(We'll see how this one goes. I stole this idea from JM who stole it from someone else.)
Objective: Be the first to win by exploiting the rules passed by you and the rest of the committee!
First, we'll need a committee. When there's at least 5 people, I'll post the initial list of the people in the committee, and people will take turns in the order I've posted the list. If the committee decides to change that, that's up to them, and they'll have to decide how to let new people into the game as well.
Initial committee members:
Here are the starting rules:
Rule 1 : A turn shall consist of the proposition of one rule or amendment, and the passing or failing of that rule.
Rule 2 : No proposed rule may contradict an existing rule nor may any proposed amendment cause a rule to contradict another.
Rule 3 : Rules shall be passed by simple majority vote.
Rule 4 : Should somebody take more than 1 day to take their turn, they forfeit their turn and the next person in line takes their turn.
Objective: Be the first to win by exploiting the rules passed by you and the rest of the committee!
First, we'll need a committee. When there's at least 5 people, I'll post the initial list of the people in the committee, and people will take turns in the order I've posted the list. If the committee decides to change that, that's up to them, and they'll have to decide how to let new people into the game as well.
Initial committee members:
Here are the starting rules:
Rule 1 : A turn shall consist of the proposition of one rule or amendment, and the passing or failing of that rule.
Rule 2 : No proposed rule may contradict an existing rule nor may any proposed amendment cause a rule to contradict another.
Rule 3 : Rules shall be passed by simple majority vote.
Rule 4 : Should somebody take more than 1 day to take their turn, they forfeit their turn and the next person in line takes their turn.
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