If moral relativism is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Posts: 4,192
Well, simply separating government and marriage is not at all a trivial task. There's hundreds of different sorts of tax breaks and legal benefits that married couples enjoy, so you'd have to get rid of all of that legislation - and all of the benefits. If you believe marriage is purely a religious institution, then I guess that makes sense as it would separate church from government (both at a federal and state level). It makes sense at an ideological level, and it would have a great unifying effect as no-one would like it, neither heterosexual or homosexual couples.
At the moment, marriage is conducted at a state level but all states recognise (heterosexual) marriages conducted in other states. This would further decentralise marriage, which I agree is ideologically a 'good thing', but would mean that a marriage conducted in one church, in one city, won't necessarily be recognised by a different church in a different city. This would cause all sorts of problems if your spouse is hospitalised in a different city to the one you were married in, and you could be denied visiting rights because your marriage isn't recognised in that city.
All this prospect would do is take the legal difficulties married homosexuals have and extend those problems to everyone.
A much simpler prospect is just to accept that marriage is a cultural agreement, and no religion can claim monopoly over it. Christianity certainly did not invent marriage, and Christians have no right to define it. In all societies in history, marriage has been a legal contract between two parties entailing a variety of different things. Because our society is represented by government, this legal contract has to be recognised by government. If this society does not wish to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality, then this legal contract should not either.
Unfortunately, there are many people like Meg Whitman that do wish to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality. The people that agree with her may not make up a majority, but there are many more people, like Darth_Alran, that are happy to tolerate discrimination.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935