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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Rove's former IT Guru killed in plane crash
Rove's former IT Guru killed in plane crash
2008-12-24, 1:56 PM #41
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Why does someone ALWAYS pull this grouping gay people with paraphiliacs crap when discussing gays?!

Because someone is ALWAYS profoundly inbred.
2008-12-24, 3:21 PM #42
I was waiting for someone to pull the "EEeeEEEeeEE OMGDZ IDOTZ" card.

anyway, I am all for legalizing gay marriage. Whatever makes them happy. The point I am trying to make is that by classifying the homosexual community as a "minority" you have to give them rights JUST like every other minority in order to be fair and equal.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-12-24, 3:26 PM #43
Uh, you're suggesting they shouldn't have equal rights?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-12-24, 3:30 PM #44
No, now your misinterpreting. Let me be more clear..

I'm saying in the spirit OF equal rights, if they were considered a minority they would NEED to have the same rights AS ethnic minorities do. People are saying they are not asking for that, which is all fine and dandy but to BE treated EQUAL they NEED the rights given to ethnic minorities.

In essence I am saying they should be treated equal if they are given minority status. I really don't know where you pull things out sometimes, emon.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-12-24, 3:42 PM #45
Originally posted by Onimusha.:
No, now your misinterpreting. Let me be more clear..

I'm saying in the spirit OF equal rights, if they were considered a minority they would NEED to have the same rights AS ethnic minorities do. People are saying they are not asking for that, which is all fine and dandy but to BE treated EQUAL they NEED the rights given to ethnic minorities.

In essence I am saying they should be treated equal if they are given minority status. I really don't know where you pull things out sometimes, emon.

What the hell dude? Every time I try to reread this post my brain gets sucked further into a vortex of WTF.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2008-12-24, 3:43 PM #46
Originally posted by Onimusha.:
I'm saying in the spirit OF equal rights, if they were considered a minority they would NEED to have the same rights AS ethnic minorities do. People are saying they are not asking for that, which is all fine and dandy but to BE treated EQUAL they NEED the rights given to ethnic minorities.

Well in the spirit OF equal rights ethnic minorities should not BE treated ANY differently because affirmaTIVE ACtion isn't a form OF equality it's a form OF racism in itself.
2008-12-24, 4:23 PM #47
Originally posted by Onimusha.:
I really don't know where you pull things out sometimes, emon.

Your posts are not very clear.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-12-24, 6:23 PM #48
Well in the spirit OF equal rights ethnic minorities should not BE treated ANY differently because affirmaTIVE ACtion isn't a form OF equality it's a form OF racism in itself.

Then you would probably be pretty pissed too if the homosexual community was declared an official minority, seeing as they would then gain the benefit (weither they asked for it/want it or not) of affirmative action. At least according to what you just said.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2008-12-24, 6:37 PM #49
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-12-24, 7:04 PM #50
Originally posted by mscbuck:
If we are gonna investigate something that happened in the past such as this election scam (I'm pretty sure the 2000 and 2004 elections won't be happening again anytime soon, let alone anything with the Bush / Cheney administration), why don't we investigate every election of the past 200 years or so, make sure we let the people know that Presidents can't get away with election fraud.

And what you really should do is give your opinion on the matter. I have given my opinion, multiple times. I'm waiting to see your thoughts on the matter, although I can take a guess. What is completely outrageous about the story? What could be plausible or realistic?

I really don't get why you keep trying to raise the argument that we should investigate decades old elections. If I murdered someone, should they investigate every former murder? No, but they should definitely investigate me.

Let's put it in political terms... let's say Blagojevich's term was ending this January. Once he's out of office, should we just drop the investigation into his corruption? No. We definitely should not, because then politicians get the idea that they can get away with fraud or abuses of power.

And you want to know my opinion on the matter? I've given it several times already. I think it's suspicious and needs more attention and investigation. I'm not saying "OMG BUSH/CHENEY ARE CRIMINALS AND THEY STOLE THE ELECTION AND THEY SHOULD BE IMPEACHED." I'm saying, "This sounds pretty shady. What's the truth?"

Oh, and before you guys start getting into a debate about gays and minorities and whatever, check this out: Click me!
2008-12-24, 7:04 PM #51
I'm not aware of any policy that instantly grants special rights to all known "minority" groups.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-12-24, 7:37 PM #52
Originally posted by Vin:

Let's put it in political terms... let's say Blagojevich's term was ending this January. Once he's out of office, should we just drop the investigation into his corruption? No. We definitely should not, because then politicians get the idea that they can get away with fraud or abuses of power.

No, I'm just saying there won't be anything to deter people from trying to scam an election. Just because I was busted for possession, did that stop you from smoking? Just because Bush/Cheney would get caught with an election scam, would people stop trying to scam elections?

I'm not saying it's not worth investigating, I would love to see how it turns out. But at this point in time, I'd much rather see the resources being devoted somewhere else, somewhere more useful. In this case nobody in the country is at harm (unlike letting a murder run loose for example), no lives would be lost as a result of this incident, so I think federal money for prosecution should be diverted elsewhere
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-12-24, 8:23 PM #53
Originally posted by mscbuck:
In this case nobody in the country is at harm (unlike letting a murder run loose for example), no lives would be lost as a result of this incident, so I think federal money for prosecution should be diverted elsewhere

Except in this case, Connell had received death threats, was specifically warned not to fly, and was killed in a plane crash. So not investigating could possibly be letting a murderer run loose.

But that of course depends on what the FAA decides was the cause of the crash.
2008-12-24, 9:49 PM #54
Originally posted by Emon:
I'm not aware of any policy that instantly grants special rights to all known "minority" groups.

US law 38573.489538573.283745.i (i stands for imaginary)


black people are too dumb and ugly to get jobs without government intervention
2008-12-25, 12:29 AM #55
actually, as much as i really, REALLY doubt there is any shenanigans here, i would not be opposed to an investigation. in fact i think it would do good for most politicians to be investigated, at least a few times. what i find to be shady is how Cheney shot a dude in the face and got him to apologize for getting in the way of his shot gun..

Originally posted by Jon`C:
Well in the spirit OF equal rights ethnic minorities should not BE treated ANY differently because affirmaTIVE ACtion isn't a form OF equality it's a form OF racism in itself.

also i fully endorse this statement^
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2008-12-25, 1:33 AM #56
Originally posted by Jon`C:
US law 38573.489538573.283745.i (i stands for imaginary)


black people are too dumb and ugly to get jobs without government intervention

Hahah, well what I meant was, if a new minority is declared, it's not like *POOF* they have all sorts of special treatment.

It might be accurate to say that if gays are granted "minority" status certain people may push for special rights, but instantly becoming a minority does not make it so.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2008-12-25, 1:46 AM #57
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Well in the spirit OF equal rights ethnic minorities should not BE treated ANY differently because affirmaTIVE ACtion isn't a form OF equality it's a form OF racism in itself.

I've been saying that for years
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"

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