I'm the same as you, flavour over anything else. That's why I cure my weed, even when I buy it. You can turn the ****tiest street bought weed into some really decent bud just by the process of curing. But to answer your question yeah I've smoked real Hindu Kush, it was pretty ok but nothing to write home about
My friend is legal and has his possession card, so he just grabs it from the medical dispensary's all around the city when I need to pick up.
I was referring more to another post made by someone regarding "purple" weed. Although, colour doesn't represent strain type (rather, a plethora of possible indications).
I was referring to the silly people from California (or other us states) that you always hear saying "I got the Kush son!" or something like that, since 9.9999 times out of 10 it's nothing near real Kush. I don't mean to generalize or stereotype, but it is unfortunately something that I've noticed a lot with people from that state, thinking Kush is the be all and end all of weed, or that every thing they buy is some sort of Kush. Especially when they don't realize Kush isn't THAT good to begin with
I could be wrong though, but I've yet to see otherwise
If you ask me, the only poor messages you should be concerned about being sent are the 60+ years worth of propaganda ads and false studies that have been pumped into the society you're surrounded by. Not one comical episode geared towards adults with a thinking brain.