Wolfy and anyone else who doesn't understand, here's a long backstory explanation:
(skip to the line if you want the conclusion)
Basically, in the early days of eve, there were big power bloc alliances, or gargantuan groups of players. The main surviving one, and only huge surviving one is Band of Brother, or BOB. From what I understand they have a very large eastern europe/russian population. They are known for their ego, and expansive power-holding bigness etc. (it's 1:15 am my english sucks). They have done some bad things, and essentially have held a huge piece of eve space for a long time.
It is often joked/complained that eve devs play in Bob and game bugs, such as node crashes during critical moments, happen in Bob's favor. Bob is considered evil by the majority of EVE, but continue to last, always live etc. Side note: they recently formed a "MAX FLEET" fleet of expensive capital fleet ships (hundreds of ships costing $100 or more) that was intended on going into other power-bloc alliances space and kicking a$$, just becaust (because we're BOB and we are huge and we need something to do, we'll pick on other people). They were stopped on their first attack by a somewhat small and "known to suck and known to run away." alliance. Their reputation has been diminishing somewhat lately, but they are still feared by most.
Goonswarm was created a few years ago. It has grown to be the largest alliance in the game population-wise, partially driven by it's recruitment campaigns, but it essentially is the closest thing to a "we are the democracy of eve" in the game. Also mainly westerers and english-speaking. Goonswarm has had it's bad moments as well, but there's more good than bad. (I'm specifically referring to the Jihads, or Goonswarm attacking expensive mining ships in NPC space just to make the "get your arses into 0.0 and stop being carebears in safe space" point)
Essentially, Goonswarm and Bob have been at war for the last few years. 1.5 years ago, Goonswarm, with seemingly all non Bob players in EVE backing them up at the time, took at least 30-50% of bob space away from them. BoB had to pull back and reinforce it's major 3 regions (of which there are approximately 60 in the game, half conquerable, half NPC and not conquerable).
To make a long story short, in the major Goon Vs Bob war that has been going on for years, Bob reputation has slowly diminished. Recently, a spy, and director, or member of leadership of Bob, disbanded the alliance, or made all the corporations (or clans) in the alliance no longer members of the Band of Brothers Alliance. A Corporation was created with the "Band of Brothers" name to make it more difficult for Bob to reform itself and defend it's space.
By forming an alliance, you get bonuses for holding territory, such as the ability to set up Cyno jammers / jump bridges (prevent jumping into the system for expensive capital ships / providing shortcuts for other ships). These bonuses will BoB 1 months to re-attain. Bob is essentially put in a situation where their long-held territory is that much easier to be taken.
Everyone and their dog is flying in to fight and to claim Bob's space.
Band of Brothers, the longest-living power-bloc alliance in the game, is effectively dead. It's going to take awhile, and Bob will definately put up a fight, but they will likely not win.
Of the major Goon vs Bob war of the last 2-3+ years, goonfleet seemingly won.
This will change the politics and gameplay of Eve Online in unseen ways. Bob set the bar for a number of techniques and strategies in the game. In many ways it has shaped the game.
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