Definitely, but how does sexism against women compare to sexism against men? How does it compare to ageism? Or racism? It's impossible to say: a person's prejudices are a lot more complex than any of these words could imply.
The systemic extension of personal sexism is also difficult to evaluate. What you're saying is that it's kind of like the Holocaust, right? The Holocaust was only possible because of a consensus. No single person ever thought they were doing anything really bad - like, during the Nuremberg Trials, one of the guys in charge of Auschwitz thought his job was just keeping the trains running. It's not the individual sexism that matters, it's the sum.
But it doesn't work that way. Sexism runs both ways, and there are more women in positions of authority than ever before. It's gotten to the point where the feminization of academia is a serious issue: it's affecting male enrollment in STEM, and those men clearly aren't being replaced by the extra women. It's difficult to overstate the amount of damage this is doing to the American economy.
You can be skeptical all you want, but people who know a lot more about the subject disagree with you:
B., A. "Math anxiety in female teachers may hinder math achievement in girls." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107.5 (2010): 1809-1810.
"Stupid gender roles." That says it all, doesn't it? People like you used to tell my university-educated mother she was less of a person because she wanted to be a housewife.
It's trivial to argue that our (heteronormative) socially-constructed gender roles descend directly from biological fact (i.e. sexual dimorphism.) I can even argue that they're collectively and individually good; economically and biologically beneficial, which is why they evolved in the first place.
It's much more difficult to prove that these "stupid gender roles" are, in fact, "stupid." Speaking as someone with strong academic and strong personal opinions on the subject, I do not believe you are capable of giving me a proof that I can take seriously.