stat, you're trolling, so we're done.
Jon, I think you're reading a lot into what I'm saying that isn't there. I feel like by saying "I like guns, the constitution, don't like the idea of homosexuality, and live in Oklahoma" you guys tend to assume a lot about me that isn't true. Perhaps it would help to mention that I was born and raised in suburban California, then spent my later childhood in Phoenix, AZ before living in a moderately sized town in OK, and my dad is a french-canadian immigrant who lived in Maine. I have a lot of very different influences, and anything I have picked up while here in Oklahoma, I did so willingly.
Nowhere did I refer to some "golden age" of american morals or anything. I wasn't trying to make any point with that statement. You should know, as an atheist, I'm basically a moral relativist...that's simplifying things a bit, but when it comes down to it, right and wrong is what we make it. That's why I find the constant shifting of society funny. It just struck me at that point as I was thinking about the topic, so I mentioned it. I know it wasn't terribly wasn't meant to be.
I am curious about this. You don't think we should have separate bathrooms?
I agree. That's why I said that I think it's silly that everyone is caught up so much in the semantics of it. Take semantics out of it and have the real discussion: "should gays be allowed the same legal rights of union as heterosexuals?" I think the answer is yes.
Wrong. I admit that I haven't heavily researched the issue, but I think it's not so simple as being "born gay" though that is definitely part of it. I think a lot of people are "born gay" (I'm sure there must be degrees of this, accounting for bisexuals and any other sexual preferences), and perhaps some never experience the environmental trigger that allows them to admit it, and others do. I also think there is a good chance that some people are (excuse my terminology) "turned gay" by early life environmental factors which are not under their control, even if they are not entirely "born that way". I certainly don't think that anyone is sitting on a bench eating ice cream and suddenly thinks "hey I think I'll be gay!"
I am aware of how you could think that's my stance, but it's not. First of all, I never said I "hated" anything. I don't hate the idea of homosexuality. I just don't particularly like it. To use your words, I also DON'T "hate the fact that someone is gay". I have no problem with someone being gay. It does not reflect on them as a person in any negative sense to me, except indirectly. (Which is to say, I have never had much in common with most gay people I've met, so I tend to not be friends with them.)
I refer you to what I said about my blind friend. Of course blindness is, to me, inherently much worse than homosexuality, and I don't mean to compare them in that sense, I am comparing them because you can be born blind, or you can become blind through no fault of your own, and I don't like the idea of being blind. I don't think any less of blind people I know, and I don't think there is anything wrong with being blind. I just think it's not as good as being able to see. I think homosexuality is not as good as heterosexuality because it is not a good way to develop a family. Sure, I think you can have a perfectly functioning family and raise great kids as a gay couple. I don't see why not.
Basically I admitted this to myself this way: If I could choose between the entire country being gay, or the entire country being straight, which would I choose? I would choose straight. Obviously I'm biased, but I also know that if everyone was gay, the fundamental family dynamics of our culture would not exist. Reproduction would no longer be between two people who love each other, but would rather have to go through a surrogate....well, I'm digressing.
The point is that it is a small is simply my own PREFERENCE for heterosexuality. There is no hate involved.
To compare to your Judaism analogy...I PREFER atheism to judaism...because I, personally, believe that judaism is false. But I don't hate anything about it. I don't dislike or hate and jewish people, and I certainly don't think they should have their rights limited in any way.
Okay, I also think I should clarify a bit regarding the blindess/gay thing. I think the key difference there is a matter of degrees. As I said, I think that the difference between being gay and being straight is such a small thing. If someone came to me and said "Hey, do you want your friend to be able to see 20/20?" I would of course say "Yes!". Being visually impaired is a huge part of who he is as a person, that is obvious, but I think that the benefits of sight would greatly outweigh the disadvantages of changing who he is. I think he would agree with me. However, if someone asked me if I wanted a gay friend of mine to be straight...I'd say no. The tiny biological benefit he gained would be completely outweighed by changing who he is as a person. Do you see what I'm trying to say? I know I have a tendency to make my ideas about as clear as mud.
Jon, I think it's you who always says that everyone human being has some form of natural preference for things like them, and a natural prejudice against things that are not like them. You refer to it in regards to race. I'm simply acknowledging that this is true for myself in regards to sexual preference. If you think there's nothing at all wrong with homosexuality, then why aren't you taking guys up on their offer when they hit on you, or even hitting on them yourself if there's no girls at the party? It's your preference. That's all I'm saying here.