Hey... did I ever accuse math of not working? Of course not. I use group theory in the work I do, so I'm pretty confident about the usefulness of math, even things (like quaternions) that seem pretty esoteric at first glance.
Most people have an essentially Platonic conception of the implications of mathematics: they think that a statement like "2+2=4" tells us something fundamental about the nature of the universe; whether or not they admit it, they tend to believe in Plato's notion of the Forms, and that mathematics is an expression of unadulterated Truth.
On the contrary, 2+2=4 is a statement that works within a particular system of manipulating symbols; whenever that system is invoked, that statement is true. It can't tell me very much about the universe, then, because I can't imagine any universe in which "2+2=4" is untrue.
(This is what Wittgenstein means by statements like "Here "I can't imagine the opposite" doesn't mean: my powers of imagination are unequal to the task. These words are a defense against something whose form makes it look like an empirical proposition, but which is really a grammatical one." Wittgenstein gets misused by pomo cranks all the time to claim things like "truth is relative; reality is whatever you want it to be," but actually what he was doing was arguing for a formalist, rather than Platonic, conception of semiotic systems--of which math is an important example.)
It is, of course, interesting to see the ways in which our abstract symbolic systems can be lined up with phenomena in the universe--that's why we do math. But to think that "2+2=4" is a fundamental truth about the universe--and then to believe in some mystical power because of your aesthetic awe at that statement--is misguided: it's a grammatical statement, nothing more.