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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Be Cool, Massassi, be cool. [re: post-Steam influx]
Be Cool, Massassi, be cool. [re: post-Steam influx]
2009-09-17, 6:45 AM #41
Originally posted by JLee:
Vast hordes, to be sure.

Hey everybody we're all gonna get laid!
2009-09-17, 6:48 AM #42
best quote from caddyshack.
>>untie shoes
2009-09-17, 6:50 AM #43

Sorry, but it's just incomplete without the song. :P
2009-09-17, 8:20 AM #44
Remember when I said I didn't have a problem with TE? Well I changed my mine. The quote in the first post of this thread is moronic. You can't spend years at a site pissing people off, then ask a question and expect some real help. What you experienced isn't indicative of what someone without that history would experience.
2009-09-17, 8:38 AM #45
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Maybe when Matty get his finger out his ***.

I don't see you helping at all. :colbert:

That said, Tiberium needs to lay off the annoying, and everyone else needs to lay off attacking him. I don't agree at all with his post on Steam and I think it was in bad taste, but no one has been particularly kind to him either.

I'll start lathering the forums with bans if I see anymore of it going on, from either side.
2009-09-17, 8:40 AM #46
Perhaps Bacon can helpfully donate his finger so you can use both hands? :v:
2009-09-17, 8:46 AM #47
I was joking. :P

And what the hell am I going to help with? The most impressive thing I've posted here was that logo that won me the world's most annoying avatar.
2009-09-17, 9:12 AM #48
i don't know if i love stat's or steven's post more
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2009-09-17, 9:27 AM #49
Never going to apologize for making this :P

2009-09-17, 9:38 AM #50
This is my favorite thread of all time.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2009-09-17, 9:47 AM #51
Originally posted by Deadman:
For a long time now we have stopped being a community for a game, and instead been a... uh... community >_>

hey now! some of us still edit jk.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2009-09-17, 10:12 AM #52
Does it count if I still think about editing the game? Sometimes when I sleep jed wireframes prance through my dreams.
2009-09-17, 10:21 AM #53
I keep telling myself I might eventually finish my madamemorial level... then I realize the last time I worked on it was five years ago
2009-09-17, 10:27 AM #54
lol guys we should make a "skinpack with people from the massassi temple"
2009-09-17, 10:39 AM #55
STEVEN do you ever check your private messages? Are you going to cash that check or what?
2009-09-17, 10:40 AM #56
Or maybe I sent it over email... blargh.
2009-09-17, 10:44 AM #57
I deposited it almost a month ago. My bank says it went through. :confused:
2009-09-17, 10:48 AM #58
bwahaha weird, I will check again. Thanks though.

[yup, there it is, I don't know how I missed it.]
2009-09-17, 12:42 PM #59
Originally posted by Steven:
lol guys we should make a "skinpack with people from the massassi temple"

Jedi Zombie!!

And I thought a zombie with a shotgun was badass... Zombie with a Lightsabre!
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2009-09-17, 1:23 PM #60
What the ****? This site still exists? And I still know my password? That's ****ed up.
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2009-09-17, 1:28 PM #61
Oh great, they're coming out of the woodworks!

who knows! maybe even Hoth_Rebel will post!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2009-09-17, 1:28 PM #62
Originally posted by ******:
What the ****? This site still exists? And I still know my password? That's ****ed up.

Well **** my hat.
2009-09-17, 2:17 PM #63
Cmon Juz, your forum still exists.
2009-09-17, 2:26 PM #64
It's the ****ing Juz.
2009-09-17, 2:54 PM #65
I think what's more wrong about this is that I still recognize a fair number of the names of the people posting...
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2009-09-17, 2:57 PM #66
You missed some good times, man. Last year we had massassicon down in vegas, it was crazy. I've seriously never seen so many strippers in one place before.
2009-09-17, 2:58 PM #67
...Brian, that was your family reunion.
2009-09-17, 3:11 PM #68
Sounds fun. That's a long way from the younger, more innocent Massassi I remember. :p
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2009-09-17, 3:14 PM #69
I am influxing here due to steam.
jp-30's JK Star Wars skin pack (wth short Ewok & Jawa)
2009-09-17, 3:19 PM #70
All this influx is making me want to outflux.
2009-09-17, 3:52 PM #71
1.21 jiggawatts will be required for further fluxing
2009-09-17, 3:53 PM #72
A launched Massassi 2.0 when JK was released on Steam would have been perfect [/edit---owned by page 2]
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-17, 3:59 PM #73
too bad they're both broken, unfriendly, but still full of good memories
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2009-09-17, 5:50 PM #74
Definitely good memories with JK.
2009-09-17, 7:56 PM #75
Best. Thread. EVAR.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2009-09-17, 8:02 PM #76
Originally posted by Deadman:
Jedi Zombie!!

Zombie with a Lightsabre!

That was my irc response to people talking about recreating JK in source, just throw a lightsaber melee weapon into Left 4 Dead. :)
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2009-09-17, 8:39 PM #77
I am scared.
2009-09-17, 9:34 PM #78
Internet. Srs business.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2009-09-17, 10:18 PM #79
Its kind of like the movies where the big business moves in on the small town and starts bringing in the outsiders.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."
2009-09-18, 4:59 AM #80
then the whores come in.
>>untie shoes

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