Gold there are many species that currently do this. The Portuguese man o' war is a famous example (although its constituent animals are multi-cellular). Slime moulds are formed by aggregations of single-celled protists. They start off as amoeba eating bacteria but under certain circumstances and depending on the species they release chemical signals that cause them to aggregate. Sometimes this is for increased motility when food is scarce, allowing the group to travel further and scour a larger area for bacteria and debris. Sometimes to form structures from which to release spores (amazingly during which some individuals in some species sacrifice themselves in the process). If you want to know more about how that happens, please go ahead and read up on their biology.
Sarn, DNA replication at conception (or during mitosis for that matter) is not perfect. Mutation takes place and that can include translation, reversal, deletion, insertion, duplication and overwriting of parts of your DNA. This may increase the "information" in your DNA if that's what you're after. It's not really that simple though; a deletion of part of the DNA can confer a benefit, in human beings the deletion of a gene known as
CCR5 results in partial immunity to smallpox and HIV. Equally some additions can be harmful.
Sometimes features used for one purpose become modified for another. The rotary flagellum of bacteria is similar in structure to a simpler structure from bacteria used for the insertion of toxins into prey cells. This is one of those examples that the intelligent design guys called "irreducably complex". What it now looks like is that they were either not imaginative enough or were unwilling to do the research to see if anything similar existed.