed he did it the name of God. And considering that first commandment says 'thou shalt kill', I call that hypocrisy where Im concered.
Also explain why the Vatican is filthy rich when most of the Catholic faith are poor, why there are so many gay clergymen around the world and why do we have to base laws on religious gorunds? Im not religious or anything.. but i've got an open mind and tell you the truth, If Jesus did exist and came to this earth, he'd not like the fact a religion in his name had spread its faith through violence and hate.
Morals? We've got too freaking many.
I'd thought I go and defend my viewpoint in any case
Feel free to discuss
