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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What are your self-identified bad character traits?
What are your self-identified bad character traits?
2010-11-14, 2:34 AM #41
I'm brilliant but lazy.

That's what I let myself believe.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2010-11-14, 5:10 AM #42
same as fastgamerr, I am just too lazy to apply myself to stuff.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2010-11-14, 7:35 AM #43
I day-dream too much. It doesn't even matter where I am. I sort of go in to a trance & forget where I am. I also listen to a lot of ambient music which makes the "trances" twice as bad. It causes me to do anything from missing my exits on the interstate (I sometimes drive 10-15 minutes beyond before I realize what's happening) to slicing the tip of my thumb off when dicing tomatoes at home/work (that's as abrupt as waking up from a nightmare). Sometimes I'm thinking about the past (usually playing over in my head a million ways that I could've changed something) but more often I'm fantasizing about the "future". These "trances" are in great detail too. They're basically like really vivid dreams that I can control. I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive & love repetition so that's generally what sets it off (the beat of an ambient song, the pyramid shape that I make by tapping my fingers (I've done this for as long as I can remember[see chart below]), or slicing 20 tomatoes all in the exact same manner).


f# = finger#
(#) = tap#
? :)
2010-11-14, 7:47 AM #44
drugs are bad mmkay
2010-11-14, 8:19 AM #45
- i dont apply myself to things im capable of doing because im horrible with self motivation.
- i sleep alot.
- ive always been a super sensitive person and its gotten even worse with all the hormones from the pregnancy.
- im loud.
- im often too sarcastic for my own good.
- i sometimes come off as a ***** even if i dont mean to.
I'm proud of my life and the things that I have done, proud of myself and the loner I've become.
2010-11-14, 6:17 PM #46
Terrible self motivation. I'll mean to get some work done, then sit on the computer and blow an hour doing literally nothing. Like right now.

When I get frustrated I tend to get violent towards the inanimate object that is responsible for my frustration. I tend to scream curse words very loudly and punch/slam/otherwise damage objects. My keyboard slide-out shelf is currently broken because I slammed it shut as hard as I could (sending the keyboard flying off the back of it and down onto the floor by my feet) a few days ago when my computer kept telling me my internet was down and I couldn't view any web sites but could somehow still chat with people on Digsby.

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