A feeble, confused crowd of about 6000 took to the streets yesterday and held a rally at the Tel Aviv MOMA. Communists and Pro-Palestinian Anarchists hijacked the event chanting "we're proud to be traitors" and waving the hammer and sickle around, in effect confirming the nationalist majority's position that we're all traitors and Jew haters and making it impossible for any sane voice to be heard. Most of us just slouched our way home, disgusted and depressed.
Oh, and a smoke grenade was tossed into the crowd by some fascists who were heckling us, which made for an interesting interlude and provided the media with something interesting to cover (they otherwise took no interest in the event). Peaceniks don't sell newspapers, but fascists attacking peacniks, now that's news.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.