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ForumsDiscussion Forum → w/ or w/ you
w/ or w/ you
2010-07-20, 1:16 PM #41
Originally posted by need help:
explain to me why you use w/ instead of with... moving your hand over to the '/' sign takes the same amount of time as typing 'ith' with two hands... Don't compare it to contractions like 'don't', 'wouldn't' or anything like that. Because they are linguistically legal. '/' is not...

If you're only concerned w/ "with" & not "without" or "within" then I would agree that there's very little difference. However, for the sake of consistency I prefer using the "/" w/ all of them.

On the subject of contractions I would just like to point out that there are a multitude of reasons for using them when typing (efficiency being one of them).
? :)
2010-07-20, 1:25 PM #42
Now I'll just think that my awesome last post was ignored. :P
2010-07-20, 1:27 PM #43
Yeah but this is an internet forum. How you type is how we hear your voice in our heads. When you say "w/" I hear "wi-" with a kind of glottal stop after a "w" sound and it makes you sound like an idiot it my head. I realize this is my issue and not yours, but then again, welcome to society.
2010-07-20, 2:20 PM #44
BobTheMasher is crazy. I don't hear voices when I look at internet.

The only voices I hear are from the leprechaun statues in the garden that tell me to burn things, but they're crazy and don't know what they're saying.
2010-07-20, 2:37 PM #45
I'm quite perplexed. Are people that unfamiliar with the abbreviation w/? I guess you'd be even less familiar with s/ for "without," then? I also would love to hear some explanation of the meaning of the phrase "linguistically legal."
2010-07-20, 3:02 PM #46
I'm unfamiliar with both of those.
2010-07-20, 3:06 PM #47
I know w/, but I've never even seen s/. I always see w/o instead.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2010-07-20, 3:36 PM #48
I assume it stands for "sanz", as in Horatio Sanz.
2010-07-21, 3:15 PM #49
linguistically legal is the makeshift term I thought of because I can't find the right English word for 'legal to write in a language without being frowned upon by grammar Nazis'... 'linguistically legal' sounded really, really awesome.
2010-07-21, 4:10 PM #50
Yeah, I thought it was pretty awesome too.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-07-21, 11:03 PM #51
When I'm writing notes I abbreviate with to w/ and without to w/o too. I also use a symbol that looks like 1.1 to mean between, cf to mean compare and contrast, req^d (superscript d) to mean required and a host of other (somewhat esoteric) abbreviations.

I wouldn't use them when communicating or any other form of longhand typing/writing though - they're just for brevity in note taking; a form of personal shorthand.

2010-07-21, 11:43 PM #52
w/ = with
w/o = without
w/e = whatever

It's still ****, no matter how you look at it.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2010-07-22, 12:22 AM #53
w/ is dumb. I have no problem with the others though.
2010-07-22, 12:40 AM #54
Any of you guys ever been on a bus and had an obnoxious teenage girl kick the back of your seat, and when you turn around and ask her to stop she says "Get over it!"

I dont know, something about this thread just made me think of that.

Originally posted by Martyn:

You use shorthand in a manner that is of sound reasoning. Mentat does not.

That's pretty much the skinny of it.

and then someone forum-searches a bunch of old posts where i used "whatev" :O q.e.d ***** got told
2010-07-22, 3:43 AM #55
Originally posted by Jin:

You use shorthand in a manner that is of sound reasoning. Mentat does not.

That's pretty much the skinny of it.

Oh ok. That was pretty easy.
2010-07-22, 6:57 AM #56
Originally posted by Jin:
You use shorthand in a manner that is of sound reasoning. Mentat does not.

You may prefer typing everything out on a mobile device (or any device for that matter) while carrying on half a dozen or more conversations at once & you may even find it offensive (apparently that's the case w/ half the people here) that someone would have the audacity to try & be as efficient as possible w/o interrupting the flow of conversation (notice that I only use shorthand when it's something that's so common that everyone understands it immediately) but that doesn't make my choice unreasonable. Even if efficiency wasn't my goal & I simply preferred "w/o" to "without" for purely aesthetic reasons, that still wouldn't make my choice unreasonable.

What I find unreasonable is for so many people to care enough about something so insignificant (thus was my reason for posting this thread) that they'd bother to mention it in the first place (& even argue against it). I'm going to continue using "w/" & "w/o" & anything else that I deem necessary until I'm either banned from doing so or there's been an argument that convinces me to do otherwise. This sanctimonious bull**** is ridiculous & does nothing to strengthen the small community that we have left. Accept the way I type by getting over it, ban me for doing so or go **** yourselves.
? :)
2010-07-22, 7:59 AM #57
I think I've discovered the source of the problem. It's not that you guys hate me or my use of W's. It's just that every time a "W" stands out you have flashbacks of the Bush presidency. I think I'm starting to understand.
? :)
2010-07-22, 8:00 AM #58
And what about those of us that are foreign and don't hate you? :P
2010-07-22, 8:02 AM #59
? :)
2010-07-22, 8:23 AM #60
Originally posted by Mentat:
I think I've discovered the source of the problem. It's not that you guys hate me or my use of W's. It's just that every time a "W" stands out you have flashbacks of the Bush presidency. I think I'm starting to understand.

y u ragging on Bush? w/o him we'd be overrun w/ terrorists. u should kno/ better.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2010-07-22, 8:24 AM #61
? :)
2010-07-22, 8:36 AM #62
Originally posted by Steven:
fk u

Actually, isn't that more commonly written as f/u?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-07-22, 8:51 AM #63

The deal is I don't want you using those words on my internet you get me tough guy?
2010-07-22, 8:55 AM #64
The internet's not big enough for the 2 of us! There's pretty much only one way to settle this.
? :)
2010-07-22, 9:07 AM #65
Quoth the server: 404.
2010-07-22, 1:02 PM #66
Originally posted by Mentat:
You may prefer typing everything out on a mobile device (or any device for that matter) while carrying on half a dozen or more conversations at once & you may even find it offensive (apparently that's the case w/ half the people here) that someone would have the audacity to try & be as efficient as possible w/o interrupting the flow of conversation

2 problems:
1, We're discussing talking on massassi, not mobile phone chat in genereal, and here in massassi you don't seem to use short-hand with anything at all, making your use of it for w/ strange.
2, it does break the flow of the conversation

Originally posted by Mentat:
What I find unreasonable is for so many people to care enough about something so insignificant (thus was my reason for posting this thread) that they'd bother to mention it in the first place

This is Massassi, it's a forum, and most forums end up with discussions like this. Sure, the reactions of maybe one or two people about your use of w/ is over-the-top, but most of these people aren't being angry, offended, or anything else that you might be thinking./quote]

Originally posted by Mentat:
This sanctimonious bull**** is ridiculous

I agree, but I'm talking about you here. In your own words, get over it.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-07-22, 1:22 PM #67
I like turtles.
2010-07-22, 1:23 PM #68
Turtles are cool
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2010-07-22, 1:25 PM #69
lol turtles
2010-07-22, 1:27 PM #70
I was thinking more of the teenage mutant variety but ok >_>
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2011-01-10, 1:28 AM #71
I don't even type the / I just write stuff like

I got a cheeseburger w fries
2011-01-10, 1:35 AM #72
Okay my userscript works for real now
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2011-01-10, 1:47 AM #73
Here's my gaijin 2 cents:

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-01-10, 5:41 AM #74
Originally posted by Emon:

Doesn't work fully

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