The government gets significant royalties from the offshore oil industry, which has been going on well before Obama's term. This is one of the few times, if ever, the general public ever heard of the "Mineral Management Service" (which now has been recently restructured and renamed) which, as records show, the agency did less for safety regulations and inspections and more for collecting said royalties. Having a system that collects revenues and regulates at the same time doesn't work. But the government getting too kozy with the oil industry isn't new...
The oil industry employs thousands and thousands of people, from engineers to refinery workers. To those people whose very livelihood depends on the industry, a better question for them could be "why wouldn't you dig for oil?"
The very fact that Obama's attempts at placing a 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling is generating severe outcry in communities on the coasts shows that not everything is black-and-white when it comes to public opinion on this matter. The proposed ban makes sense when you take it at first thought; there's been a terrible oil spill, stop drilling until you figure out this mess. But people need jobs. And people need money, especially in this economy. If you think people will easily rally to stop big, bad BP from tainting our waters with refineries and pipes, perhaps take it from a different point of view.