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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Mac Users: Beware the new OS X: Lion
Mac Users: Beware the new OS X: Lion
2010-10-20, 7:21 PM #41
Sorry, I thought you were straight. No offense.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 7:21 PM #42
At least you can join the Army now, though! If you could pass the physical, that is.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 7:26 PM #43
They wouldn't let Matty in because of his Dr. House leg
2010-10-20, 7:27 PM #44
Originally posted by Darth:
I also find it pretty hilarious that they're pushing SSDs now, despite their OS still not supporting TRIM.
There are a lot of other things wrong with their OS.

I think you're all forgetting that Apple's core audience consists of pretentious and clueless people who are more interested in the illusion of productivity than they are in the reality of it; people who really don't need or want anything more flexible than a giant iPhone. I think App Store, fullscreen mode and gradually locking down OSX will all be great things.

This is why Apple can afford to piss off Adobe. Even though every ****ing child OSX user wants to pretend they're a designer, they actually aren't. So if Adobe quit making Photoshop for OSX they'd lose almost no sales.
2010-10-20, 7:28 PM #45
Originally posted by Steven:
They wouldn't let Matty in because of his Dr. House leg

OMG HE HAS A VAGINA ON HIS LEG!?!? I'm strangely intrigued now.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 7:29 PM #46
Someone clue me in, what's fullscreen mode?
2010-10-20, 7:54 PM #47
Originally posted by Wookie06:
At least you can join the Army now, though! If you could pass the physical, that is.

Like anyone would want to be associated with you.
2010-10-20, 8:27 PM #48
Yeah, absolutely nobody would want to be associated with me. Not the other hundreds of thousands of people serving on active duty nor my hot latina wife. :P
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 8:37 PM #49
Just because they're serving active duty doesn't mean they want to be associated with you. I'd even go as far to say the same about the wife, buuuuut
2010-10-20, 8:40 PM #50
Well, don't worry. Obama successfully argued to maintain DADT, buuuuut
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 8:41 PM #51
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-10-20, 8:41 PM #52
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2010-10-20, 11:15 PM #53
Cookie for Emon.

Also, much as I loved the form factor of my 12" PowerBook, part of the reason I like it was because it was small AND fully featured. By fully featured, I mean it had DVD/RW which I needed at the time. But I suppose times have maybe moved on, and that's not important - but it was also my ONLY machine, so for ripping CDs I'd've been screwed.

Oh wait, I suppose I could just re-buy all my music through iTunes!



But yeah, I expect the Air will still only appeal to those who already have another machine and have money to burn.
2010-10-21, 11:47 AM #54
We have no way of knowing if CM's predictions will prove to be true, but if his track-record (e.g: his iPad/iOS predictions) is any indication, they won't be. I remember being in the chat w/ him during the iPad keynote, reading all of his predictions & then watching almost all (if not all) of them turn out to be false. He was basically just left w/ "it still sucks because they could've done this, this & this" instead of "they exceeded my expectations but it's still not enough". He basically just moves the goal post over & over again, which is fine, if your goal is to be progressive. He continues to have trouble admitting that he was wrong about his sales predictions (e.g: citing other sources as having made the same mistake sort of like a congressman when asked why they supported the Iraq war).

As for Jon'C, while I appreciate the humor in his hasty generalizations, they are just that. Apple users are a diverse crowd (even both he & CM admittedly own MacBooks if I remember correctly) & while there are a crap-ton of irritating fanboys out there, there are also a crap-ton of perfectly intelligent &/or reasonable people that use them.

None of this hides the fact that Apple could certainly improve both their products as well as their business practices.
? :)
2010-10-21, 11:53 AM #55
There's a lot of "Apple will eventually block any software not in the App Store from being installed" crap floating round the 'tubes too. That's quite funny.
2010-10-21, 12:22 PM #56
Originally posted by Martyn:
There's a lot of "Apple will eventually block any software not in the App Store from being installed" crap floating round the 'tubes too. That's quite funny.

I don't see why it's funny. In fact, this is far more likely an outcome than the iPad ever was in failing.

Originally posted by Mentat:
We have no way of knowing if CM's predictions will prove to be true, but if his track-record (e.g: his iPad/iOS predictions) is any indication, they won't be.

Given a track record of something that's not even seen it's full round yet? We don't know if the iPad is a true success yet, just as I already said. Of course it sold like hotcakes. But I have yet to see any indication of it being the big money maker. The App Store is where the money is, and since people don't seem to be using the iPad nearly as much, I don't see how anyone can call it over.

I remember being in the chat w/ him during the iPad keynote, reading all of his predictions & then watching almost all (if not all) of them turn out to be false. He was basically just left w/ "it still sucks because they could've done this, this & this" instead of "they exceeded my expectations but it's still not enough".

So because I didn't put it nicely, it makes me wrong? Herp a derp.

He basically just moves the goal post over & over again, which is fine, if your goal is to be progressive. He continues to have trouble admitting that he was wrong about his sales predictions (e.g: citing other sources as having made the same mistake sort of like a congressman when asked why they supported the Iraq war).

A. I was citing other people more "in the know" than me having trouble with this move in regards to Lion on Apple's part. It had nothing to do with the iPad. Those same sources actually loved the iPad. Of course, none of them actually use it now, but apparently they love it.
B. It was a wholehearted exaggeration, period. Nothing Apple has ever sold has done that. The point I was making, and am STILL making (notice that goalpost isn't moving?) is that it was a fad. People jumped all over it, it was all over the news, it was like the second coming of Christ. Now you don't see it anywhere, and no one talks about it. 8 million devices and it might as well be 1.
C. I think it's rather annoying when people take things too literally, and don't even bother to ask for clarifications, instead just using it as attack material later on.
As for Jon'C, while I appreciate the humor in his hasty generalizations, they are just that. Apple users are a diverse crowd (even both he & CM admittedly own MacBooks if I remember correctly) & while there are a crap-ton of irritating fanboys out there, there are also a crap-ton of perfectly intelligent &/or reasonable people that use them.

None of this hides the fact that Apple could certainly improve both their products as well as their business practices.

I do have a MacBook, two of them in fact. But if my predictions come true, I'm done. They'll be the last Apple devices I own.
2010-10-21, 12:57 PM #57
Matty: it's simple. They won't have to. Build it, and they will come.
2010-10-21, 1:15 PM #58
Hah, they posted their guidelines.

One of my favorites:

2.24 Apps that use deprecated or optionally installed technologies (e.g., Java, Rosetta) will be rejected.

FU Oracle!
2010-10-21, 1:53 PM #59
I think jobs is old and senile
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-10-21, 2:21 PM #60
I actually like the new MBAs because I would rather spend ~$1350 on a 3lb computer with mediocre processing power than a 5lb computer with good processing power. i.e. I value -2lbs more than the incremental time saved and perceivable improvement in user experience from a stronger processor. I wish the battery life were longer. I also value the aesthetics of the particular product although it has no impact on functional return. My personal preferences are such that I do not value performance/$ as much as weight/$ and "aesthetics"/$.
2010-10-21, 2:24 PM #61
It's hardly heavy enough to make a good paper weight
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-10-21, 2:44 PM #62
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Given a track record of something that's not even seen it's full round yet?

I merely gave an example of one of your predictions that turned out to be false (e.g: iPad sales). There were others (primarily regarding features or lack-thereof) but it doesn't really matter because it's possible to be correct w/ a current prediction despite failed attempts in the past. It was merely an observation & me just poking fun. Please take no offense.

Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I do have a MacBook, two of them in fact. But if my predictions come true, I'm done. They'll be the last Apple devices I own.

I think that many would be w/ you if your predictions turned out to be the case.
? :)
2010-10-21, 3:55 PM #63

2010-10-21, 4:04 PM #64
That's a bit of an overexaggeration considering even if Apple would approve software from companies like MS or Adobe, those companies wouldn't just hand over 30% of their revenue to Apple. They'll continue to sell stuff as they always have.

Now if Apple goes full-retard in the future and tries to block even that, well, then that'd just be hilarious. But I don't think they're quite that stupid.
2010-10-21, 5:08 PM #65
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2010-10-21, 5:39 PM #66
Originally posted by Darth:
Hah, they posted their guidelines.

One of my favorites:

FU Oracle!

Jesus christ, they're going to stop supporting Java entirely? That's bull****, I use Netbeans quite a bit.

Looks like I'll have to stop using Macs even BEFORE my predictions come true, out of raw necessity!
2010-10-21, 6:06 PM #67
CM, that's just for the app store. No one's stopping you from using Java elsewhere.

I understand where they're coming from. They want their apps to be of very high quality, especially with the UI. That rules out 99% of Java desktop apps ever written.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-10-21, 6:28 PM #68
ehm don't forget that Carbon's (their C++ binding) been deprecated for several years now.

This is about forcing people to write Cocoa/Objective-C apps. i.e. forcing people to write for OSX and only OSX.
2010-10-21, 6:34 PM #69
Originally posted by Emon:
CM, that's just for the app store. No one's stopping you from using Java elsewhere.

I understand where they're coming from. They want their apps to be of very high quality, especially with the UI. That rules out 99% of Java desktop apps ever written.

Oh no, no no. Read the article:

This is an interesting one -- Apple actually updated Java for Mac OS X last night, but said it's now deprecated and won't be updated beyond this version's lifecycle. That pretty much spells the end for Java on OS X, unless Oracle steps in and provides a port.

This is killing off Java entirely.
2010-10-21, 6:47 PM #70
Yeah, my exec's exec is a pretty big Mac fan, which may become problematic given that all of the development we do is in Java.

Oh, well.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2010-10-21, 7:43 PM #71
Isn't there an OpenJDK for OS X or something?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2010-10-22, 12:13 PM #72
Via the BSD port.
? :)
2010-10-22, 12:36 PM #73
This has always been a problem, though, ever since Apple started distributing some random ****ty JRE with their operating systems. Not for people who know what they're doing, just 99% of everyone.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2010-10-22, 1:54 PM #74
The Apple JRE is a port of the official Sun JRE, for which Apple licensed the source code.

I'm not saying it isn't a ****ty JRE, but it's no ****tier than any other JRE.

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