I wasn't arguing with your point about the accountability of game makers for the quality of their games. I'm not evening arguing against the idea of pirating games. What is completely illogical is the way you are shifting the blame for the choice to perform an illegal action from yourself to the game makers, and acting like it will ever "make a difference."
Tell me: How is pirating these games, and refusing to stand up and take accountability for the choice to do so, ever going to bring about a solution to this situation that everyone is happy with?
You say that you are penalizing them in the only way that they'll ever notice. And yeah, they'll notice it all right- with a court summons if you get caught. What game maker (or distributor), is ever going to listen to a game pirate who's defense is "well, maybe if you made better games, or made them available via a better delivery method, I wouldn't have pirated it." The fact is, Kirby, if you get caught, they aren't going to listen to your justifications at all (and your justifications are pretty weak to begin with).
Even if you do have a point, by choosing to express your dissatisfaction through an illegal action, in their minds, you're just going to get lumped with all the lazy teenage males who choose to pirate games simply because they don't want to pay for them. You won't be listened too at all. Your actions are also quite disrespectful towards the game makers- choosing to steal something for free when, legally, you should be paying for it. If you can't respect them enough to not steal something (even if it's something that truly isn't worth paying for) then, again, why should they listen to you?
PS: Kirby, I hope you're not taking this the wrong way! I still love you.
Just trying to engage in some debate over something I disagree with!