as the others have pointed out waiting for some of the CES phones to hit the market is a good idea,
if however you want a good android phone within the next few weeks I'd take a look at the Nexus S. My misses got a hold of one just before Christmas in the UK and I got to have a play around with it.
Now, my experience of Android phones is limited to the HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S and the Nexus S, none of which I've owned but all of which I've had 3+ hours playing around with/borrowing
I won't go into major for's and against for each one, you can find some reviews about each phone on the net ([url][/url] if you want skim over review, although I would look elsewhere too).
What I like about the Nexus S and why I'd choose it (if I had to choose an Android phone) are;
the build quality, it's a Samsung after all, I'd place it above the 2 I've mentioned above.
the OS, all the other android phones I've used I've found the manufacturer software getting in the way here and there (I know there are custom ROM's but lets keep things simple). Being the google "testbed" phone, it doesn't come with anything else loaded on, pure android the way it's meant to be, which is probably the best way. Android 2.3 is the best android I've used too. (I'm a WinMob7 user...still crossing my fingers for the updates)
Main downside, which I've heard is common to Android phones, is the battery life, my misses and I did a test on the train from London to Edinburgh, basically we messed around and played with our phones most of the journey, age wise my phone has a month on hers but my battery life held up a lot better. She is also having to charge almost every night, I can manage two days, generally we use our phones about the same.
I would be careful about some of the new CES phones, especially the dual CPU ones, unless you are planning on being a real "power-user" of your phone you won't need it, heck I doubt most will even 6-8 months down the line, like dual-core PC's, the software will take a while to catch up. The reason is the battery life, unless they come up with some magic these phones are gonna eat batteries for breakfast.
EDIT : Apparently the Nexus S is only on T-Mobile in the US, so there goes that suggestion.