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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What has annoyed you lately?
What has annoyed you lately?
2011-01-24, 5:38 PM #1
I don't mean people things ("She still hasn't returned my book!") or macro-level things ("The media only covers liberal subjects")! I mean everyday, little things (that may or may not be your fault) like how your wallet is too bulky to easily remove from your skinny pants or how you keep forgetting the keys as soon as you walk out the door or how when you walk in the rain the bottoms of your pant legs always gets soaked and it's uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
2011-01-24, 5:41 PM #2
It feels like I broke the knuckles on my right hand!

Those are my joints used for pleasuring my mates, I dont know what im gonna do
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2011-01-24, 5:43 PM #3
Every time I remove the tab from a bread bag, and take out a piece of bread, the tab goes missing instantly
I'm just a little boy.
2011-01-24, 5:46 PM #4
I have a minor splint in my right shin. It's fine for walking but it limits my ability to work out.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2011-01-24, 6:02 PM #5
its was -15 farenheit today...what the **** is that
2011-01-24, 6:11 PM #6
I hate that how every now and then, my bass tone seems to change by itself. I recently had an awesome tone, a little clanky, but with a good amount of low end, it sounded nice. Then the next day, it seemed like it decided to go to hell, for no reason at all. Spent 30 minutes tinkering to get something acceptable sounding, and succeeded... until that sounded like crap the next day >_<.

Also, I hate when I get these little riffs in my head, or play them and have nothing to record them with. Lost forever.
666, The Number of the Beast.
664, The Bloke Next Door.
Matt Bonner, The Lebron Killer
2011-01-24, 6:17 PM #7
My inability to carry a conversation these days. I know that few people just now that it's just a little annoyance. :P
2011-01-24, 6:24 PM #8
I saw a lawyer with a mauve bowtie today... don't ask me why but that really irked me.
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2011-01-24, 6:26 PM #9
My girlfriend always making such a mess in my bathroom. She says I'm being OCD and I tell her it's not abnormal to dislike hair and toothpaste all over my sink and mirror.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2011-01-24, 8:29 PM #10
There's one area in my Minecraft base on an SMP server I frequent that gets really laggy all the time and I can't figure out why. Everywhere else in the world is fine. It's to the point where I've considered abandoning all my hard work and moving my base.

Also, I live in a somewhat large house, and the thermostat is on a different floor, so my room gets large enough temperature variations that I'll be too hot with my blanket off, and then later too cold even with it on.
2011-01-24, 8:45 PM #11
ECHOMAN doesn't like me very much. :(
2011-01-24, 9:02 PM #12
Originally posted by kyle90:
There's one area in my Minecraft base on an SMP server I frequent that gets really laggy all the time and I can't figure out why. Everywhere else in the world is fine. It's to the point where I've considered abandoning all my hard work and moving my base.

Also, I live in a somewhat large house, and the thermostat is on a different floor, so my room gets large enough temperature variations that I'll be too hot with my blanket off, and then later too cold even with it on.

They added temperature and thermostats in the beta?
666, The Number of the Beast.
664, The Bloke Next Door.
Matt Bonner, The Lebron Killer
2011-01-24, 9:22 PM #13
My hands are bony and get cold fast ):
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-01-24, 9:22 PM #14
I just wish people would at least drive the speed limit.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2011-01-24, 9:47 PM #15
Needing to pee badly as the only reason for getting up in the morning
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2011-01-25, 1:03 AM #16
I got a cold and came on on the same day.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2011-01-25, 1:20 AM #17
2011-01-25, 1:33 AM #18
Originally posted by Tibby:

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2011-01-25, 1:35 AM #19
As for my annoyance... I've always got an unlimited supply of nose hairs that make my nose itch. I pluck, I use the nosehair trimmer thing... everything I can think of and it never goes away.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2011-01-25, 2:08 AM #20
i wish people would at most drive the speed limit.
And I really hate this temp I've had to work with lately.
Cyclops was right
2011-01-25, 2:35 AM #21
Originally posted by Tibby:

I'm worried that you didn't understand...
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2011-01-25, 2:39 AM #22
I read in another thread that if you're in the shower and you switch back and forth between hot and cold water, you feel great afterwards. So I decided to try it this morning, but it was pretty much impossible because the shower has a thermostat! Whenever I turned the knob for cold, the water went lukewarm for like a second and then right back to how it was.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2011-01-25, 2:51 AM #23
Also, I think coming on, when talking about menstruation, is usually just used in Britain (and maybe somewhere silly like St. Helen or Australia), so it's not really surprising that it would confuse someone from North America.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2011-01-25, 4:35 AM #24
Coming on and menstruation sounds like a messy combination...
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2011-01-25, 5:19 AM #25
Originally posted by Krokodile:
Also, I think coming on, when talking about menstruation, is usually just used in Britain (and maybe somewhere silly like St. Helen or Australia), so it's not really surprising that it would confuse someone from North America.

yes, it means something totally different here.
2011-01-25, 5:28 AM #26
You know when you're driving and trying to turn right at a red light... There's a car in front of you, and he's also turning right. No cars coming from the left.. He inches up... and stops. He inches up again... and stops. This continues for the duration of the red light, with no other cars in sight. Ugh, so annoying..

Also, not using turn signals... Lazy bums, it takes a very SLIGHT motion of your wrist to flick on your turn signal when you change lanes.

And as was said before, not driving the speed limit... I'm zipping along on the freeway (granted doing about 5 over), and I notice I'm closing fast on some dude... No room to change lanes, so I hit the brakes. And slow to a meager 50 mph (speed limit's 65). Srsly. what the hell?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2011-01-25, 6:04 AM #27
I'm with Sarn and the whole speed limit thing...

The main road between my village and local towns has some "suggested" speed limits for corners (instead of 60mph), set at 40mph, they are just suggestions and you can totally ignore them (which you should)...problem is people see 40mph on a sign and then start doing 40mph ALL the time...and being a country road places to pass are few and far between.

This isn't evening touching on the speed some people were driving in the snow...doing 10mph on a straight with the road in ok conditions (just slush between tyre tracks) and then complaining when trying to go up a hill with a bit of ice/snow, starting at the 10 mph and not making it because they are in first gear, rev's too high and no momentum....gggrrr
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2011-01-25, 7:04 AM #28
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-01-25, 7:06 AM #29
I can't think of anything this morning, oddly enough.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2011-01-25, 7:53 AM #30
Originally posted by maevie:
I got a cold and came on on the same day.

I read this quickly at first and missed one of the "on"s. So different.

I tend to have two culinary modes that cycle through the month to varying degrees. The first is wanting to frigging eat everything I see [currently], the other is being repulsed by everything I see, which is why this was such a failure.

Last night I cooked a pinwheel steak, and it smelled and looked so appalling I had a slight panic attack and had to throw it out.

My food is troublesome.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2011-01-25, 8:27 AM #31
People who put too much water in a filtered water pitcher...
2011-01-25, 8:31 AM #32
Getting dumped, that was a tad annoying.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2011-01-25, 8:31 AM #33
ugh, yes! When the filter just sits in the water.
2011-01-25, 8:45 AM #34
Originally posted by Jon`C:
ugh, yes! When the filter just sits in the water.

Wait. I thought that was the point. :/ I fail at water.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2011-01-25, 8:55 AM #35
Originally posted by Dormouse:
Wait. I thought that was the point. :/ I fail at water.

The issue is when someone puts more water in than the lower part of the pitcher can hold, so then there's a bunch of water in the top that just sits there, unfiltered. Then you go to pour water out of it, and you get a mixture of filtered and unfiltered water.

Here's my scientific illustration...
Attachment: 24630/water.png (4,614 bytes)
2011-01-25, 9:00 AM #36
Oh. That makes sense. I interpreted it as the filter wasn't supposed to sit in the water, like it just was to filter as you poured it out.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2011-01-25, 9:02 AM #37
Yeah, and probably worse than unfiltered water mixing in, you also get chunks of carbon that come from the top too.
2011-01-25, 9:05 AM #38
Originally posted by Detty:
I'm worried that you didn't understand...

Originally posted by Krokodile:
Also, I think coming on, when talking about menstruation, is usually just used in Britain (and maybe somewhere silly like St. Helen or Australia), so it's not really surprising that it would confuse someone from North America.

If Krok is right I've never heard of the phrase being used in that context before. :colbert:
2011-01-25, 9:28 AM #39
I was in the diamond lane on my way to work today, behind a single person in a pickup truck going 50MPH. Traffic in the regular lanes was doing 80MPH. Fortunately, being on a motorbike I was able to skirt around, but it still made me mad.

My wife was having dreams last night. Apparently, they were about swimming because she kept thrashing about, riding a bicycle because she kept kicking around, gymnastics because she kept rolling around, and boxing because she punched me in the face. This morning, I am le tired.
2011-01-25, 9:30 AM #40
Originally posted by Dormouse:
I read this quickly at first and missed one of the "on"s. So different.

Haha!! That would certainly have taken the edge off having a cold!

I did think after that some non-Europeans might not have heard the phrase, but it seems pretty obvious to me anyway. Baco, I'm pretty astonished you've not heard it
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!

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