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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Evolution question..
Evolution question..
2009-10-05, 9:34 PM #81
Originally posted by kyle90:
The thing about evolution is that at its core, it's an incredibly simple concept. Small, random changes, combined with various environmental pressures, will combine over time to form huge changes. Not only can it occur, wherever there's self-replication with imperfect copying it has to occur.

It is not only possible, it is essential!
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2009-10-06, 5:15 AM #82
For the record, I never said "I don't believe in evolution." Frankly, I don't have a belief as to the specific, physical process for which creatures came about, because I don't find it relevant to my life. (I'm trying to keep religion from playing a role in this discussion, but the bottom line is, I don't believe I'm gonna get to the pearly gates some day and St. Peter or whoever is gonna be like "Sorry, Jon. You didn't make it in, cause you chose to believe the wrong version of the creation of the universe. Have fun in Hell.") Instead, I just choose to keep an open mind, and post in an attempt to stimulate intellegent, thought-provoking, mature discussion. So don't think that because I'm arguing, I'm some kind of backward, unintelligent religious hick, because that's not the case. What I'm trying to do is to encourage more specific discussion about the "hows" of evolution. Some of you have sensed that and attempted to explain. Others have been either too lazy or too hot-headed to do anything other than criticize me or post broad non-specific links (*coughtalkorginscoughgooglesearchescough*).

Anyway, I'm also going to say that this will likely be my last post and the last time that I look in this thread because I've had a personal tragedy (which I'll post about in a few minutes on a seperate thread), and I am now on my way back to the States for a few days and my mind's really on things more relevant to my own life right now.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.

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