Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
The government doesn't have to have a mass plot to steal just comes naturally to them (which is the same as saying "to us"). We all want to disarm the rest of the people, whether we ourselves are armed or not.
Let's put it this way: The right to ownership of guns as identified in the constitution is intended for individuals and groups to protect themselves from those that would take their rights away from them. This can mean a (criminal) person trying to take your life, or a (tyrannical) government trying to take your liberty. This creates a balance of power between us and those that would harm us. Either way it is a balance between YOU, the individual, and EVERYONE ELSE that may try to take from you. Giving (and it is GIVING, because they do not have it, and CANNOT take it) the right to deprive us of our defense and therefore shift the balance of power in their favor to ANY of those groups or individuals on the other side of this equation is as dumb as giving it to any other group on that same side of the equation (keep in mind, you as an individual citizen are on the side opposing these groups, by definition).
Guns give power to the individual, whose right to Liberty is his own to protect, and without individual power, the entire concept of our government is undermined. As the joke goes, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Whether it's a government or a mugger in an alley trying to take from you that which you have a natural right to, you don't ask either one for permission to own or use the tools with which to fight back.