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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Should I smoke pot?
Should I smoke pot?
2009-04-26, 11:43 AM #41
2009-04-26, 11:49 AM #42
This thread is full of lawl.

Raves are meant to be enjoyed while blissfully joyful and content as if in a constant orgasm, not while in an attention-deficit-plagued retarded stupor

I think what Pom's trying to say is, skip the pot and pop the ex. :XD:
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2009-04-26, 11:51 AM #43
Try some ecstasy when you're there too.
2009-04-26, 12:06 PM #44
Not Quite Temper... Smoking Pot can keep you from getting specific jobs or security clearances, downloading porn or some mp3s is not the same to an employer.

Of course, that's pretty much a given. But I mean, if he were working at a job like that I doubt he'd be considering smoking in the first place, so I didn't figure that into it of course.

right. cause everyone knows that if you drink you do it alone while jerking off. Never socially.

Exactly. It's the same with how everyone knows Alcohol is far less addicting than Marijuana :neckbeard:

I also found it kind of funny though that he was asking about if he should smoke Pot while going to a rave, considering there are far harder drugs you're more likely to encounter at one of those than just MJ.
2009-04-26, 12:29 PM #45
You guys, you're totally missing the point. If he went to the rave, he'd get SWINE FLU.
2009-04-26, 12:56 PM #46
he shud smok it
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2009-04-26, 1:13 PM #47
smok swine flu?

King James the 1st- “I will not give a turd for thy preaching”
2009-04-26, 1:15 PM #48
If you're not an experienced smoker, you probably don't want to put yourself in an environment with loud music and lots of strangers. YMMV.
2009-04-26, 1:33 PM #49
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
If I wanted attention, I know of atleast a good 100 methods that are more effective than speaking about a subject that I am not particulary familiar with the other side of the opinions. I want to hear opinions. I don't want to develop an addiction or do this constantly or anything. Just like you know, a once or twice experience in life. But even now I'm having my doubts. Don't know... well good night. If you want to see an attention deficient person, refer to your own post, which serves no purpose other than to attack someone (me), while I try to ask a legitimate question.

Thanks for completely misunderstanding a key phrase in my post and then attacking me using aforementioned misunderstood phrase.
2009-04-26, 1:35 PM #50
Alcohol isn't more or less addictive as weed.
2009-04-26, 1:35 PM #51
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
Try some ecstasy when you're there too.

ecstsay is srs drug

2009-04-26, 2:06 PM #52
Don't do it gold;

Drugs fuel the illegal DVD piracy trade!

2009-04-26, 2:28 PM #53
No that's Mountain Dew.
2009-04-26, 3:17 PM #54
I like how both the anti-smokers and pro-smokers are addressing non-issues or points that were never brought up in the first place while ignoring the other.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2009-04-26, 3:52 PM #55
The issues that will affect you more are the how and why you do drugs, not the drug itself. Marijuana and ecstacy are both less dangerous and less damaging and less addicive than alcohol or nicotine. But it's the people you surround yourself with that will affect you more.

I'd say that as long as you're good friends with your weed people before you started smoking, then you'll be in a good place if you do. It'll just be a thing you do to chill out, and you'll be comfortable doing regular stuff as well, and you'll have a lot of fun experimenting with weed.

There is a pretty vast marijuana subculture, and you'll meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends just by smoking weed. You'll immediately have something in common, and you can hang out and it'll be cool. However, you might come into problems if weed is the only thing you have in common (and this can happen pretty easily). There'll be people you don't really like, but you'll go have a smoke with them anyway.

When you stop smoking weed, you'll immediately lose a lot of friends and it can be pretty disheartening. People you thought were friends, and you thought you had a pretty deep connection with, you'll realise your only connection was weed. When that's gone, so are they.
This can be a pretty powerful social pressure, you'll feel pressured into smoking when you sort of want to stop. Obviously anyone that's actively pressuring you into doing drugs is a absolute cock****e and you should avoid that person from the start, but the social pressures can be a lot more subtle than that. It can be pretty awkward to hang out with weed friends when you no longer smoke weed.
You can easily come across as seeming 'better' and superior to them (even if you don't feel that way at all), and they'll slowly lose interest in hanging out with you.

Of course, if you're new to weed and you're just venturing into this subculture then that scenario is a long way off, but take heed from an old weed veteran that this is a dangerous future.

Be wary of the people, not the drugs. The dangerous side-effect of criminilsation is that you'll probably meet people that do other drugs, like coke and meth. Stay well away from that **** and those people. That will **** you up.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-04-26, 5:06 PM #56
Drugs = Bad
2009-04-26, 6:03 PM #57
Originally posted by Jon`C:
This thread should be renamed 'Immorality', then SF_GoldG_01 can be banned for a parody thread

Apropos, I discovered that if you don't have any rizzla to roll a joint then the Bible makes for a really good substitute as the pages are usually really thin and smoke very well. You just have to lick it a lot and it'll stick down.

I hope to God that there is no God.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-04-26, 6:18 PM #58
Originally posted by Couchman:
Drugs = Awesome

2009-04-26, 6:25 PM #59
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Alcohol isn't more or less addictive as weed.

Wrong. As habitual, sure. But (more dangerously) physical addictive? Not even in the same ballpark.

Have you ever seen an alcoholic going through withdrawl? An alcoholic who decides to go "cold turkey" can face serious, if not LIFE THREATENING physical symptoms. You can hallucinate, have incredible shakes, and you face the threat of serious cardiac disruptions. Waking up with a hangover is a mild form of alcohol withdrawl, so imagine someone who drinks all the time. Addiction to alcohol has serious serious physical effects. Your brain is going through a prolonged exposure to alcohol (a depressant) when you are addicted to alcohol.

Marijuana does absolutely NOTHING of the sort. At most, if you smoke everyday and you stop, the only thing you face is a severe boredom attack and maybe some inability to sleep for 3-4 days. I used to smoke heavily every single day (and I'm talking heavy heavy heavy smoking), and when I decided to take a break, there was nothing. I was bored, and I couldn't sleep. I'm not saying it's not a challenge, but you can quit cold turkey without any harm to your health, unlike alcohol


First, figure out why you are smoking? Are you doing it to fill a void? Are you doing it to have friends? Or are you doing it just because it's something you enjoy and can enhance your life in some way? if it's anything other than that last question, you shouldn't be smoking. If you are with good people you trust, go for it. At a rave, the chances of whatever you are consuming being laced with something is probably a lot higher too, so I would avoid joints and **** if they are just being passed around. If you start to buy, watch for dealers trying to push harder drugs on you.

My motto: Weed should always be an activity enhancer, never an activity itself
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2009-04-26, 6:27 PM #60
guys let's get back to the book
2009-04-26, 6:31 PM #61
yea, alcohol withdrawal sucks. Been there done that.

mscbuck hit it on the dot .... hallucinations .. shakes... etc. I get crazy itches too.

Pot, yea, nothing.
2009-04-26, 7:09 PM #62
I guess the reason I want to do it, is because I felt like doing it. First time I ever did. Its been over a year since the incident where I smoked pot, and just now I finally felt like doing it again, with friends of course, having fun.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-04-26, 8:06 PM #63
No offense, but I find this to be several levels of :carl: and :psyduck:. I mean, the thread is borderline attention-seaking. If not, then it still is strange, as it asks for a decision, not advice, on whether or not to do such a thing.

But anyway, on to the topic at hand. There is, in reality, nothing completely evil when one commits such an act, it is only those that are consumed by it that create a negative image of it. As a result, society comes to know it as bad. The only thing bad, in my honest opinion, would be if you were to become addicted to the point that it impedes your social, physical, mental, and/or emotional development/progress. At that point, it would run the risk of affecting others in a likewise negative way, thus becoming a detriment to society. So, something like Mscbuck's motto would be the "best" route to take.

Would I choose to, if it were me? Honestly, I would most likely not. My reason for doing so being somewhat simple-- I don't like being disoriented in any way. But, meh, I don't know. :P
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2009-04-26, 8:08 PM #64
It's sort of funny that Gold misinterpreted my post of accusing him of being attention-seeking and then is actually accused of being attention-seeking :P
2009-04-26, 8:32 PM #65
Not only should you smoke it, you should introduce it into your body in as many ways as possible.
2009-04-26, 9:50 PM #66
Alcohol isn't more or less addictive as weed.

Ding ding, we've got a stupid.
2009-04-29, 3:14 PM #67
I think it's time for a follow-up report. Did you smoke dope, SF?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2009-04-29, 3:16 PM #68
Oh god.
Too much gold.
2009-04-29, 4:01 PM #69
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
I think it's time for a follow-up report. Did you smoke dope, SF?

Not since the last time that I posted (about the incident that happened a while back) ... if I were to do it, it will be this weekend or the next.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2009-04-29, 5:31 PM #70
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
I guess the reason I want to do it, is because I felt like doing it. First time I ever did. Its been over a year since the incident where I smoked pot, and just now I finally felt like doing it again, with friends of course, having fun.

Nobody calls anytime they smoked pot an "incident".
Pissed Off?
2009-04-29, 5:36 PM #71
It was gold, he and his ninja gang buddies smoked up and then got super powers and toppled the mexican government.
2009-04-29, 5:57 PM #72
TE, I really don't think you can contribute anything useful on this thread anymore, as you've already proven your stupidity with that "alcohol isn't more or less addictive than weed" comment.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2009-04-29, 6:39 PM #73
smoke weed everyday
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-04-29, 6:50 PM #74
Originally posted by mscbuck:
TE, I really don't think you can contribute anything useful on this thread anymore, as you've already proven your stupidity with that "alcohol isn't more or less addictive than weed" comment.

Sorry, it looks like i struck a nerve.
2009-04-29, 6:53 PM #75
... Why is it a common tactic of people who don't know anything about drugs to claim a criticism of their idiocy is some kind of defense mechanism or denial? Media has depicted all drug use as central to a broken life of denial and abuse.

Maybe he was just saying that you don't know anything about Marijuana if you think it's even a 10th as addictive as alcohol is?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2009-04-29, 7:06 PM #76
What, i didn't say anything about that. I just said i was sorry I was wrong about the whole issue. I never knew how addictive alcohol was, and I am thankful you have corrected my error.
2009-04-29, 7:12 PM #77
The point is that marijuana is not physically addictive, not that alcohol is extremely physically addictive.
2009-04-30, 4:43 AM #78
Originally posted by JediKirby:
... Why is it a common tactic of people who don't know anything about drugs to claim a criticism of their idiocy is some kind of defense mechanism or denial? Media has depicted all drug use as central to a broken life of denial and abuse.

Dunning-Kruger Effect.
2009-04-30, 11:19 AM #79
Originally posted by JediKirby:
... Why is it a common tactic of people who don't know anything about drugs to claim a criticism of their idiocy is some kind of defense mechanism or denial? Media has depicted all drug use as central to a broken life of denial and abuse.

2009-04-30, 11:23 AM #80
Originally posted by Pommy:
The point is that marijuana is not physically addictive, not that alcohol is extremely physically addictive.
I would go so far as to suggest that the fact that alcohol is as physically addictive (and in the same way) as benzodiazepines and barbiturates is virtually unknown.

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