Anthony, I think you take your offense to SAJN's remarks a little too serious. I kind of understand where SAJN is coming from. He's seeing a movie that he believes is mediocre. He's basically rebelling against the pop culture that is out there trumpeting the film as amazing. I kind of have gone through this with a couple of films. First, in general, I tend to rebel against whatever is pop culture. Everybody seems to love Johnny Depp but I find him annoying. The two films I refer to are Fight Club and The Hurt Locker. I just plain find Fight Club to be overrated. I don't hate on it much but maybe it's just too high brow for me. The Hurt Locker I just generally found to be a terrible film. If it had only been billed as a psychological B film I wouldn't have had a problem with it but everybody wanted to like it and over hyped it. I might be more forgiving if I ever manage to catch it on TV and can sit through the whole thing but my opinion is that it is pure garbage. Sad, because I like Point Break. Anyway, my point is that SAJN doesn't like the film and is rebelling against the "OMFG it's awesome!"
Having said that, I don't get the real problems anyone might have with the film. I mean, Star Wars was pretty formulaic before it spawned five se/pre-quels (and, yes, it was "Star Wars" before it was "Episode 4"). Star Wars retold a classic formula with impressive visuals and fantasy. Now, I must admit, I am kind of a sucker for the Dances With Wolves type story Avatar told. For some reason I always identify with the white guy befriends natives type story therein.
SAJN has some points. Yes, Michelle Rodriguez is ALWAYS annoying. Even in real life. Kind of irritating. I'm sure there are much prettier and more talented Mexican gang bangers that deserve a shot (okay, I don't think she's actually a gang banger). Sure the bad guys are pretty stereotypical and I already commented on my disappointment with some lines relating to current events. I did think it was funny that the film he hates is basically his signature.
You must tell us how that ended.
I'm just curious, are you a large, intimidating, person?
So this was the first film I dared take my boy to in quite awhile. He was much better than before but still gave me some trouble. He's almost 4 and 2 2/3 hours plus previews and stuff is a long time for him to sit still. So I had to take him out a few times. I sat in the first upper row where only a rail I could step over lie in front of me. The third time out I let him walk down the row while I stepped over and held his had. The dude in the end seat didn't want to move his legs for my child to pass even after I said excuse me. I'm an overly polite person, to a fault, so I just lifted him over while he started to begrudgingly move his legs. Now, generations of hair styles have come and gone since I last got in a fight but I was totally ready to visit the judge if I had to on this one. Fortunately, he fled the theater as soon as the credits started to roll. I was basically just loudly going to point him out to my wife and hope he "manned up".
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16