This is the sort of thinking I like to see. What COULD be next. If we work together to get towards what COULD be next, than that COULD becomes WILL.
You're right Jon, there IS a wee bit of a learning curve as for any platform to do anything on.
I hate to start using business terms in all of this but there is a greater market of people who would be interested in modding for an older video game like JK (FREE & EASY) then a market of people who would be interested in modding newer video games (EXPENSIVE & TIME CONSUMING). The return on investment, (time and money returns instantly testable results with JK), is much greater when dealing with editing for JK than when dealing with editing for any other game, (except for maybe starcraft mapping a.k.a. Plab B :P).
All that their needs is a means to reaching this market. Through all the mediums of currently popular social networks.
Imagine if we create one 5 minute video called, "Make your own Starwars Game: Getting Started." (if you search on youtube, the result has already been searched several times enough to come up in the auto-fill {by just typing how to make your own starwars} , but there are no promising results) And this video would go over just briefly all the short processes of creating or manipulating certain aspects of the game. Texture swapping, Editing Levels, even making mod's with gob explorer and patch commander. This video can even a set of video tutorials that goes over all the aspects in details.
If you search "How to make your own video game" you get some video of Chris Pirillo talking about some RPG maker thing that's completely lame compared to all the options and capabilities of modding JK. We can take advantage of this video by posting OUR 5 minute video to Chris' video as a video response, which not only gets the attention OF Chris Pirillo, but the attention of anyone on youtube who is searching "how to make your own video game".
I swear guy's. This whole thing is fathomable, and even do-able. We can even put short little commercials for notable mods and levels that already exist in these videos.
When I said think outside the monitor, I meant think about influencing people beyond just what you see through the monitor. Lets help inspire people to express their creativity through the game that did the same for us.
You're absolutely right Thrawn, the engine is outdated and it offers nothing to anyone. The game completely sucks and there's no reason to even go on about it. But if I had to guess, I'd say JK modding is what inspired you to start modding for other games, or at the very least helped you in some way to progress... Other than just realizing how ****ty of a game JK is.
The only good reason is that JK has low system requirements, and there are more people in the world and on the web (who are interested in game modification) that can run JK than people that can run Far Cry, Source, etc...
It's time all these underground jk communities stopped being selfish and offer other people the means to start SOMEWHERE.