That july estimate was very very optimistic and is totally dependent on whether or not they do some upgrades that will prevent such a thing happening again.
Mort, if you have access to indico, search for the talk by Jorg Wenninger dated 25th Nov 2008 given to the TRT guys, slide 43 says it all. He's high up on the LHC Operations/Machine group, the TRT guys pulled a few favours to get him to give the talk, it sent quite a few shockwaves around.
There are two options they are thinking about doing, it hasn't been decided which yet, there is more news coming in the next ATLAS trigger and physics week.
Anyway, point is this
Option 1 ) They are doing modifications in the sectors that were damaged to hopefully prevent the accident happening in those areas again, not all of these modifications are being done in the areas that didn't fail. These will be finished by late Summer 2009, but then there is a 2 month long beam commissioning to take place again. Working accelerator by September/October 2009.
Option 2 ) Upgrade the entire LHC, that would require the warming up on all the sectors and if done will mean there will be no beam in 2009. Working accelerator by ~Feb/March 2010.
Even if they take option 1, at some point they are going to have to make the modifications to the rest of the sectors, we'll most likely get beam for 1-2 months in 2009 and then another long winter shut down, 3-4 months at least.
Also, why the hell are you coming out in July...I leave in April!!!
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.