No, it's passive-aggressive posts like these that makes a big deal out of something that shouldn't be.
I get constantly badgered to loosen the rules on Massassi. I hear a good suggestion from another staff member, and I run with it, thinking that this will make you all happy, because it will allow you to do more of what many of you seem to enjoy.
And what is the response? I get nothing but trash talk, insults, ridiculous psychoanalysis, and more. I'm trying to help here! I'm not creating some stupid moderator regime, I am not coming down on anyone, and I am absolutely, positively, not threatening.
For Christ's sake, it's not even permanent! If you would give it a week and see how it turns out, let the test progress, instead of wasting your time here finding ways to tick me off, you may even find it to be a good idea!
I am not doing it under any guise.
I do things on Massassi for 3 reasons:
1. It's what Brian would have wanted, OR
2. It's what the community would have wanted, OR
3. It's in the best interest of keeping Massassi going.
This specific function would fall under 2. It was suggested by a massassian, supported by massassians, and it's a simple trial run. IF it turns out not working, there is NOTHING LOST.
If I ran Massassi the way I wanted to run it, Massassi would be a very different place. Let me make that clear right now. I have made numerous concessions, and I have neglected to impose numerous rules, and loosely enforce others, because I know that is simply what I would want, and not what the community wants, or needs.
There is times, on occassion, when I do things solely out of my own right as the owner. These times are incredibly rare. This is not even one of them.
There's nothing more petty and childish than thinking you are entitled to demand things. You are not the community, you are a small, small part of it.
This is not a democracy. We have established this. I, with the staff, make executive decisions. Whether we choose to include the community in that or not is up to us. I want to allow the community to put a voice in matters here, but simply put, not everything is up for debate.
Also, many things simply do not work with a "vote". This is a perfect example. If you don't like this new forum concept, then there is a simple way to demonstrate that. Stop using one of them. If a trend develops, as a few of you insist will, then let it do so. Once it becomes apparent that Massassi doesn't need separate forums, then I will merge them back. This could be decided in days, weeks, months. This is how you vote, how you put your word in.
Frankly, it's members like you that make me question why I adopted to run Massassi in the first place. It's not like I ask much. I don't expect to be glorified as the "almighty savior of massassi". I am only one of many capable of taking over. But I can't believe that it's so hard to even ask for a little respect and dignity?
I think I've said my piece on the matter. Let the cards play themselves out.