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ForumsDiscussion Forum → This is why I don't like reformatting
This is why I don't like reformatting
2009-09-29, 10:58 AM #41
Originally posted by The Mega-ZZTer:
At last! Someone other than me likes the ribbon. All I hear about it anywhere is hate but the 10 menus with cascading submenus and 20 toolbars in Office 2003 were better?

I didn't like it at first, but then I learned how to use it. The ribbon is awesome.
2009-09-29, 11:04 AM #42
The ribbon is nice, its just everyone was used to how office was forever and then Microsoft went and changed it on us. Its just taking all the time to relearn where everything is that you used to know how to do quickly.
Life is beautiful.
2009-09-29, 11:07 AM #43
Originally posted by Rogue Leader:
The ribbon is nice, its just everyone was used to how office was forever and then Microsoft went and changed it on us. Its just taking all the time to relearn where everything is that you used to know how to do quickly.

like XP to Vista. :P
2009-09-29, 11:09 AM #44
Originally posted by EAH_TRISCUIT:
What features about OpenOffice make it your primary choice?

I use OpenOffice, but my usage is like once every 6 months I'll use the spell checker, view an a document in an Office format, or require creating a text document with slightly more advanced features than notepad offers (ie embed an Image, ect).

Basically I do so little 'Office' work that it doesnt make sense to pay for a suite when OpenOffice handles everything I do.

I'm curious about what people doing 'real Office' work think.

For MS Office I only have the '03 Basic that came with my original Dell machine, so just Word and Excel. OO gives me an entire suite that I otherwise wouldn't have (especially Impress/PowerPoint). Personally I hate the new ribbon in '07, and have no desire to upgrade.

The 'Print to PDF' button in OO was originally a plus, but is now redundant as I've since installed CutePDF. If you're anal retentive about file size, OO's native formats are usually smaller than MS.

I do quite a bit of spreadsheet work, mainly to do with file format decoding and such. The extra graphing features I needed was only because of school, and since that's over with I don't really see myself reinstalling Excel whenever I reformat. The issues I had with .doc conversion I believe I can bypass without using Word itself, it was just faster that way.

I'm also a big fan of open source projects, so I tend to lean towards that area anyway. At some point I intend to release my X-wing series editors and library files as open source.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2009-09-29, 11:42 AM #45
You wouldn't hate the ribbon if you were forced to use it for a while. Everyone hates change at first. But it's clearly the better UI. And you still didn't mention what OS you use :/
2009-09-29, 1:13 PM #46
I'm on XP Pro. The computers at school had Office '07, which I had to use if I couldn't get back to my apartment or remote in.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)

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