The artists income doesn't solely rely on selling albums alone. There are such things as contractual obligations which studios/recording companies are forced to pay their artists to even convince them to MAKE the record in the first place. It's the same thing as a "Writers fee" per say. A writer/director won't submit his fully completed story, or allow it to be sold/produced, unless he is first paid a fee for doing it in the first place. And if you ask me, 50 Cent doesn't need another Benz.
I'm funny on the issue. I want to work in the entertainment industry as a filmmaker, yet I have absolutely no issue with torrenting/pirating of movies, music or video games, etc. Because as much as an effect the RIAA and other companies "say" it has on the industry, it's still flourishing and they are still making millions. They just can't take the fact that instead of making $520 million this year, they made $490 million (for examples sake). IMO, it's not immoral, and if you already own a copy in the first place it's most definitely in your personal benefit and rights to own a digital copy. Or ANY other copy for that matter.
Personally, my viewpoint on it as an artist would be, as much as it sucks that I didn't get paid for it.. People like my work. People want my work. They are interested in what I have to say or put in front of their eyes, for whatever reason. My work affects their mind, gets it moving, or does SOMETHING at least. It has some kind of impact.[/b] That's the whole point of being an artist in the first place, that's what art is. Even though a fool would lie and tell you that the money aspect is not nice or attractive, it isn't ALL about that. At least not for me.