Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
In regards to the ethnic diversity of the United States...I welcome diversity, and I'll be the first one to stick up for different cultures...but I can't get around the fact that I believe in what some people describe as "America for Americans" (with whatever implications they assign to that). By that I mean that I do believe that the united states was founded on certain ideals, and those who wish to live here should share those ideals or pick somewhere else to go, not come in and try to CHANGE those ideals. It's a tough subject, with lots of grey areas, and plenty of problems. The fact is that many cultures, whether they be foreign in origin or domestic outgrowths, do not share the ideals on which the country was founded, whether they intend to or not, and whether they even realize it or not. And I disagree that we should change to accommodate those views which are at odds with those founding principles. Now, of course, those founding principles and few and fairly specific, so it's not tough to accept other cultures within those restrictions...but there ARE a few sticking points, I'm sure.