Sweet, a false dichotomy. I don't get to see those very often.
There is absolutely no reason you cannot
simultaneously produce quality code AND ship. In fact, producing quality code in the first place means you are definitely going to ship sooner, more regularly and with a lower defect rate than whatever haphazard approach Notch is using.
No, Notch made a lot of money because he was lucky. He stumbled into an overwhelmingly huge word-of-mouth advertising campaign, which continues to gain momentum in spite of glaring flaws in the product because the majority of his fanbase suffers from debilitating Aspergers.
Some hypothetical other person has some really well factored code that would be a snip to fix bugs in. That hypothetical other person
did release (Infiniminer.) Did they make a lot of money? No.
Nice theory.
Edit: And sorry, Giraffe, but there are very few people on this forum who have the right to question my attitude about development resp. shipping [being] everything, and you aren't one of them. Come back and talk to me when you ship jkworkshop or at least a jkhub that isn't broken.